Anyone else experience Weight Gain with long COVID?

Posted by RMS @rinadbq, Oct 8, 2021

I have had ~30 pound weight gain since November 2020 when I initially had COVID. It seems disproportionate to my calorie intake. Any one else with this?

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Thanks so much. How is the nattokinase supplement working for you? Did you mention experiencing this same unexplained weight gain/inflammation due fluid retention and exercise intolerance as well?

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I didn't specifically state anything about exercise intolerance. However, my version manifested as extreme fatigue and soreness. This was coupled with a large degree of breathlessness. I also felt I was just becoming bloated. The sum total of these feelings did not want encourage me to want to exercise at all.

This is bad because I am an actual trainer.

A lot of my theories have come from having gone to med school. Been an acupuncturist (for 16 years) and a trainer(the last 8).

The nattokinase and Serrapeptase combo has seem to really have given me a lift. I feel much much lighter. Bowel movements have normalized and my overall flexibility has increased. The fat is still taking time to get cut down but I actually feel like my body can now actually metabolize this fat. Before it didn't seem like anything I did would make a dent. I know something has shifted because my pants and jacket fit differently.

The other thing I would recommend to anyone interested is adding supplemental GLYCINE. It is considered a non-essential amino acid (since our body makes 2-3 grams) but it is essential for gut and wound healing. Why adding extra glycine will be helpful is that it will add raw amino acid (building blocks) to help facilitate healing. I believe with the added stress and inflammation of the microclots and overburdened immune system, your natural glycine stores are obliterated to almost nothing. The first day I took one pill (1000mg) I slept like a baby for the first time in a long time. This is how I knew clinically that my body needed it.

I hope this is helpful.
The worst that you will suffer (as long as you aren't allergic to the enzymes) is losing 20-30 dollars in supplement costs. There are really no side effects with this protocol.

Good luck and God bless.


PS: Make sure you exercise on this protocol. Gets the circulation and lymph moving.


Yes, I also gained 30 pounds. I can’t seem to lose it. I have cut back on my calories and even tried weight watchers for three months. Nothing has seem to help so far.


If you read the medical literature (research papers etc). Long Covid symptoms, which weight gain can be a symptom in some, is theorized to be based on this phenomena of micro clotting. Most people think weight gain is purely a function of caloric consumption. When in fact issues like metabolic syndrome, inflammatory issues, can cause a disproportionate weight gain.
Friend, if you had the excess burden from a constellation of micro clots peppered throughout your body (hypothetically). How efficient would your body's function be? Not to mention something as simple as the burden on your respiratory system. It's a insult to your circulatory system first but an additional, rather large wound that would need to be addressed. People often don't lose weight when their systems are highly inflamed.
Google long covid and amyloid fibrin clots.

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Very true. The issue for me is testing to ascertain microclots are the issue. Have you been successful with that?


I didn't specifically state anything about exercise intolerance. However, my version manifested as extreme fatigue and soreness. This was coupled with a large degree of breathlessness. I also felt I was just becoming bloated. The sum total of these feelings did not want encourage me to want to exercise at all.

This is bad because I am an actual trainer.

A lot of my theories have come from having gone to med school. Been an acupuncturist (for 16 years) and a trainer(the last 8).

The nattokinase and Serrapeptase combo has seem to really have given me a lift. I feel much much lighter. Bowel movements have normalized and my overall flexibility has increased. The fat is still taking time to get cut down but I actually feel like my body can now actually metabolize this fat. Before it didn't seem like anything I did would make a dent. I know something has shifted because my pants and jacket fit differently.

The other thing I would recommend to anyone interested is adding supplemental GLYCINE. It is considered a non-essential amino acid (since our body makes 2-3 grams) but it is essential for gut and wound healing. Why adding extra glycine will be helpful is that it will add raw amino acid (building blocks) to help facilitate healing. I believe with the added stress and inflammation of the microclots and overburdened immune system, your natural glycine stores are obliterated to almost nothing. The first day I took one pill (1000mg) I slept like a baby for the first time in a long time. This is how I knew clinically that my body needed it.

I hope this is helpful.
The worst that you will suffer (as long as you aren't allergic to the enzymes) is losing 20-30 dollars in supplement costs. There are really no side effects with this protocol.

Good luck and God bless.


PS: Make sure you exercise on this protocol. Gets the circulation and lymph moving.

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Interesting. Can you elaborate on the nattokinase and Serrapeptase you are using; what are they, how did you learn about them, medical studies showing results for which LH Covid symptoms??, etc. Thanks much.

P.S. Good that you can exercise, but exercise is a no-no for the majority of COVID Long Haulers due to the proclivity to experience PEM, especially at the beginning of the recovery journey.


Feeling your pain! Experiencing the same symptoms and such a heavy progression. Can you keep me updated on your progress with hormone therapy? I tried HRT last year but experienced more weight gain so stopped after 2 or 3 months. Been considering trying again since my T levels are at a 5 (was at a 3 two years ago).

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Yes! Absolutely! Crossing my fingers that there will be results. It's only been a little over a week, but I'm optimistic. The scale has only gone down 3 pounds so far, but I'll take it! And sleep...sleep is SO much better. Hope all continue. Note: My PCP was hesitant to put me on hormones because Covid wreaked havoc with every organ in my body. I had thrombosis in my lungs and heart damage. I have hormones compounded with no fillers, no dyes to keep them as "natural" and kind to my body as possible. (Fingers crossed!)


Very true. The issue for me is testing to ascertain microclots are the issue. Have you been successful with that?

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I just read the medical literatures and determined by the stated symptoms that this could apply to me. (I've literally tried everything up to this point anyways)
So I never efforted to get that test. I also don't have great insurance (practically none) so it would be it somewhat fruitless process.

I figured with the cost of materials (the supplements) it would be a very low investment. I'm also a person used to supplementation from having been a trainer and formerly acupuncturist.


Interesting. Can you elaborate on the nattokinase and Serrapeptase you are using; what are they, how did you learn about them, medical studies showing results for which LH Covid symptoms??, etc. Thanks much.

P.S. Good that you can exercise, but exercise is a no-no for the majority of COVID Long Haulers due to the proclivity to experience PEM, especially at the beginning of the recovery journey.

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Well friend. The onus may be on you to do some more reading on the medical literature and the supplements.
Read my original post. Simply put, they are commonly used protein enzymes. I buy mine from Amazon (doctor's best). The medical studies are about microclots being the cause of LHC. If you google long covid and microclots you'll get a dump truck full of articles.
Don't focus on a single symptoms. The bizarre aspect of LHC is the presentation of a varied and constellation of symptoms. There must be an underlying issue that affects the body fundamentally, not just one system.

I still believe at least walking and stretching is essential to the protocol i mentioned. It seems antithetical to how one feels but I slugged through 2-3 years of daily simple workouts (weight lifting primarily and slow cardio). It was hard and painful at times but helped resolve the majority of the minor systems. The enzymes work better when you have good circulation

Good luck


I just read the medical literatures and determined by the stated symptoms that this could apply to me. (I've literally tried everything up to this point anyways)
So I never efforted to get that test. I also don't have great insurance (practically none) so it would be it somewhat fruitless process.

I figured with the cost of materials (the supplements) it would be a very low investment. I'm also a person used to supplementation from having been a trainer and formerly acupuncturist.

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Yes. Different things and methodologies work for different people. Everyone has to find what works best for them individually. I support your reading of medical literature. I'm a rabid reader of medical abstracts , but they're quite technical and complicated and not for everybody. Tests can be helpful in formulating a personal recovery plan, but understand if you don't have insurance to cover them. Often, they come back "normal", but that's fairly common with Long Haulers. I am a fond believer in the (right supplements for me) and assess nutrition and supplements from a whole body, holistic approach since adding one can negatively impact another. Good for you finding supplements as a low cost "treatment" for you.


Yes. Different things and methodologies work for different people. Everyone has to find what works best for them individually. I support your reading of medical literature. I'm a rabid reader of medical abstracts , but they're quite technical and complicated and not for everybody. Tests can be helpful in formulating a personal recovery plan, but understand if you don't have insurance to cover them. Often, they come back "normal", but that's fairly common with Long Haulers. I am a fond believer in the (right supplements for me) and assess nutrition and supplements from a whole body, holistic approach since adding one can negatively impact another. Good for you finding supplements as a low cost "treatment" for you.

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Enzyme Digests Amyloid-Beta Associated with Alzheimer’s Disease
by Weill Cornell Medicine (google this, website won't let me share link in discussion).

Here's an article you may find interesting.
I found it just asking myself hypotheticals about another supplement called Olive leaf extract (oleupeurin, sp?) The active ingredient is what is lauded in olive oil. What's interesting is that the scientist's supposition is the buildup of the precursor to amyloid peptides get produced in the organs over time and then develop into the devastating plaques that for Alzheimers.
Why this should be interesting for long covid sufferers is the belief that most people were "fine" to "healthy" prior to contracting covid and Long haul covid. But interestingly, the original post i was replying to was of a triathlete. I have to say that in my practice the stressors of Tri athletes and their bodies is extraordinary. Most are superb competitors but their bodies are aged beyond their years. A colleague of mine, a doctor, said the mitochondria of endurance atheletes can be 10 years beyond their chronological age.

What the take home is from this is the want/pursuit/priority of healthier living. including exercise (or moderation for some) and other factors (drinking smoking). The average person's general health is overestimated as good.

Like the above research article intimates. These negative precursors start way before the tragic singular event.


Has anyone had success getting Covid weight gain back off?? I’m sure it’s due to inflammation & perhaps spike protein issues. What’s the solution? It’s not ‘business as usual’…at least not for me. Low calorie & exercise does not budge the scale!

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