Weaning off zolpidem (Ambien)

Posted by lusia @lusia, Dec 9, 2017

taking 5mg ambian for 20 years can melatonin help to ween me off

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The only sleep med that truly works is a benzo....but doctors don't like to prescribe it. They say it's addictive but so is every other sleep med, including Zolpidem (Ambien) which is extremely addictive buy doctors are fine prescribing that. Sleep is extremely important for a person's overall health....I say whatever it takes to get your sleep is fine as long as there is no abuse with the medication.

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I agree w you cindisue . There is no really non addictive sleep med ..it’s why I don’t want to use the trazodone that may have helped last nite. Supposedly it’s non habit forming yet I google it and read that it too needs weaning off — c’mon ! But as you say - if you find something that helps and don’t abuse it Go for it ..
I do trust my doc tho. He’s very conservative and careful- so I’ll see .. maybe the traz will go in the trash one day too - thanks for yr reply


I agree w you cindisue . There is no really non addictive sleep med ..it’s why I don’t want to use the trazodone that may have helped last nite. Supposedly it’s non habit forming yet I google it and read that it too needs weaning off — c’mon ! But as you say - if you find something that helps and don’t abuse it Go for it ..
I do trust my doc tho. He’s very conservative and careful- so I’ll see .. maybe the traz will go in the trash one day too - thanks for yr reply

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You should reconsider taking a sleep med....because sleep is sooo important for our overall health! Seriously....who cares if you have to take a sleep med every night....as long as it's helping you get the sleep you so desperately need!!


You should reconsider taking a sleep med....because sleep is sooo important for our overall health! Seriously....who cares if you have to take a sleep med every night....as long as it's helping you get the sleep you so desperately need!!

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Thanx. I’ll reconsider. But not ambien. I’ll look for another one … my best friend is sticking w hers ! But it’s not lasting thru the nite now.., ..
she and I discussed the female population needing sleep meds more than males . Were we “ made” to care and worry and nurture ? Are we unable to dismiss life’s woes at bedtime ??? My husband can sleep as soon as he hits the pillow ! I wonder - but my brother cannot sleep - lots of emotional issues …..hmmm
Anyway I do know I’ll be taking something for the rest of my life ….just gotta find it


Thanx. I’ll reconsider. But not ambien. I’ll look for another one … my best friend is sticking w hers ! But it’s not lasting thru the nite now.., ..
she and I discussed the female population needing sleep meds more than males . Were we “ made” to care and worry and nurture ? Are we unable to dismiss life’s woes at bedtime ??? My husband can sleep as soon as he hits the pillow ! I wonder - but my brother cannot sleep - lots of emotional issues …..hmmm
Anyway I do know I’ll be taking something for the rest of my life ….just gotta find it

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Some people just have sleep issues...happens to lots of people who don't have emotional issues...it's an age thing too.....but if your doctor will give you lorazepam or flurazepam....those are the ones that work! Ambien is terrible! But Trazodone does work for some people....good luck!


When I weaned off of Ativan, I did a much slower weaning than the doctor recommended. Took six months but I’m finally off it. In its place, a sleep therapist prescribed a low dose of mirtazapine which has been working for me.

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I have been taking Ativan for 20 or more years mostly only .5
However I got a new doctor because mine left and this new doctor will not prescribe me any more Ativan which worked for me
I have started mirtipizine against my wishes
I don’t want to gain weight or hair loss as it is a side effect..
I am curious as to how you make out on it and why you switched from Ativan to mirtipizine?
Hope you do well…


degarden_girl, I too thought I was stuck on Ambien....but talked to my doctor about wanting off it because it would only give me 3-4 hours of sleep and then bad anxiety during day...... my doctor gave me a medication that would take care of both my issues, sleep and anxiety.....plus the new med would substitute for the Ambien so I could quit the Ambien immediately....no tapering..... my new medication is Lorazepam, which is a benzo which some people think is very bad. Quite the opposite for me. Takes care of both my sleep issues and my anxiety issues and I usually (95% of time) only take 1mg at night. Lifesaver for me!!

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what is the dose (mg) of lorazepam works for you?


what is the dose (mg) of lorazepam works for you?

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I take 1mg at bedtime...and then sometimes another .5mg towards morning if I wake up and can't get back to sleep.


We all want to get some sleep and we each have to find what works for ourselves … it’s so individual … I’m finding it’s a “ trial and error” situation … and I hate the process! And after every try I want to go back to taking my trusty zolpedim ( which doesn’t work that well) and stay in my comfort zone .you go nowhere if you stay in yr comfort zone ! Then comes a glimmer of hope w another method So I go for it …. Last nite I slept thru the nite for the first time in a month … I took 50 mg of trazodone w my half zolpedim- 2 1/2 mg- but I was already exhausted from spreading mulch all morning w a neighbor - so who knows ???!!! I almost fear going to bed I never know - so far I’m half optimistic - I quit smoking in1974 - it took at least 100 tries ! Oy ! Good luck to all of us !

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As I said previously, each of us is different in how we respond to medication. For someone to say “the only sleep med that truly works is a benzo” is not a fact. It may work for that person but not for you and me. You need to analyze your sleep behaviors…can you fall asleep and not stay asleep? Lie awake for hours then fall asleep for a few? Finding a reputable sleep medicine doctor and/or therapist to help analyze your issues and develop a plan with or without meds that works for you is invaluable. I tried cognitive behavior therapy but that didn’t work for me. Many people swear by it and I did develop better sleep hygiene habits; I did however need meds to finally tame the insomnia monster!


I take 1mg at bedtime...and then sometimes another .5mg towards morning if I wake up and can't get back to sleep.

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Thank you.


I agree w you cindisue . There is no really non addictive sleep med ..it’s why I don’t want to use the trazodone that may have helped last nite. Supposedly it’s non habit forming yet I google it and read that it too needs weaning off — c’mon ! But as you say - if you find something that helps and don’t abuse it Go for it ..
I do trust my doc tho. He’s very conservative and careful- so I’ll see .. maybe the traz will go in the trash one day too - thanks for yr reply

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Trazodone does need to be weaned off, but most people have no trouble tapering. When I stopped taking it I decreased my dose by 25mg every two weeks and did just fine. My sleeping problems returned and now I'm back to taking 75mg at night with 2.5mg melatonin. I usually fall asleep quickly but wake up after about 4-5 hrs and struggle to get back to sleep. I believe my issues stem from my fibromyalgia.

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