Weaning off zolpidem (Ambien)

Posted by lusia @lusia, Dec 9, 2017

taking 5mg ambian for 20 years can melatonin help to ween me off

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No longer engaging with you. Your tone is not supportive or respectful. Very judgemental

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kawanhee... I'm sorry...didn't mean to sound judgemental or disrespectful. I was just trying to get my point across to you.... you don't seem to want to listen to the facts I've told you...


I've been taking Ambien since 1995. I cannot sleep without it. I absolutely do not care what anyone says about it, unless they come up with an alternative. Robbinr

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Good for you for not caring what people say about your use of Ambien/zolpidem. Sleep is SUPER IMPORTANT!!


I’m currently trying to do that also. My Drs will NOT write me any more prescriptions for Ambien...after I had been on it for 8 years...so I’m trying the Melatonin. So far, not working very well at all. I would do anything for 8 hours of sleep at night!

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blazytracy..... you need to tell your doctors that you need something for sleep besides melatonin. If they refuse, I'd find another doctor.


I too have taken ambien for maybe 20 years now but generally not the full dose of 10 mgs. I have weaned myself down to about 2 mgs per night as more than that triggers Periodic Involuntary Limb Movement (PILM) which won't allow sleep even with the ambien. However, I cannot get below the 2 mgs. I am able to get to sleep on most nights without ambien but wake up 2, 3 or 4 hours later and am wide awake and unable to get back to sleep. I would love to no longer need ambien to sleep. I would be willing to just tough it out if I knew that after a week or so I could sleep through the night but I cannot find any medical literature indicating that to be the expectation. I fear I am stuck with Ambien for the rest of my life.

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degarden_girl, I too thought I was stuck on Ambien....but talked to my doctor about wanting off it because it would only give me 3-4 hours of sleep and then bad anxiety during day...... my doctor gave me a medication that would take care of both my issues, sleep and anxiety.....plus the new med would substitute for the Ambien so I could quit the Ambien immediately....no tapering..... my new medication is Lorazepam, which is a benzo which some people think is very bad. Quite the opposite for me. Takes care of both my sleep issues and my anxiety issues and I usually (95% of time) only take 1mg at night. Lifesaver for me!!


I know this is an old post, but just noticed it and I am in the same boat with you since 1995. Saw a top sleep specialist in NYC over 20 yrs ago and he convinced me that a lack of sleep is far worse for the body and mind than having ambien in your system. With a lifetime chronic anxiety disorder to deal with, not getting sleep exacerbates that condition and weakens the immune system, nervous system, heart, lungs and makes one more susceptible to virtually every degenerative and infectious disease.

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amanokumar, very well said! And exactly 100% right!! Sleep is sooo important and that is what matters most. Like you and the specialist said, getting good sleep is key to being healthy! Thank you for your post!!


I’m new on this thread. Weaning off 5 mg of zolpedim - have been on it for many years - -it’s not working well anymore - decided to quit - taking half nightly- it’s been almost a month - it’s been aweful - no sleep - melatonin doesn’t work -
My doc knows and is supportive - prescribed tranzodene - very dry mouth - so I quit it. Is there any way to make this withdrawal easier ? It’s my second try at quitting - I’m 78. Very active - biking golf fishing * etc I’m getting forgetful (age?) and I’m un balanced due to total ankle replacement - my doc says I can fall - he favors discontinuance but would prescribe if that’s what I wanted
Suggestions ????


I’m new on this thread. Weaning off 5 mg of zolpedim - have been on it for many years - -it’s not working well anymore - decided to quit - taking half nightly- it’s been almost a month - it’s been aweful - no sleep - melatonin doesn’t work -
My doc knows and is supportive - prescribed tranzodene - very dry mouth - so I quit it. Is there any way to make this withdrawal easier ? It’s my second try at quitting - I’m 78. Very active - biking golf fishing * etc I’m getting forgetful (age?) and I’m un balanced due to total ankle replacement - my doc says I can fall - he favors discontinuance but would prescribe if that’s what I wanted
Suggestions ????

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When I weaned off of Ativan, I did a much slower weaning than the doctor recommended. Took six months but I’m finally off it. In its place, a sleep therapist prescribed a low dose of mirtazapine which has been working for me.


kawanhee... I'm sorry...didn't mean to sound judgemental or disrespectful. I was just trying to get my point across to you.... you don't seem to want to listen to the facts I've told you...

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Thank you. But, again, saying I “don’t want to listen” is a slight. I think we have different definitions of “facts.” Let’s just agree that our approaches and views are different and leave it at that.
It seems we are both sleeping now and that’s what matters! Best wishes to you


We all want to get some sleep and we each have to find what works for ourselves … it’s so individual … I’m finding it’s a “ trial and error” situation … and I hate the process! And after every try I want to go back to taking my trusty zolpedim ( which doesn’t work that well) and stay in my comfort zone .you go nowhere if you stay in yr comfort zone ! Then comes a glimmer of hope w another method So I go for it …. Last nite I slept thru the nite for the first time in a month … I took 50 mg of trazodone w my half zolpedim- 2 1/2 mg- but I was already exhausted from spreading mulch all morning w a neighbor - so who knows ???!!! I almost fear going to bed I never know - so far I’m half optimistic - I quit smoking in1974 - it took at least 100 tries ! Oy ! Good luck to all of us !


We all want to get some sleep and we each have to find what works for ourselves … it’s so individual … I’m finding it’s a “ trial and error” situation … and I hate the process! And after every try I want to go back to taking my trusty zolpedim ( which doesn’t work that well) and stay in my comfort zone .you go nowhere if you stay in yr comfort zone ! Then comes a glimmer of hope w another method So I go for it …. Last nite I slept thru the nite for the first time in a month … I took 50 mg of trazodone w my half zolpedim- 2 1/2 mg- but I was already exhausted from spreading mulch all morning w a neighbor - so who knows ???!!! I almost fear going to bed I never know - so far I’m half optimistic - I quit smoking in1974 - it took at least 100 tries ! Oy ! Good luck to all of us !

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The only sleep med that truly works is a benzo....but doctors don't like to prescribe it. They say it's addictive but so is every other sleep med, including Zolpidem (Ambien) which is extremely addictive buy doctors are fine prescribing that. Sleep is extremely important for a person's overall health....I say whatever it takes to get your sleep is fine as long as there is no abuse with the medication.

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