Weaning off zolpidem (Ambien)

Posted by lusia @lusia, Dec 9, 2017

taking 5mg ambian for 20 years can melatonin help to ween me off

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Please don't misunderstand what I am about to say. The less drugs we all take, the more our bodies would function as they were meant to, but some people don't have bodies that function in a normal method when unmedicated. My mother never wants to take anything that she could become "addicted" to. An addiction typically drives the need for more of something because you are getting something other than simply the medicinal benefits from the substance. My mother if 76 years old and if she needs 10 mg of ambien for the rest of her life, she will have a much better quality of life for what I hope are at least 20 more years than if she were passing that time groggy and half asleep because she did not take her ambien. Unless God decides to rewire my brain one night, I imagine I will be on a cocktail of 3-4 meds for anxiety and depression for how ever long I am still on this earth. without them, my quality of life would be far worse than current and I can't imagine a friend who would still be within shouting distance if I were unmedicated. Am I addicted top them? My answer would be no because I get no sense of euphoria from them and don't want to know if I would if I took a couple of extra one day. Am I dependent on them? Absolutely. I will turm over the soapbox to someone else at this point, but that is my take on meds that help us live better lives.

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You are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! it's all about QUALITY OF LIFE!! And if a medication makes our quality of life better without hurting us.....Why the heck would we not want it?? Getting good sleep is very good for a person's overall health.....and without taking a sleep medication, our poor sleep would affect our health negatively.


People are well meaning but can be inadvertently cruel with their comments. Ideally our bodies should be able to function without any drugs BUT we know that the vast majority of people need medication to help them be truly themselves -- the best that they can be. Would anyone say to a person who needs insulin that he or she is addicted to it and must stop? Would they say that to a person who is taking heart medication? Of course not. Being able to get the necessary sleep helps us to function better and to be "our best". We are fortunate if we are helped by medication; there are many who are not. I just moved from New York City where I know so many people who take ambien or other sleep aids and have done so for decades. Their internists, psychiatrists, and neurologists are the ones prescribing it for them. I take alprazolam and without it, I would be spending many sleepless nights. So what if one has to take medication to help with brain chemistry, emotional stability, sleep assistance or any other physical, mental, or emotional reason. Be grateful that these drugs work for you. Please don't let other people's words put you on a journey that may cause torment. Whether you are on these drugs or not, please always check with a trusted specialist as to what course is in your best interest. Terry

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terryb1, Well Said!!! I COMPLETELY AGREE!


You have asked me this many times on other posts

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Was it hard for you to quit the low dose of lorazepam you were on?


long term use of lorazepam is not recommended for long term use.

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I found the post....you are now taking Mirtazapine. I started Mirtazapine about 5 weeks ago....after 2 weeks I had to cut pills in half because of severe muscle cramps in my legs....making it hard to walk. After 2 weeks of taking half a pill, I had to stop them completely. Still had alot of leg pain. So that med is not for me. Believe me, I've tried many insomnia meds....and lorazepam and Flurazepam are the only ones that work. I will take lorazepam because it works! And quality of sleep means quality of life!


I get the 1mg Lorazepam. Easy to break in half. I also take generic benadryl or Unisom with it, but you may not need to. Good luck! .

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Seems like such a small dose. I take 12.5 mg of Ambien!
Thrilled it works for you but I wonder if such a small dose would work for me.


Isn't that partly what this discussion/forum is for??? To discuss our experiences with certain medications?? Everyone is an adult and can make their own decisions. Plus they need to discuss with their doctor before getting any medication. Yada, Yada, Yada.....I know lots of people are against benzos...but the fact is THEY WORK!! And I'm on a very low dose.....I will defend this medication forever....because it's the only one that truly works, and with NO SIDE EFFECTS! Can't say that about lots of other meds! And other meds have serious side effects....not lorazepam. You are just repeating what you've heard and what the doctors say....I'm trying to get the message out there that a low dose of a benzo is not the evil bad medication that it's made out to be!

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I appreciate your comments and hearing what works for you. We are all adults and know when to stop a medication if it doesn’t agree with us AND we know how to have conversations with our doctors to get the appropriate medication!


Seems like such a small dose. I take 12.5 mg of Ambien!
Thrilled it works for you but I wonder if such a small dose would work for me.

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The dose is what the doctors start you out at....all medications are different...1mg of Lorazepam may be equal strength to 12.5mg of Ambien


I am not just “repeating what I’ve heard or what the doctors say.” I have first hand experience with a dose lower than yours. It stopped working for me and I refused to increase the dose.
Good for you that you’ve found something that works for you.
But I will reiterate that there are safer meds out there.
Happy Holidays!

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There are safer drugs but are the effective? I’ve tried so many different ones and zolpedim is the only one that helps.


The dose is what the doctors start you out at....all medications are different...1mg of Lorazepam may be equal strength to 12.5mg of Ambien

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That would be great. Going to ask my doctor about Lorazepam. I am so happy there is something else out there besides Ambien.


There are safer drugs but are the effective? I’ve tried so many different ones and zolpedim is the only one that helps.

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What else have you tried. I am currently on Ambien or the generic Zolpidem.

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