Wanted: Organ Transplant Recipients Who Have Been Hit By a Car

Posted by Rosemary, Volunteer Mentor @rosemarya, Feb 26, 2018

"Are there any transplant recipients of any organ who have been hit by a car? How did you recover? What helped you to recover from the multiple injuries?
I am posting this discussion question on behalf of one of our members,
@glinda who has recently been hit by a car and asked me to do it for her. Due to multiple injuries, she may not be able to respond right now and can read your messages.
Your support and encouragement will be appreciated as she recovers.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Transplants Support Group.


@glinda Sure hope you get those stitches out tomorrow! Itching is a worrisome thing. My thyroid medication makes me itch until around this time in the afternoon. I have started having several side effects from it. I have to take it and waiting for a call from endo doctor.
My day lilies are popping through as well as the yarrow and irises. The Red Wing Blackbirds have returned.
This is a photo of my favorite wrangle horse Top Cat whilst I was working in WY-in the 70's. Some wonderful memories from those years.
Take care and keep that positive attitude!!!

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Nice like it looks pretty, here I look outside and see some snow and some grass as we have been in the fortys here nostvof the week but starting later tonight we are going to be hit with rain and snow mix turining to all dsno by 4:00am not counting the mixture of rain and and snow we are supposed to get 2 to 4 inches of snow here March is going out like a lion this year winter doesn't want to give up


I will add an article on here:
And since this article I am doing some public speaking and swimming a few miles a week, pursing my American Physical Therapy Association Aquatic Specialist Certificate since I will be returning to the pool as the supervising PT in September. Also started a book with my first donor’s mom as well as one on my faith and my perspective as a patient and practitioners. It’s a lot but I finally have unlimitless energy to do all this and take care of my family and plan for another baby! God is so good!

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Awesome..waiting for that energy and inspiration..


Hello @glinda

Wanted to stop by for a visit and say hello. How are you doing? Is your PT progressing and is everyone (including you) happy with your progress?

How are you filling up your days when PT is over.

I look forward to hearing from you.


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I had horrible puritis before my most recent transplant. Also used the triamacolone cream as well as a Lidex ointment. They also had me use UV light t help with it as well. Didn’t cure it, but made it timetable until the new liver was available.


I was not hit by a car but was driving while I’m a state of severe hepatic encephalopathy and waiting on my second liver transplant. I will attach the grizzly details of the accident if requested. I should not have survived but I did. When you look at the picture, I was in the gray Honda Pilot. I hit a parked Sherrif’s car going 55 mph because I lost consciousness at the wheel. I narrowly missed hitting a rookie officer on his first day on the force. Everyone survived. I had the worst injuries and was life delighted to University of Kansas Medical Center’s trauma ICU. Also just received my second transplant at Mayo Rochester on December 28, 2017.

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Hey stranger! How’s your favorite guy doing?


@glinda Sure hope you get those stitches out tomorrow! Itching is a worrisome thing. My thyroid medication makes me itch until around this time in the afternoon. I have started having several side effects from it. I have to take it and waiting for a call from endo doctor.
My day lilies are popping through as well as the yarrow and irises. The Red Wing Blackbirds have returned.
This is a photo of my favorite wrangle horse Top Cat whilst I was working in WY-in the 70's. Some wonderful memories from those years.
Take care and keep that positive attitude!!!

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@glinda it sounds exactly like here, and I have commented that this year March came in like a lamb and had been leaving like a lion. This past week no more snow, finally.


@glinda Sure hope you get those stitches out tomorrow! Itching is a worrisome thing. My thyroid medication makes me itch until around this time in the afternoon. I have started having several side effects from it. I have to take it and waiting for a call from endo doctor.
My day lilies are popping through as well as the yarrow and irises. The Red Wing Blackbirds have returned.
This is a photo of my favorite wrangle horse Top Cat whilst I was working in WY-in the 70's. Some wonderful memories from those years.
Take care and keep that positive attitude!!!

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@rosemarya the building where breakfast was a newer, separate building. I actually wonder if it even had heat! The woman would leave the yogurt out all week. We wouldn't eat it after the first day but I guess it must have been cool enough to still be good. Other than being so cold at breakfast, the place was fairly nice. Part of it was really ancient, a tower so they could watch for intruding enemies. It had little holds around it where they would let the pigeons out to bring messages to somewhere!


@glinda How are you doing now? I was hit by a car in 1976 and remember it well. I hope your Physical Therapy is getting you back in shape. Hugs.


@glinda How are you doing now? I was hit by a car in 1976 and remember it well. I hope your Physical Therapy is getting you back in shape. Hugs.

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@bexhall, I want to say, "Welcome" to Mayo Connect. I am happy that you have joined us and I look forward to hearing more about your transplant experience, if you are comfortable to share any of it. As an online community we are open 24/7 for our members to share, support, ask questions, learn from each other. In addition to our discussion groups, there is also the PAGES section where the Mayo staff shares a blog of up-to-date information as well a living donor toolkit, and resources. If you haven't checked it out, I offer it as a suggestion.
I am a liver/kidney recipient. I transplanted in 2009. I think that I read that you received your lifesaving organ 3+ years ago. May I ask what organ you received? How are you doing?


Hello @glinda

I just wanted to drop in and say hello! I was wondering, as was Rosemary, how you are doing with your move to a new rehab facility. I hope that your PT is continuing to go well for you.

I am sure that you are being kept very busy right now. We would all love to hear from you when you have some time.



Hi @glinda I have been wondering the same thing. Hoping to hear something.

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