Waking up in Terror/Panic attack

Posted by lisalynn @lisalynn, Oct 16, 2022

Hello everyone! I am new to this and this is my first post. I am overwhelmed with how many people said they have Panic attacks upon wakening. I call them my "Night Terrors". I am at wits end. Every single morning I wake up terrorized by some unknown source, because I never remember my dreams/nightmares. I wake up so scared I sometimes cannot get out of bed to get my Klonipin, which I need badly. I hate waking up. I have Panic until my Klonipin kicks in. Then, after the Panic has passed I have a great morning. That's another topic all together. I am being taken off Klonipin after 15 years of taking it, daily. šŸ™ HARD! That's for another discussion. I am wondering if anyone experiences such FEAR getting up and don't ever remember dreams and nightmares forever, like 10 years for me. I can handle my Panic attacks otherwise, but these morning ones are killing me. I hate them. I am petrified when I wake up and scared for awhile. Does anything help? I need help. Every doctor, psychiatrist and therapists keep dismissing it. ??? Thanks, Take Care, sincerely, Lisa

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This happens to me too. I hate going to bed because I hate waking up. I feel depressed, so afraid, so alone, panicked like my life is in immediate danger. I feel so much fear I roll up in a fetal position holding on to a blanket under the covers and don't want to come out. It's been going on so long that now most days I just don't get up. I don't feel comfortable or safe unless I'm in my bed under the covers, that doesn't make things any easier. Even dozing off I wake up in so much fear and anxiety. I have narcolepsy so keeping myself from dozing is a fight. I will moan and scream just to try not to fall asleep. I'm so tired, so sleepy, have so much anxiety and no physical or mental energy at all. Just speaking is extremely draining and stressful, hearing someone else speaking is too. That makes getting counseling extremely stressful. Worrying about being able to make it there, having to talk and hear someone talk getting home. By the time I've driven there which everything is 30 miles away driving in 110 plus degrees for months, sit in a waiting room I'm so tired all I can think about is getting home. So it ends up not being very productive way to go for me. I've never even got as far as explaining the waking panic.


Youā€™re not alone. I have severe panic disorder among ptsd, depression, ocd blah blah. I too hate waking up because the adrenaline shoots up immediately. I took take the highest dose of Klonipin for panic disorder. However itā€™s really not enough because my anxiety lasts all day. My panic is from fear of dying from a current illness I have. I too get paralyzed with fear. My heart races the moment I realize my reality. I know how horrible this can be. Iā€™m glad your panic subsides eventually. I donā€™t have that experience. Iā€™m currently unable to work and am alone most of the time. I donā€™t have family or friends other than my husband who is getting tired of my mental issues. If youā€™re religious or believe in a higher power, pray! Quote Psalm 23. I donā€™t think they should stop your Klonipin but Iā€™m not doc. Oh and I can remember my dreams that are horrific without ambien. I see figures coming in my room to attack me and hear screaming. If youā€™re healthy enough to take medical marijuana then it is better than Klonipin. I canā€™t take this because of health reasons. Unlike popular belief marijuana isnā€™t always safe. Therapy helps too. Iā€™m sending prayers your way.


@bonniethompson1234 yes, I had to concentrate on the belly breathing for a few months, before it became natural to breathe that way. Now I do it without thinking - except on the (now rare) occasions when I feel a panic attack coming on. Then I start walking up and down as I concentrate on the belly breathing and telling myself that I have got through this before and can do so again.

There is also these techniques, but I think with this you really need someone with you to walk you through the ā€œ5, 4, 3, 2, 1 exercise. I know I couldnā€™t think clearly to remember the 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1 formula when on my own. Some people perhaps could, though. Here is the link for the techniques:


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I donā€™t know how in the world you were supposed to do 54321 when you are concentrating on just being able to breathe because you are freaking out so badly thatā€™s what happens to me any type of antihistamine anti-anxiety medication does not work for me and makes me stay awake all night long


@dvh the whole idea is to take your mind off your panic panic situation. Itā€™s a distraction strategy. Give it a try the next time you are in anxiety or panic mode. If you have someone with you walking you through this it is a lot easier of course, but like everything else, it takes practice.

Did you watch some of the videos on belly breathing? Here is the link again, in case you would like to try this.

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