Waking up in Terror/Panic attack

Posted by lisalynn @lisalynn, Oct 16, 2022

Hello everyone! I am new to this and this is my first post. I am overwhelmed with how many people said they have Panic attacks upon wakening. I call them my "Night Terrors". I am at wits end. Every single morning I wake up terrorized by some unknown source, because I never remember my dreams/nightmares. I wake up so scared I sometimes cannot get out of bed to get my Klonipin, which I need badly. I hate waking up. I have Panic until my Klonipin kicks in. Then, after the Panic has passed I have a great morning. That's another topic all together. I am being taken off Klonipin after 15 years of taking it, daily. šŸ™ HARD! That's for another discussion. I am wondering if anyone experiences such FEAR getting up and don't ever remember dreams and nightmares forever, like 10 years for me. I can handle my Panic attacks otherwise, but these morning ones are killing me. I hate them. I am petrified when I wake up and scared for awhile. Does anything help? I need help. Every doctor, psychiatrist and therapists keep dismissing it. ??? Thanks, Take Care, sincerely, Lisa

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There could be a physiological response here. Our bodies tend to start producing cortisol & other catecholemines in the early AM hours in order to prepare us for waking. I have had some pretty bad morning anxiety at times, but not consistently. I would think that even a dream could increase these stress hormones, but so could other things likeā€¦low blood sugar, low oxygen, sleep apnea, & elevated carbon dioxide, peri menopause, thyroid conditions. The body sees these things as a stressor. I would get these things checked out. Nextā€¦I would keep your medication at bedside w/a bottle of water. Wish you the best.

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Youā€™re absolutely correct. With Lyme disease itā€™s a ā€œevil geniusā€ as dubbed in many medical papers, and I have adrenal and thyroid checked constantly. One could go on and on regarding Rx use and diseases related to the use of a controlled substance. However itā€™s the quality of life for the user and physician protocol that has to be observed and used.


Hi- Iā€™m sorry youā€™re going through this, I am too. I have a long history of depression and anxiety, but the terror attacks are new. I wake blot upright at all hours. I was trying my klonopin for it, sometimes worked. My Dr just started me on prazosin about a month ago, it seems to help.
Hope you feel better, Iā€™m thinking once I leave my toxic job I will cut way down on these.

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The best part of dealing with could be chronic illness and/or pain is the relationship with your doctor. Iā€™m very open and if I feel that something is amiss, I allow outside help and recommendations. I mentioned to someone beforeā€¦.itā€™s the quality of life thatā€™s all important.
I had a judgement made upon me that I was an addict for using Klonopin. This is the not a forum for judgement calls. Iā€™ve been in a support group for decades and itā€™s always saidā€¦. Restraint of pen and tongue.


The best part of dealing with could be chronic illness and/or pain is the relationship with your doctor. Iā€™m very open and if I feel that something is amiss, I allow outside help and recommendations. I mentioned to someone beforeā€¦.itā€™s the quality of life thatā€™s all important.
I had a judgement made upon me that I was an addict for using Klonopin. This is the not a forum for judgement calls. Iā€™ve been in a support group for decades and itā€™s always saidā€¦. Restraint of pen and tongue.

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I agree, no place for judgement. This is a lot to deal with, and greatly impacts your life. My provider has been great, so thatā€™s helpful.


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Every morning I wake up with fear and depression. I've been on meds since 2009. For some reason this started happening to me as well. I want to lay there and never get out of bed. Being bipolar is the worst. I've lost friend's and gained some. I feel for you. I always say I would rather be anyone but me.


I have the exact feelings every morning with a terror, anxiety ridden attack of some kind. If I wake up in very early morning hrs it does not happen. I have 30 plus yrs of acute Lyme disease, multiple accumulated stress in our lives and my cortisol levels are being checked for peaks and fios that may cause this.


Every morning I wake up with fear and depression. I've been on meds since 2009. For some reason this started happening to me as well. I want to lay there and never get out of bed. Being bipolar is the worst. I've lost friend's and gained some. I feel for you. I always say I would rather be anyone but me.

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Every morning for two and a hlf years. Starts around 5 am with adrenaline - like rushes and then progresses to the feeling of dread...I wake up every day afraid of my life...
Have decided I need to resort to meds, but which one? New provider has suggested Effexor, but I'm afraid. Any suggestions?


I did this for years and it would make me incapacitated for anywhere from an hour to eight hours. It happened upon waking but also in the middle of a family occasion or a movie, or while watching TV. I was finally prescribed Xanax which helped within a half hour. It was therapy and finding the root cause that finally helped me conquer this problem. And once I realized what it was, the fear that caused the panic left me. I have Xanax on hand but havenā€™t had need for it in quite some time. For me it was psychological but Iā€™m sure itā€™s not that for everyone.

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@bonniethompson1234 strange how meds work in different bodies ā€¦ Xanax actually caused panic attacks in me!


@bonniethompson1234 strange how meds work in different bodies ā€¦ Xanax actually caused panic attacks in me!

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Wow! Iā€™m glad they worked for me. In the past I had the attacks about three times a week.


My attacks were frequent and also in the morning but other times as well. I was going to therapy for another reason and certain things were discussed bringing PTSD into the picture. There were things from childhood and my marriage. Once they were given credence, my attacks stopped without my even realizing it at first. Theyā€™ve started up again recently and these could potentially be resulting from dreams. I hope you get resolved quickly.

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