Tremors in fingers?

Posted by bobstokes11 @bobstokes11, May 31 6:09am

Does anyone get shaking or essential tremors in their fingers?
It just started a few weeks ago in right hand.
Cause for concern?

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What does your physician have to say?


What does your physician have to say?

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Have not gone to Primary Care Doc yet.
Scheduled for mid June.


I have some sort of tremor in one of my fingers. I showed it to my neurologist and he wasn’t concerned. All my tests results were normal. I found something like it posted by a lady on YT. I’ve never figured it out. I have post covid syndrome and wonder if that caused it, but IDK.

Always best to have your doctor evaluate something new.


bobstokes1, Are you on an antidepressant by chance? They are notorious for causing tremors in the hands and head after being on them a long time.

Praying for you. God Bless You.


Have not gone to Primary Care Doc yet.
Scheduled for mid June.

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I have had essential tremor for over 20 years, but I could live with it easily until about 3 years ago (at 70). Suddenly it cam on like gangbusters - fingers, hands arms, even my legs got into the act occasionally. For me it is an inherited thing - but I saw a neurologist to rule out other causes.
Now I take a medication that helps lessen it, but it is still a trial a lot of days.
Thankfully, it is not as sign of something worse, but my typing, handwriting, sewing and painting all have a "new look" on bad days.


bobstokes1, Are you on an antidepressant by chance? They are notorious for causing tremors in the hands and head after being on them a long time.

Praying for you. God Bless You.

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Fortunately, I am not.


I have an intermittent tremor in my left hand. I’d thought I was it was likely essential/familial tremor since my mom had tremor for years and I wasn’t concerned.

I had a syncope episode (3rd over 10 year period) a few weeks ago and was referred for a cardiology work up. Cardiologist didn’t think the syncope was cardiac (despite a few bursts of SVT on Zio patch). She noticed my tremor, said it’s an intentional tremor (occurs when I use arm), was concerned and referred me to a neurologist. His first appointment is August. Since her concern, the tremor is harder to ignore. 😀

Good luck to you. I’m glad you’re seeing your doc soon, since it takes so long to get an appointment if you need a referral.


I have essential tremor in my hands, left hand is worse than right. I don't dare carry a glass or cup of liquid in my L, ok in the R. Normally I use a tray if I'm carrying two or more itens. Writing a check - I'm R handed - is very hard. I'm working with a hand physical therapist who has devised a heavy pen for me to use. How to make a pen heavy? She taped a large heavy bolt to it, the bolt being about 3 inches long and maybe 3/8 inch dia. It makes it much easier to control my hand movements. Now I need to get myself to the hardware store to get a bolt. The therapist has also given me exercises to increase the strength of muscles in my hands that control much of the movement.


i get shaking and lack of coordination in my hands at times. in my case, it has been diagnosed as “parkinsonism features”. i have an appt w a neurologist/movement disorder specialist for first available —in november


Fortunately, I am not.

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What antidepressants are notorious for causing hand tremors? Thank you.

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