Thyroid? Or something else? Constant internal shakiness

Posted by amtxo1989 @amtxo1989, Feb 26, 2018

Going on 2months now everyday non stop. Sometimes mild and im able to ignore it but over the hours of day it becomes more severe and causing my heart rate to go up and my blood pressure to go very high (170/99) its episodic. Ive been to hospital for it 3 times for it and received no treatment as my vitals slowly return to normal. Xanex helps me feel calm but does not help the shakiness just helps me not get upset about it. Am only 28 years old and hypothyroid. I have never had symptoms like this in my entire life just started out of nowhere. Iam in good sTate of mind and aware of what's happening when the episodes happen. So far my doctors are clueless.

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I’m sorry , I just got so used to it being called SNF


Hey , yeah I totally feel you . I do have hasimotos and at the time my #s are
“ fine “ my dr says we need to get as close to 0 as possible. Since 2017ish have been suffering with chest pain, nerve pain, vibration throughout my body, and gastrointestinal issues and thyroid nodules, emphysema and osteopenia that I feel ALLl tie together with Small fiber neuropathy and hasimotos. My opinion…

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Also, look at fibromyalgia. For gastro issues, I follow advice from GERD triggers on webmd. Nerve pain can be from fluid buildup between muscles/tendons. Massage helps, as does daily movement. I do edema massage (toes to torso; fingers to torso) as well as a range of stretches I learned at PT. Epsom salt bath, ice/heat, lidocaine patches help.


Also, look at fibromyalgia. For gastro issues, I follow advice from GERD triggers on webmd. Nerve pain can be from fluid buildup between muscles/tendons. Massage helps, as does daily movement. I do edema massage (toes to torso; fingers to torso) as well as a range of stretches I learned at PT. Epsom salt bath, ice/heat, lidocaine patches help.

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Thank you for reminding us to move. It is the last thing on my mind when I hurt, but I know I need it.
Movement keeps fluid from building up where it doesn't belong and helps maintain/improve strength, flexibility and heart/lung health.


Also, look at fibromyalgia. For gastro issues, I follow advice from GERD triggers on webmd. Nerve pain can be from fluid buildup between muscles/tendons. Massage helps, as does daily movement. I do edema massage (toes to torso; fingers to torso) as well as a range of stretches I learned at PT. Epsom salt bath, ice/heat, lidocaine patches help.

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Thanks so much, I will totally look in to this.


Hi amtxo, I have experienced the internal tremors as well. It is in the back of my head, spine and hips. I have hashimotoe's (autoimmune thyroid disease) but not hypothyroid as of yet that I know of. I also experience neuropathy and weird imbalance issues like I am walking on sand or bouncing up and down really fast even though I am walking on normal ground and not bouncing! It's worse after using elevators and wearing heeled shoes. I have no diagnosis yet but I wanted to let you know that internal tremors I looked up may be harmless. I to do not know what causes it but I will keep you updated as I am undergoing test and treatments.

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What was your outcome? Having similar issues! Thanks


Hi amtxo, I have experienced the internal tremors as well. It is in the back of my head, spine and hips. I have hashimotoe's (autoimmune thyroid disease) but not hypothyroid as of yet that I know of. I also experience neuropathy and weird imbalance issues like I am walking on sand or bouncing up and down really fast even though I am walking on normal ground and not bouncing! It's worse after using elevators and wearing heeled shoes. I have no diagnosis yet but I wanted to let you know that internal tremors I looked up may be harmless. I to do not know what causes it but I will keep you updated as I am undergoing test and treatments.

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Did you find out what was causing the tremors? Thanks!


Did you find out what was causing the tremors? Thanks!

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Hello @shelleyp, Welcome to Connect. I'm not sure @joyg is still following Connect. @elisa1313, @jewles63, and @david1972 may have some suggestions for you also with updates to what was causing their internal tremors/vibrations.

Have you been diagnosed with a thyroid or other condition?


Hello @shelleyp, Welcome to Connect. I'm not sure @joyg is still following Connect. @elisa1313, @jewles63, and @david1972 may have some suggestions for you also with updates to what was causing their internal tremors/vibrations.

Have you been diagnosed with a thyroid or other condition?

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Hi, yes I was diagnosed with hasimotos in 2017


What was your outcome? Having similar issues! Thanks

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I am having very similar symptoms as well, and wondered the same. Diagnosis? Outcome? It has been just the most awful thing I have ever been through- happened when I went off birth control pills, and I already had a thyroid disorder- Hashimotos- and had a partial thyroidectomy years ago. I am very worried this will never go away, or I will need to have my whole thyroid removed.


Hi, yes I was diagnosed with hasimotos in 2017

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Are you on thyroid medication? I have Hashimotos as well, and have wondered if my 1/4 of my thyroid gland that is left was somehow triggered to make too much hormone, and this is being caused by too much thyroid hormone (but not Grave's disease. I am currently trying to see if taking enough hormone to suppress my own thyroid so that TSH is super-low will work, fingers crossed. But I have received literally 0 feedback or help from doctors.

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