Thoracic aortic aneurysm: Anyone had surgery?

Posted by jbsb93 @jbsb93, Jul 28, 2011

I was born with a hole in my heart and have had 2 surgeries. One to fix hole and the other a valve replacement. I've been recently told the I have a thoracic aneurysm and possibly will need more surgery.. Anyone gone th ru this before??

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My sister, age 70, is unresponsive after having ascending aortic surgery on Sunday because she suffered a dissection of her artery. Today is Friday. We both had/have the same condition. What would you recommend? I'm a very active 73 year old female. Also, is this conditon more common in women? Any advice or comments would be most welcome!

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Hi, I was just wondering, do you have an update on your sister?

I had an ascending aortic dissection as well as a decending dissection. All the way from my heart through to my left illiac. While I was at work.
My common carotid on the left is dissected.
I was in a. Medically induced come for 4 weeks, on a vent. The only real problems I had were that I had hallucinations for a couple of days and I had a swallowing problem which I had to have thickened drinks and pureed food.

I did not even go to rehab. Well not in patient anyway.

5 months later I had my chest cracked again.
I had to have aortic root repair and CABG.

I went on a cruise to Bermuda in between!!!

I would do the planned surgery again. In fact, someday I'll have to get my Type B Dissection fixed. I hope I get to have that planned!

God Bless


I had AA surgery for an aortic dissection in 2015. I was 50. I was in a medically induced coma for a couple of weeks. My best advice is to gently hold your sister's hand and tell her you love her. If she is in a coma she is still aware of what's going on around her to a degree but your calming presence will bring her a lot of comfort. Having been in a coma myself I can attest that it's scary and confusing because you're aware that your SOMEwhere, but you just don't know where. Sit with her. Hold her hand. Gently wash her forehead. Talk calmly to her.

(Feel free to send me a private message on this system if you want to connect.)


My sister, age 70, is unresponsive after having ascending aortic surgery on Sunday because she suffered a dissection of her artery. Today is Friday. We both had/have the same condition. What would you recommend? I'm a very active 73 year old female. Also, is this conditon more common in women? Any advice or comments would be most welcome!


I had my surgery in Franklin, TN. A city just south of Nashville. I knew I had an AAA due to an MRI I had for something else. I was told I had to wait until it was 5.0 in size. We followed it and when it was in the 4.0 range, I told my doctor I want it repaired now. He agreed and I scheduled with a vascular surgeon. My surgery was at Williamson Medical Center. I think it was outpatient surgery. It's better to be safe than sorry. Good luck to you!


I have had a AAA repair. It was a walk in the park! I couldn't have it repaired fast enough. Having it inside me and not repaired definitely made me feel I had a time bomb inside.

Good luck! ❤

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I’m so happy for you. Mine is currently 5.0 and I’m getting extremely nervous. Where did you have your surgery?


I am 54 yrs old. Diagnosed with thoracic aneurysm. In 8 mos it grew from 4.3 to 4.8. I am scared to death. Anyone out there had the surgery. I dont know which is worse, the bomb in my chest or the stroke i might have diring surgery!

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I have had a AAA repair. It was a walk in the park! I couldn't have it repaired fast enough. Having it inside me and not repaired definitely made me feel I had a time bomb inside.

Good luck! ❤


What size is your aneurysm and where is it? You need to know how he made this decision so you can decide if it is the RIGHT decision.
Certainly weight loss and a healthy life style will help keep you safe but trusting a specific cardiac surgeon may be okay - or it may not be.

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5.4 ascending aortic aneurism involves the arch. I would agree 2nd opinion not out of bounds.
"to me quality of life superceeds quantity".


I was treated with a stent inserted through my groin. The aneurysm was 6cm and I was 78. I have it checked annually.


What size is your aneurysm and where is it? You need to know how he made this decision so you can decide if it is the RIGHT decision.
Certainly weight loss and a healthy life style will help keep you safe but trusting a specific cardiac surgeon may be okay - or it may not be.

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I was sent to a hospital ER for an unrelated issue. While in the exam room he comes in and says “we are transferring you to a trauma hospital”. I asked him why and he said I had a celiac (aortic) aneurism and “you are being transferred to the trauma hospital for emergency surgery” for my known aneurism. ( Yearly checkups). He said my aneurism had a tear in it. By reading my doctors notes in the hospital portal I think I had a 3cm aneurism. In that aneurism there was a dissection but I don’t know what size it was.

They found it through a CT scan. The trauma hospital acknowledged my torn aneurism and they were going to admit me but the “team” felt i was stable enough to be discharged because it wasn't bleeding.
My instructions were to go and see my cardiovascular surgeon ASAP.

I made an “emergency” appointment the following day. A radiologist did a sonogram of my lower left quadrant abdomen. I then was escorted to an exam room. Did you know that he showed signs of being annoyed? He made light of my issue (even laughing at one point) and said that “I didn’t see anything!” and “see you next year!” As he’s racing out the door I asked him if it could burst. He said “it could, but we have ways to deal with that”

What is he talking about? Isn’t a burst aneurism an emergency that could be fatal if i don’t get to the hospital in time?
Suppose I collapsed while jogging? Most people think it must be having a heart attack and my torn aneurism would not be addressed. Therefore, I could die.

On top of that, i’m on a blood thinner because I had a mechanical aortic valve installed through open heart surgery back in 2015. (Now they can do it a lot less evasive). Now i am thinking.
My blood INR values go up (thin blood, or down, thick blood) so my blood being thin might leak through my tear. Or too thick, good for a stroke. What now?


I was interested in the 7.0 limit they gave you for the Ascending Aorta If that is now the standard it gives me a bit more leeway. At a similar age to you I would prefer not to have to worry about it.

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The standard now is 5.0 cm for ascending aortic aneurysms. This is based on a consensus opinion from the September 2022 aortic disease group. The 7.0 limit sounds way high.
Many surgeons and cardiologists are NOT up to date. Be careful who you listen to. I would suggest a Mayo Rochester surgeon or cardiologist or the Cleveland Clinic gives telehealth opinions also - two creditable sources.
Many people think these affiliated groups are the "same" as the big centers. They are not.

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