I have questions: Can you work out while on Prednisone? Options?

Posted by claude67 @claude67, Feb 23, 2023

I have not been diagnosed with PMR, yet but all systems point to this. I've had 2 blood draws over the last month and with sit with Dr. Feb 28th, to see if we can find answers.
Questions- Can you work out while on Prednisone, I used to do Cardio + weights, not sure how to continue? I've been walking, moving in pool etc but would like to continue fitness ( lower level I assume).
Has anyone tried a Naturopathic Medical Dr. as an option and how did it work for you?
To replace Prednisone or other meds, what about Medical Marijuana or CBD?
Thanks, Claude

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.

Great questions @claude67. When I was on prednisone with my PMR active, I actually felt better doing a little exercise but not a really full blown workout. Every time I over did it, I paid with extra pain the next day. My exercise was probably not as strenuous as I think you are doing with weights. I just rode a recumbent elliptical bike for cardio and a little arm/leg exercise. I'm sure there are other members that can share their experience on the questions.

You mentioned you don't know if you have PMR but you have an appointment on Feb 28 to talk with your doctor. I thought I would share an article that you might find helpful since there are many conditions that mimic PMR and the article has a list of questions that you might want to use when you are talking with your doctor.
--- Diseases that mimic polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR): https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/diseases-that-mimic-polymyalgia-rheumatica.


I have found that gentle stretching and using light weights make me feel somewhat better.


I have found that exercise is helpful for me both mentally and physically. I have increased the amount of stretching I do and try to slowly work through any stiffness. I am doing fitness class 2 times per week (with weights, stretching and some cardio) as well as I play pickleball which is wonderful - fun and good exercise. Since my knees feel a bit off - I wear knee braces for support.
Good luck.


Great questions @claude67. When I was on prednisone with my PMR active, I actually felt better doing a little exercise but not a really full blown workout. Every time I over did it, I paid with extra pain the next day. My exercise was probably not as strenuous as I think you are doing with weights. I just rode a recumbent elliptical bike for cardio and a little arm/leg exercise. I'm sure there are other members that can share their experience on the questions.

You mentioned you don't know if you have PMR but you have an appointment on Feb 28 to talk with your doctor. I thought I would share an article that you might find helpful since there are many conditions that mimic PMR and the article has a list of questions that you might want to use when you are talking with your doctor.
--- Diseases that mimic polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR): https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/diseases-that-mimic-polymyalgia-rheumatica.

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thanks John, for the article. It was very helpful. Claude


Great questions @claude67. When I was on prednisone with my PMR active, I actually felt better doing a little exercise but not a really full blown workout. Every time I over did it, I paid with extra pain the next day. My exercise was probably not as strenuous as I think you are doing with weights. I just rode a recumbent elliptical bike for cardio and a little arm/leg exercise. I'm sure there are other members that can share their experience on the questions.

You mentioned you don't know if you have PMR but you have an appointment on Feb 28 to talk with your doctor. I thought I would share an article that you might find helpful since there are many conditions that mimic PMR and the article has a list of questions that you might want to use when you are talking with your doctor.
--- Diseases that mimic polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR): https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/diseases-that-mimic-polymyalgia-rheumatica.

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I attend an aquatic fitness class three times a week and rarely get sore muscles from it. I just started back doing cardio dance and my arms hurt more than usual after the first class, which I think was due to working muscles that I normally don't use much. Sometimes it's been hard differentiating between PMR arm pain and muscle soreness pain, but if it persists for more than a day or two, I figure it's my PMR. I'm currently taking 2 mg. prednisone.


Since controlling the pain with prednisone I am back lifting 15-lb dumbbells. While PMR doesn't damage the muscles, both inactivity and prednisone can cause them to atrophy. So let's keep at it. I started taking CBD for allergic contact dermatitis (it really helped); however, when I came down with PMR the CBD was not enough to quell the pain, although I believe it helped somewhat. Aleve took the edge off my shoulder/arm pain before I began prednisone.


For me, regular movement is necessary to minimize pain and stiffness, and I can feel the difference between PMR discomfort and regular muscle ache. My dogs need daily "walking" so that helps, and I hike occasionally. My daughter is a birder, so I go with her sometimes and it is a lovely slow walk with many stops. I do restoration work at a forest preserve one morning a week - clipping (hands), lopping (arms), sawing (hand and arms), gathering bundles and carrying them to to trail (arms, legs, balance). Sometimes I have to stop early, and occasionally I'm not up for it at all, but good all-round exercise. Even just getting up in the morning, moving around and doing light stretches makes a difference.


Yes, exercise as much as possible without over doing it… no one can tell you what that means for you… but you will get there. So you used to do 10# (or whatever) weights before PMR… maybe today you do 8, or 6, or 3 or none (body weight only)… your body will let you know. Tomorrow you will do a different number. Remember, strength training is important to reduce bone loss from osteoporosis/ osteopenia. Do what you can and don’t beat yourself up when you have a bad day/ days!


Life is different with PMR. Not overdoing exercising nor daily jobs really helps. Otherwise, you might have more pain and also get totally exhausted. Pace yourself. The best to you.


After being diagnosed with PMR on Feb 3, 2023 and getting on prednisone (now at 60 mg due to very severe inflammation ending in the emergency room), I have slowly worked my way up to a couple walks of a total of 2 miles day. Plus the 15 minutes of squats, bridges, and balancing exercise the physical therapist gave.

It works for me.

The exercise would have been nothing for me before PMR, but now I'm very careful about not burning all my energy reserves.

And as long as the pain isn't bad before I start, it doesn't increase it, and the sun and scenery are a great distraction. If the pain in the muscles being exercised is bad before I start, I take a pass.

I haven't returned to the relatively strenuous (kettlebell -based) weight lifting I used to do, or the jogging on hills cardio, beyond walking as I mentioned above, which includes several minor (50 yard) rises near home. It may yet happen, but I'm waiting to see if my inflammation markers and white blood cell count can get near normal before making any real attempts.

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