I have questions: Can you work out while on Prednisone? Options?

Posted by claude67 @claude67, Feb 23, 2023

I have not been diagnosed with PMR, yet but all systems point to this. I've had 2 blood draws over the last month and with sit with Dr. Feb 28th, to see if we can find answers.
Questions- Can you work out while on Prednisone, I used to do Cardio + weights, not sure how to continue? I've been walking, moving in pool etc but would like to continue fitness ( lower level I assume).
Has anyone tried a Naturopathic Medical Dr. as an option and how did it work for you?
To replace Prednisone or other meds, what about Medical Marijuana or CBD?
Thanks, Claude

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.


@pkalkstein thanks for that info on your split dose. I think it was first here on the Mayo site where i discovered PMR patients describing splitting the dose. I am now taking three X 10 mg ( early morn, about 3pm and then 8:30pm) Yesterday i was seen at Urgent care because i thought i had a lyme tick bite mark (yikes !) and my thigh was "swelling"up ? I made sure the PA knew i was taking 30mg total prednisone and she asked me point blank "how are you doing with sleeping ?" (because you are taking 10 mg in evening). I said "really , insomnia right now is not the worse problem i have ! " PS - i just have a sore hamstring- i refuse to have Lyme plus PMR !

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HA - I am replying to myself -- i will take this comment over to the "muscle tear thread" as well ) Turns out a physical medicine doctor covering for my knee doctor is worried about prednisone masking L5/S1 pinched nerve ?? PT will evaluate me for that vs tendonitis of the hamstring ? lateral to the hamstring? Unfortunately, you need to know A LOT of anatomy to keep up ! But NO Lyme disease -yay ! Thank you for everyone for encouraging movement and exercise and being specific about your day , but there seems NO DOUBT to take it down several notches ? sigh


I’m 76 years old. I’ve had PMR for almost a year. I’m down to one 5mg pill. My rheumatologist had me down to 1/2 pill, but I wasn’t ready for that. I try to get at least 7000 steps and 30 minutes of aerobics every day. I usually get more steps.


HA - I am replying to myself -- i will take this comment over to the "muscle tear thread" as well ) Turns out a physical medicine doctor covering for my knee doctor is worried about prednisone masking L5/S1 pinched nerve ?? PT will evaluate me for that vs tendonitis of the hamstring ? lateral to the hamstring? Unfortunately, you need to know A LOT of anatomy to keep up ! But NO Lyme disease -yay ! Thank you for everyone for encouraging movement and exercise and being specific about your day , but there seems NO DOUBT to take it down several notches ? sigh

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It’s a delicate balance with getting enough exercise and not causing inflammation to the muscles and joints. I was walking 5-6 miles about 4 times a week before PMR. My doctor advised me to scale WAY down. I do 2-3 miles and I don’t walk consecutive days. I have a recumbent bike and I ride that as well. I’m 78, was diagnosed in March of this year and am stepping down my dosage, I’m at 7.5 mg and hope to get to 5 mg in July. (I was taking 5 and had to step up slightly when the pain and stiffness returned.) I’m hoping to be on 2 or 3 mg by years’s end. I know PMR is in control but I can dream can’t I?☺️


After being diagnosed with PMR, I started with 40 mg. of prednisone daily and I’m now down to 1 mg. after a year. I run 23 miles weekly and have never changed that routine with PMR, which has certainly slowed me down quite a bit but the running is great mentally and I would imagine physically as well.


HA - I am replying to myself -- i will take this comment over to the "muscle tear thread" as well ) Turns out a physical medicine doctor covering for my knee doctor is worried about prednisone masking L5/S1 pinched nerve ?? PT will evaluate me for that vs tendonitis of the hamstring ? lateral to the hamstring? Unfortunately, you need to know A LOT of anatomy to keep up ! But NO Lyme disease -yay ! Thank you for everyone for encouraging movement and exercise and being specific about your day , but there seems NO DOUBT to take it down several notches ? sigh

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I am still at 15 mg after diagnosis 3months ago. I feel pretty good most of the time and do silver sneakers twice a week, golf 3 days and get 10k steps a day. When I was diagnosed I could hardly move. Hopefully reducing pred will allow me to stay mobile.


After being diagnosed with PMR, I started with 40 mg. of prednisone daily and I’m now down to 1 mg. after a year. I run 23 miles weekly and have never changed that routine with PMR, which has certainly slowed me down quite a bit but the running is great mentally and I would imagine physically as well.

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I was diagnosed with PMR
April 2022. Was in severe pain had to use a walker around the house. I’m now down to 1 mg daily this month. However, just a few weeks ago I developed carpal tunnel syndrome which is getting worse while I wait for an appointment with the Doctor who had done the surgery on my right hand years ago.
Very painful some nights even though I wear a brace. By mid afternoon, the pain had been gone but now it’s getting bad even in the daytime. Thinking of increasing the prednisone and not take more than three Tylenol a day while I wait for my rheumatologist doctor appointment.
Am a female turning 88 in a few months. Still play 18 holes twice a week which I would like to keep doing.
Wear a brace around my wrist when playing/ wonder if this is going to make it worse while I wait for the surgery..


Been on prednisone for 5 weeks went from 15 to 12.5 started my workout routine weights elliptical and stretching around 2 weeks ago. Although not up to what I was, it’s more of a mental boost.

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