I have questions: Can you work out while on Prednisone? Options?

Posted by claude67 @claude67, Feb 23, 2023

I have not been diagnosed with PMR, yet but all systems point to this. I've had 2 blood draws over the last month and with sit with Dr. Feb 28th, to see if we can find answers.
Questions- Can you work out while on Prednisone, I used to do Cardio + weights, not sure how to continue? I've been walking, moving in pool etc but would like to continue fitness ( lower level I assume).
Has anyone tried a Naturopathic Medical Dr. as an option and how did it work for you?
To replace Prednisone or other meds, what about Medical Marijuana or CBD?
Thanks, Claude

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.

@pkalkstein noted:“While PMR doesn't damage the muscles, both inactivity and prednisone can cause them to atrophy”. I am interested to see this preface to your comment because that is what I was trying to get my Rheumatologist to explain, or reassure me. I asked specifically are there any limitations on physical activities during my Prednisone dosing ( increasing from PCP’s 15mg to her 20 mg on May 22) . The orthopedist was very clear when I tweaked my knee form Zumba - NO twisting, NO jumping , NO stepping ! Because I found a pattern of prolonged morning stiffness of arms /shoulders if I had had my arms overhead 2 days prior, I took it upon myself to keep my arms quiet for the last 5 days.
I notice @avidhiker pointing out how and when her restoration work uses her arms ,shoulder , hands. AND Birding YES ! MY routine has been take walk to nearby pond , which really loosens up my hip- morning stiffness. I only have to raise the binoculars to my face - even with VERY stiff shoulders - I can do it and focus on something else entirely. Waking up so early with PMR is advantageous for seeing more birds ! HA !

@janiceem I also am doing Aqua PT this month (actually for my knee injury in Feb- it coincided with PMR Dx - that was how far out they were scheduling!) The therapist is very keen to know more about PMR and is really helpful and I go to aqua Zumba to do those exercises to some great music. Sadly, one day when my shoulders were SO stiff, I tried to float out of the way of someone and started to sink - I realized what a dire situation it was to have the PMR pain create such a self-limiting situation that I didn’t float properly.


Medical marijuana has been good for me - takes the pain down and I gain my movement back - lots of trail and error went into finding the right strain for daytime use and nighttime use /


@pkalkstein noted:“While PMR doesn't damage the muscles, both inactivity and prednisone can cause them to atrophy”. I am interested to see this preface to your comment because that is what I was trying to get my Rheumatologist to explain, or reassure me. I asked specifically are there any limitations on physical activities during my Prednisone dosing ( increasing from PCP’s 15mg to her 20 mg on May 22) . The orthopedist was very clear when I tweaked my knee form Zumba - NO twisting, NO jumping , NO stepping ! Because I found a pattern of prolonged morning stiffness of arms /shoulders if I had had my arms overhead 2 days prior, I took it upon myself to keep my arms quiet for the last 5 days.
I notice @avidhiker pointing out how and when her restoration work uses her arms ,shoulder , hands. AND Birding YES ! MY routine has been take walk to nearby pond , which really loosens up my hip- morning stiffness. I only have to raise the binoculars to my face - even with VERY stiff shoulders - I can do it and focus on something else entirely. Waking up so early with PMR is advantageous for seeing more birds ! HA !

@janiceem I also am doing Aqua PT this month (actually for my knee injury in Feb- it coincided with PMR Dx - that was how far out they were scheduling!) The therapist is very keen to know more about PMR and is really helpful and I go to aqua Zumba to do those exercises to some great music. Sadly, one day when my shoulders were SO stiff, I tried to float out of the way of someone and started to sink - I realized what a dire situation it was to have the PMR pain create such a self-limiting situation that I didn’t float properly.

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I returned the other day from Acadia National Park. For many years my wife and I have climbed one or more of the mountains in the park, but this year, thanks to PMR, I could manage only a couple of level trails. It is hard to come to grips with our diminished abilities. BUT it is important to stay active or else we lose all muscle tone and have trouble navigating the world. So gradually I got back to lifting my 15-lb dumbells and I am even splitting wood again, but slowly and not pushing too hard. PT can be really helpful.
Earlier I was very stiff and sore in the morning. However, splitting my dose and taking 5mg of prednisone at 1-2 AM gave me mornings free of pain.


I’ve found that having a heated mattress pad and a vibrating bed helps me with morning stiffness. Then I do DDPYoga which uses isometric exercises. I don’t lift weights as it strains my wrists.


I returned the other day from Acadia National Park. For many years my wife and I have climbed one or more of the mountains in the park, but this year, thanks to PMR, I could manage only a couple of level trails. It is hard to come to grips with our diminished abilities. BUT it is important to stay active or else we lose all muscle tone and have trouble navigating the world. So gradually I got back to lifting my 15-lb dumbells and I am even splitting wood again, but slowly and not pushing too hard. PT can be really helpful.
Earlier I was very stiff and sore in the morning. However, splitting my dose and taking 5mg of prednisone at 1-2 AM gave me mornings free of pain.

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@pkalkstein thanks for that info on your split dose. I think it was first here on the Mayo site where i discovered PMR patients describing splitting the dose. I am now taking three X 10 mg ( early morn, about 3pm and then 8:30pm) Yesterday i was seen at Urgent care because i thought i had a lyme tick bite mark (yikes !) and my thigh was "swelling"up ? I made sure the PA knew i was taking 30mg total prednisone and she asked me point blank "how are you doing with sleeping ?" (because you are taking 10 mg in evening). I said "really , insomnia right now is not the worse problem i have ! " PS - i just have a sore hamstring- i refuse to have Lyme plus PMR !


Before PMR I played golf twice a week, went to the gym (classes and individual) 4 times a week, and rode my bike to the beach for a swim. Pred has helped but I wake so stiff, that I can't do gym before 10.30am or golf before 11am. Afternoons I find I can still do everything. But you will have to see what suits you. PMR is different person to person and one shoe doesn't fit all (my new saying).


Yes, and you should in my layman opinion. I am doing weights and cardio regularly with PMR. Am on a gradual descending Prednisone course. You do not want this condition to lead to further atrophy which could accelerate the process of decline in other areas. Stay active!


After being diagnosed with PMR on Feb 3, 2023 and getting on prednisone (now at 60 mg due to very severe inflammation ending in the emergency room), I have slowly worked my way up to a couple walks of a total of 2 miles day. Plus the 15 minutes of squats, bridges, and balancing exercise the physical therapist gave.

It works for me.

The exercise would have been nothing for me before PMR, but now I'm very careful about not burning all my energy reserves.

And as long as the pain isn't bad before I start, it doesn't increase it, and the sun and scenery are a great distraction. If the pain in the muscles being exercised is bad before I start, I take a pass.

I haven't returned to the relatively strenuous (kettlebell -based) weight lifting I used to do, or the jogging on hills cardio, beyond walking as I mentioned above, which includes several minor (50 yard) rises near home. It may yet happen, but I'm waiting to see if my inflammation markers and white blood cell count can get near normal before making any real attempts.

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I was very active with weights & walking daily. Pilates 6 days a week. Then I began with terrible pain in my hip, to my shins. Well finally diagnosed needing a hip replacement. July is the time. I couldn't get an earlier appointment due to my Simponi Aria infusion schedule. I'm tapering down currently at 10.5 daily. I won't taper under 10mg prednisone until 2-3 weeks after surgery. I have been going to a PT & doing the exercises at home. I love to exercise & can't wait to get back to it! They tell me 2-3 weeks after surgery. I sure hope so.


After being diagnosed with PMR on Feb 3, 2023 and getting on prednisone (now at 60 mg due to very severe inflammation ending in the emergency room), I have slowly worked my way up to a couple walks of a total of 2 miles day. Plus the 15 minutes of squats, bridges, and balancing exercise the physical therapist gave.

It works for me.

The exercise would have been nothing for me before PMR, but now I'm very careful about not burning all my energy reserves.

And as long as the pain isn't bad before I start, it doesn't increase it, and the sun and scenery are a great distraction. If the pain in the muscles being exercised is bad before I start, I take a pass.

I haven't returned to the relatively strenuous (kettlebell -based) weight lifting I used to do, or the jogging on hills cardio, beyond walking as I mentioned above, which includes several minor (50 yard) rises near home. It may yet happen, but I'm waiting to see if my inflammation markers and white blood cell count can get near normal before making any real attempts.

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@redboat. good morning - you are a few months earlier in the process than I. re: sun and scenery are a great distraction---
I enjoy a walk to a conservation area here in Marblehead ,MA- about 1/2 mile - to look at birds - ha! birding as a sport is walk and then stand still and raise binoculars to your face - but as many of you might agree - raising binoculars to my face WAS A CHORE during my stage of sub-optimal Rx ( 15mg gave very poor relief for my shoulder girdle !! entire month of May!) Lately i have seen Baltimore Orioles ( the birds NOT baseball-players) defending their nest !! it is amazing ! And sadly a gaggle of goslings has reduced from six to only one. : (

@andos16 "Pred has helped but I wake so stiff, that I can't do gym before 10.30am or golf before 11am. " this prolonged morning stiffness is why i went on Medical Leave of Absence !! it was unpredictable when i could even work from home in May -- have you never experienced the 100% relief/miracle dose of Prednisone - I did by Rheum increasing my does to 30mg ! Good luck - be careful playing golf : )


@redboat. good morning - you are a few months earlier in the process than I. re: sun and scenery are a great distraction---
I enjoy a walk to a conservation area here in Marblehead ,MA- about 1/2 mile - to look at birds - ha! birding as a sport is walk and then stand still and raise binoculars to your face - but as many of you might agree - raising binoculars to my face WAS A CHORE during my stage of sub-optimal Rx ( 15mg gave very poor relief for my shoulder girdle !! entire month of May!) Lately i have seen Baltimore Orioles ( the birds NOT baseball-players) defending their nest !! it is amazing ! And sadly a gaggle of goslings has reduced from six to only one. : (

@andos16 "Pred has helped but I wake so stiff, that I can't do gym before 10.30am or golf before 11am. " this prolonged morning stiffness is why i went on Medical Leave of Absence !! it was unpredictable when i could even work from home in May -- have you never experienced the 100% relief/miracle dose of Prednisone - I did by Rheum increasing my does to 30mg ! Good luck - be careful playing golf : )

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I now take half my dose at 4am. Wake at 7am so much better

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