Anyone have input on living with symptoms from cardiomyopathy?

Posted by retirement75 @retirement75, Apr 14, 2022

Does anyone have input on living with symptoms from cardiomyopathy, I.e., shortness of breath, angina and heart arrhythmia. Other than meds, it’s a challenge to mentally accept and live with this.

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Hi there @sueq447, and welcome to Mayo Connect. Boy! It sure sounds like you have had quite a time with HCM. I like that you say to have positive thoughts, that is so important for your mental health as well as physically. You offer good advice. One day at a time. Don't allow stress. Etc. I hope you take a look around the Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy site. There is a lot of good information being shared by other members and you may find some interesting things you didn't know before. Learn as much as you can about HCM so you can be your own best advocate.
May I ask, do you know if you have Obstructive HCM?
Is your cardiologist specialized in treating HCM? Are they aware of Camzyos, the newly approved drug for treatment of HOCM?

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I have blockages in veins around heart, no doubt caused by calcium and cholesterol. I am being treated with blood thinners, beta blocker, statin and hypertension medicine. I take a diuretic 2 to 3 times weekly. I doubt camzyos is available in my country, but it has too many risks for me. Im reluctant to try it. My Doctor is a cardiologist and she is in partnership with the professor of cardiology in Johannesburg.


I have blockages in veins around heart, no doubt caused by calcium and cholesterol. I am being treated with blood thinners, beta blocker, statin and hypertension medicine. I take a diuretic 2 to 3 times weekly. I doubt camzyos is available in my country, but it has too many risks for me. Im reluctant to try it. My Doctor is a cardiologist and she is in partnership with the professor of cardiology in Johannesburg.

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Well, @sueq447, it sure sounds like you are in good hands then. I'm sorry you have so many things going on. It's like we need a pill for this, and then that happens, so we need another pill for that and on it goes. I don't blame you for being reluctant to try yet another drug. Camzyos is not for everyone, but for those who have seen remarkable results, it has changed their lives. There are some things we have control over, like what we eat, how active we are and our attitude. But HCM isn't one we can control with diet or exercise.
How do all these issues affect your ability to be active? Are you able to get out and enjoy nature in or around Johannesburg? What is the weather like there this time of year?


I am able to do weight and resistance band training. I can walk around shops etc. I find that I tire easily. Im keeping heart rate down and steady. I found that alcohol over 5% proof sets me into tachycardia. Its mid winter here now. Dry cold weather with mostly sunshine. Keeping myself busy and mind positive.


I am able to do weight and resistance band training. I can walk around shops etc. I find that I tire easily. Im keeping heart rate down and steady. I found that alcohol over 5% proof sets me into tachycardia. Its mid winter here now. Dry cold weather with mostly sunshine. Keeping myself busy and mind positive.

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That is so wonderful that you are keeping your mind positive and yourself busy! I can't think of a better approach 🙂
I noticed too, that alcohol, especially certain ones, would send me into tachycardia in no time at all. I thought it was all in my head, but I do believe there is a scientific correlation with HCM and alcohol. I have wine at night, and this doesn't seem to affect me negatively at all. In fact, I fear it would be the opposite! If I could not have my wine at night I would be cranky, grumpy and not at all happy.
I'm glad you found Mayo Connect. There is no place like it anywhere, and to be able to share, across the states, the Country and the World is a blessing! May I ask how you heard about Mayo Connect?


I was actually looking for someone to share my experience with, and get information and insights from other HCM sufferers. Glad i found this site


I was actually looking for someone to share my experience with, and get information and insights from other HCM sufferers. Glad i found this site

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I'm glad you found this site too! You can get lost reading all the information being shared on's good to know we are not alone, that others just like us are out there.


What a great site to share our concerns. I have blockage at 100% and another insignificant blockage. My cardiologist said if that insignificant blockage was 50%, I would need open heart surgery immediately. Turns out it was not. Surgeons determined the risk for me was too great and medical therapy was administered - 40 mg of Crestor. I’m concerned that a heart attack is lurking there must be other techniques out there for blockage, any thoughts? I wish you all the very best. Thanks


What a great site to share our concerns. I have blockage at 100% and another insignificant blockage. My cardiologist said if that insignificant blockage was 50%, I would need open heart surgery immediately. Turns out it was not. Surgeons determined the risk for me was too great and medical therapy was administered - 40 mg of Crestor. I’m concerned that a heart attack is lurking there must be other techniques out there for blockage, any thoughts? I wish you all the very best. Thanks

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Hi @marsims, isn't this site wonderful? It truly does provide a platform for others to share whatever journey they are on.
I can't imagine knowing you have a 100% blocked artery and being told you would need open heart surgery if the other artery was 50%. Then be told you are too high risk? Have you done any reading on some of the topics regarding CAD? This particular post is regarding Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, which is a heart disease due to a congenital issue. Regardless, there is information out there about being treated with statins, maybe try a search in the search area? Have you sought a second opinion regarding treatment with meds vs surgery? Has anyone discussed a Stent to the blocked artery?


What a great site to share our concerns. I have blockage at 100% and another insignificant blockage. My cardiologist said if that insignificant blockage was 50%, I would need open heart surgery immediately. Turns out it was not. Surgeons determined the risk for me was too great and medical therapy was administered - 40 mg of Crestor. I’m concerned that a heart attack is lurking there must be other techniques out there for blockage, any thoughts? I wish you all the very best. Thanks

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Hi @marsims, I found this link to something you may be interested in regarding second opinion and coronary blockages.
Take a look around and search in the Heart and Blood Health support group. There is a TON of information that may be helpful to you.


Hi @marsims, isn't this site wonderful? It truly does provide a platform for others to share whatever journey they are on.
I can't imagine knowing you have a 100% blocked artery and being told you would need open heart surgery if the other artery was 50%. Then be told you are too high risk? Have you done any reading on some of the topics regarding CAD? This particular post is regarding Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, which is a heart disease due to a congenital issue. Regardless, there is information out there about being treated with statins, maybe try a search in the search area? Have you sought a second opinion regarding treatment with meds vs surgery? Has anyone discussed a Stent to the blocked artery?

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Thanks so much for responding. It means so much when others hear our concerns. I have not sought a second opinion but plan to do so. The cardiologist said my veins are too small for stents and no guarantee it wold work. My medical therapy includes taking 40 mg of Crestor daily. Currently, they have scheduled me for additional vascular test; legs and carotid arteries. I’m not sure how long I’ve had the blockage. They think it ma be congenital. Again thanks for your information. I’m thankful I have faith in God.

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