Supporting my mom who is going to Mayo Clinic

Posted by tiffdavidson @tiffdavidson, Apr 12, 2021

My mom will be seen at Mayo at the end of May. She lives in Indiana and I live in California. She does not have a diagnosis and was told to expect to be there for 7-10 days. She is depressed and not herself and I am trying to decide if I should go. Her husband will be with her and he is great but I feel like I should be there as well. Do I go? Do I go after a few days when they know more? I would love to hear from someone that has gone to Mayo without a diagnosis and there suggestion. Everything I have read and heard about Mayo brings me hope that they will figure out what is going on.

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@gingerw I love what you said to be there as much as they will let me. I talked to my mom this morning and she said "well I don't think you need to come" " I would hate for you to waste your time and money". So I told her to decide what she wants and thats what I will do. But it was a little bit of a strained conversation. I know she is trying to figure it out as well and I think I overwhelmed her. I have had time to process and dig in and she hasn't done that yet.

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@tiffdavidson Ask your stepdad. He may have an idea that hasn't been shared by your mother, regarding you being there with her. You may not eed to come, but you want to come, which would mean a lot to her. Being overwhelmed is tough. When my dad had emergency heart surgery, I called my mother about coming up to help. She also responded, "you don't need to come. I don't want you here." But I flew up there anyway, rented a car from the airport, booked a room at a motel near the hospital, and was there the next morning when he awoke. He was pleased to see me. I like to think the stress of the situation was behind her words.


@tiffdavidson I can validate everything that is shared here about Mayo Clinic. We are in a rural area in Michigan (Upper Peninsula) and it takes a full day to drive to Mayo Clinic and another day to return home. When I meet medical providers for my appointments, it is never rushed, and I feel that I am the most important person in the room whose needs are paramount. My partner is a physician and says the same. So does our friend, also a physician and recently retired from UCSF, who was treated for cholangiocarcinoma and had a liver transplant at Mayo last year. I hope your mother will get the answers she needs to make her medical decisions. She will have her husband and you at her side. There is nothing better than being physically present for a loved one. I flew back and forth across the country when both of my parents were ill and it was often a decision filled with anxiety as my parents told me I didn't need to be there. I was always happy I could arrange to come.


Thank you to everyone for sharing your stories, thoughts, words of wisdom. It has meant so much to me and has really helped me think through the situation at hand. At first my mom was set on camping and having me not come. However after she sat and thought about it for a day our entire plans have changed. I am going to meet her there and we have rented a hotel room. I am thankful for that because not knowing how she will feel or what they will do, having a real bed and bathroom sounds like a good idea. We decided her husband will stay home for now as I am the organized go-getter. I could also tell that when I talked to my mom she was relieved to not have to worry about logistics or details because I would be there. I took care of our flights and hotel. I will take care of her in every sense, get food, go shopping (we have a small kitchen) and just overall let her focus on what the doctors are saying. I can then translate the info to our loved ones and help her navigate over all. We are lucky that both of us are very financially stable and we are able to go on this adventure but its not about the money, if COVID times have taught me anything, its never to take things for granted. I am also very fortunate that I have a loving and supporting husband who has said go! Your son and I will be fine, the house will be a mess, we will be living out of a laundry basket and have ramen noodles more than once but you need to go. My son also adores his grandmother above any one else and has also found comfort in knowing I will be there. I will continue to post to this chat and keep you updated on our adventures. Thank you for all your support this journey is just starting but its been so great to connect with people who really know and understand.


You are a true blessing! What a wonderful daughter and a testimony to the strength and upbringing by your mom.
You now have knowledge, a plan of action...and hope.
Best wishes to your mom and you! We’re all here if and when you need us.
We’ll be checking in with you, so be warned. Lol. Lori.


Thank you to everyone for sharing your stories, thoughts, words of wisdom. It has meant so much to me and has really helped me think through the situation at hand. At first my mom was set on camping and having me not come. However after she sat and thought about it for a day our entire plans have changed. I am going to meet her there and we have rented a hotel room. I am thankful for that because not knowing how she will feel or what they will do, having a real bed and bathroom sounds like a good idea. We decided her husband will stay home for now as I am the organized go-getter. I could also tell that when I talked to my mom she was relieved to not have to worry about logistics or details because I would be there. I took care of our flights and hotel. I will take care of her in every sense, get food, go shopping (we have a small kitchen) and just overall let her focus on what the doctors are saying. I can then translate the info to our loved ones and help her navigate over all. We are lucky that both of us are very financially stable and we are able to go on this adventure but its not about the money, if COVID times have taught me anything, its never to take things for granted. I am also very fortunate that I have a loving and supporting husband who has said go! Your son and I will be fine, the house will be a mess, we will be living out of a laundry basket and have ramen noodles more than once but you need to go. My son also adores his grandmother above any one else and has also found comfort in knowing I will be there. I will continue to post to this chat and keep you updated on our adventures. Thank you for all your support this journey is just starting but its been so great to connect with people who really know and understand.

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@tiffdavidson, I can hear three signs of relief for your collective decision. It sounds like you've already taken care of flight and hotels and other logistics. I also encourage you to take advantage of the free Concierge Services at Mayo Clinic. The staff at the concierge desk can help with any information and logistics before and during your visit in Rochester. Here is how you can contact them:

* Phone: 507-538-8438
* Live Chat:
* Email:

@lmindela, is also here to help as well as insider tips from members sharing their favorite places to eat, relax and for art gazing, etc.


@tiffdavidson, I can hear three signs of relief for your collective decision. It sounds like you've already taken care of flight and hotels and other logistics. I also encourage you to take advantage of the free Concierge Services at Mayo Clinic. The staff at the concierge desk can help with any information and logistics before and during your visit in Rochester. Here is how you can contact them:

* Phone: 507-538-8438
* Live Chat:
* Email:

@lmindela, is also here to help as well as insider tips from members sharing their favorite places to eat, relax and for art gazing, etc.

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@colleenyoung I can second the thought that while picturing in your mind, the infamous Mayo Clinic, it can seem intimidating. But, @tiffdavidson, I found the whole experience of being there to be so caring, and the art installations so intriguing. It gave me a feeling of caring for body, mind and soul, the way things were laid out. The way they have placed pianos in strategic spots, for people to sit and play or listen. The atriums and light-filled waiting areas. All combine to help comfort as patients navigate their journeys.


@tiffdavidson, I can hear three signs of relief for your collective decision. It sounds like you've already taken care of flight and hotels and other logistics. I also encourage you to take advantage of the free Concierge Services at Mayo Clinic. The staff at the concierge desk can help with any information and logistics before and during your visit in Rochester. Here is how you can contact them:

* Phone: 507-538-8438
* Live Chat:
* Email:

@lmindela, is also here to help as well as insider tips from members sharing their favorite places to eat, relax and for art gazing, etc.

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Thank you! I plan to use the concierge!


@colleenyoung I can second the thought that while picturing in your mind, the infamous Mayo Clinic, it can seem intimidating. But, @tiffdavidson, I found the whole experience of being there to be so caring, and the art installations so intriguing. It gave me a feeling of caring for body, mind and soul, the way things were laid out. The way they have placed pianos in strategic spots, for people to sit and play or listen. The atriums and light-filled waiting areas. All combine to help comfort as patients navigate their journeys.

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We are looking forward to it. Sounds odd to say but we are


You are a true blessing! What a wonderful daughter and a testimony to the strength and upbringing by your mom.
You now have knowledge, a plan of action...and hope.
Best wishes to your mom and you! We’re all here if and when you need us.
We’ll be checking in with you, so be warned. Lol. Lori.

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@loribmt I promise to check in regularly and keep you all updated. This groups support has been priceless! While I have never met you I feel connected. 🙂


@loribmt I promise to check in regularly and keep you all updated. This groups support has been priceless! While I have never met you I feel connected. 🙂

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We do tend to become family on Connect. ☺️

Looking forward to hearing how everything turns out for your mom at Mayo. You’ll both be amazed with the kindness, efficiency and ease of finding your way around the beautiful campus in Rochester.
Every time my husband and I return, which is frequent, (last week) we still feel the same awe and assured sense of hope in the underlying calmness there.

Wishing both of you all the best in finding answers.
Your mom has to be so proud of you! Hugs, Lori

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