Sudden enlarged lymph nodes

Posted by kellim @kellim, Jul 15, 2023

I have CLL and have been just watching for about 6 months and all of a sudden in the last week or so all of my lymph nodes in my neck and behind my ears are enlarged and hard should I be worried ? Causes?

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Hi @kellim, just checking in to see how you are doing. How did the appointment go yesterday? Did you discuss a treatment plan?

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My labs look better, and my iron levels are back to normal. She wants to wait 30 days and see if some of my symptoms improve, if not we are going to discuss starting treatment. I was going to ask about the pros and cons of oral vs IV.
Then I had a neurosurgery appt and I have to have a double laminectomy and disc replacement.

What a day!


I do not want to alarm you, but, years ago I had exactly that, a blood test soon gave the Doctor an incline that there was a problem. If your white blood cells are accelerating their renewal and the blood cells are down it would be easy for the Dr to work it out.
To cut a long story short, I was booked for a biopsy in a clinic, they took a little sample of that inflamated area and analysed it. The result should tell you exactly what to do next. In my case, at the time the Oncologists were busy going on holiday so I panic but in my case, what I was diagnosed with needed to be treated with chemotherapy, it is a little bit concerning, but, in my case, I was lucky the problem did not grow quickly so I had time in my hands.
The Oncologist knew that a month here or a month there was not going to make a huge difference. Wish you the best, and be positive that all this will pass too. Good Luck . I was never able to do but if you can, meditate, calm your nerves. ESON

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