Sudden enlarged lymph nodes

Posted by kellim @kellim, Jul 15, 2023

I have CLL and have been just watching for about 6 months and all of a sudden in the last week or so all of my lymph nodes in my neck and behind my ears are enlarged and hard should I be worried ? Causes?

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How frightening! Hopefully it is not something to panic over.


Thats a great question for your hematologist.


Good morning, @kellim I’m going to echo @dringge in their comment that this would be a great question for your hematologist. It could be nothing more than an immune response to an infection but it warrants a visit to have this evaluated by your doctor. You have CLL making you immune compromised so it is important to note any changes in your current condition.
You do have a fever or night sweats?


Same for 2 years now. My oncologist says that the lymph nodes would ‘wax and wane’. Pretty much what mine do. I’m stage 4. Some weeks they’re bigger then they go back down. I do call for check ups however in between scheduled visits cause I get a bit stressed over it. Night sweats have not got realize bad yet. I’d get them checked out to be safe and ask for ct and bloodwork. I have noticed stress seems to upset my system more. Good luck ☺️.


How frightening! Hopefully it is not something to panic over.

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my daughter had that and they were nothing.. after removing them!


I went to the ER and now I’m admitted they have done pet scan, Ct
And now are doing an echo and biopsy so just waiting.


I went to the ER and now I’m admitted they have done pet scan, Ct
And now are doing an echo and biopsy so just waiting.

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Hi @kellim. Heading to the ER was a good move on your part to get the ball rolling on some answers. You have a very responsive team there with all the tests they’ve ordered. That’s refreshing to see. It’s important to have that sudden swelling in your lymph nodes checked out to make sure there’s no infection or anything that needs immediate attention.
Let us know what you find out, ok? Sending a hug.


Hi @kellim. Heading to the ER was a good move on your part to get the ball rolling on some answers. You have a very responsive team there with all the tests they’ve ordered. That’s refreshing to see. It’s important to have that sudden swelling in your lymph nodes checked out to make sure there’s no infection or anything that needs immediate attention.
Let us know what you find out, ok? Sending a hug.

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Biopsy showed leukemia in my lymph nodes, they all lit up on the pet. They gave me A bunch of iron and now I’m waiting to see my oncologist on the 11th


Biopsy showed leukemia in my lymph nodes, they all lit up on the pet. They gave me A bunch of iron and now I’m waiting to see my oncologist on the 11th

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Oh gosh, that sure isn’t the news you were hoping for @kellim, but this discovery will get you started on treatment and the road to recovery. I know this is clipping you off at the knees and filling you with roller coaster emotions right now. I’ve been there so I can appreciate what you’re going through. Four years ago I was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of acute myeloid leukemia, now cancer free and feeling as though nothing ever happened.

Waiting for your appointment is the worst part and a huge anxiety builder. Your oncologist will go over all the findings with you at your appointment. There may be a few more tests to determine your exact diagnosis so that the treatment can be targeted to your condition. This can feel overwhelming but you’ll get through all of this one day at a time.

I’m right here when you need to talk about anything…meds, emotions, or just needing support. There are many members in Connect who have gone down the same path you are. We’re all here to encourage you and offer you hope.
Try to remain positive and busy…
Do you have family near by for moral support?


My husband and my tribe of girls have been extremely supportive. Yes it has been really up and down. Then on top of all this I need back surgery so I’ve started the ball rolling on disability. That I think is the hardest part, working so hard to get my nursing degrees and having to see it end.

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