Sucide calls to the police that she's going to kill herself

Posted by asf1234 @asf1234, Jan 23 8:30pm


So new to all of this. Mom is in the middle (and longest stage) of Alzheimer's. She is in a good assisted living place. The problem is she called the police on 2 occasions now threatening suicide. Most recently on Christmas Day of ALL THE DAYS! And the latest call was to demand where is her husband? Backstory; my dad fractured his L1 in August of 2023 and has never returned to the house. He is in a nursing home. They have been married 64 years and barely talk. My Dad has and was abusive to all of us my mother too. And they are the original gas lighters . My question is, we're taking Alexa away, and I'm calling the local precinct and letting them know to ignore her calls. How do we deal with the cell phone? If we take it away no FaceTime if we leave it the chances of her calling 911 are possible. We as sibling are at a loss of what to do. Any thoughts? We really need help! Thnak you for taking the time!!!!

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@asf1234 Hospice Medicare is federal so those rules for qualifying may be federal. Our two local hospices differ quite a lot in how they interpret them. One large hospice qualifies people with dementia who are not obviously facing death in 6 months. It might be worthwhile to try. My mother's dementia wasn't that advanced. She did have congestive heart failure but that was managed and basically her only medical issue.

To get a loved one into memory care in an assisted living facility, one strategy is to let them bother or harass staff, preferably administration, at the facility. One person in my mother's facility didn't wander or fall, but constantly went into administrative offices and was very needy. They tried to set her up near the front desk with coloring books but that didn't work and she finally got memory care.

The secret to "unassisted living" is dependence on family members. We paid a lot for care but with dementia my mother refused help with shower etc. Guess who showered her? They are "tenants" and can say no no matter how cognitively impaired they are.


My LO was in a wheelchair, but could move her feet quite well to scoot around the unit. She qualified easily for Memory Care at age 63, but was there 4 years before she qualified for Hospice. Was on Hospice for 2 years. Sad situation.

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I'm so sorry.

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