Staying Motivated for the Long Haul

Posted by LindaF @fessmom, Jun 29, 2017

My biggest obstacle to maintaining a healthy weight is a seemingly invisible "switch" that goes on and off in my brain. When it's "on" I am in the zone and can avoid the most decadent temptations and will exercise faithfully. But, about a year to 15 months into my healthy lifestyle, the switch turns to "off" and I lose focus and revert to my bad habits of poor food choices (both in what I eat and how much I eat) and I become more sedentary. I am at that point now and I feel a slow panic building as the number on the scale inches upward. I know what I should do, but I am at a loss as to how to get my mojo back. Suggestions, anyone!?

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"Move More"
These are the words that caught my eye this morning in "Trending Newsfeed Posts" at bottom of Connect Home Page.
I read that, "Research shows physical activity and exercise is “preventive medicine”." I knew that I just had to share it with all of you

How is that for Motivation?

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@rosemarya walking is good for what ails you. Esp if you get outside to do it. Face time with Mother Nature is a good thing.


"Move More"
These are the words that caught my eye this morning in "Trending Newsfeed Posts" at bottom of Connect Home Page.
I read that, "Research shows physical activity and exercise is “preventive medicine”." I knew that I just had to share it with all of you

How is that for Motivation?

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@jodeej So agree about walking outside!!!!


There are many things I no longer buy because if I do I cannot keep my mind off of it. Organic honey for one. Also organic peanut butter w/ only peanuts and some salt. I ate a 12 oz jar in 2 days!!! Solution-don't buy it 🙁


Consistency is a problem for me. I also have good times when I can conquer all healthy lifestyle challenges but then I have urges that I can't/don't resist such as ice cream cones or poor menu choices. From my readings it looks like I am a "hedonistic" eater i.e. I eat for pleasure and not for nutrition. It seems this is a growing field of study so I keep researching


Dear ALL,
Check out this short informative video: How to Tackle the Toughest Eating Triggers. I think it has some good ideas that can be easily applied.

My downfall is the "before bed ice cream craving"! Recently - grapes, or strawberries, or cherries have proved satisfaction to me!

How about you?
@techi, @jodeej, @parus, @liz223, @contentandwell, @kishanvasekar, @mari, @hopeful33250

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If I am home I keep Gala apples or navel oranges on hand. Still looking for ice cream swaps which often occur when out driving.


Hello @bulgebattler

I see that you are a relatively new Member to Mayo Connect - welcome!

You have brought up a good issue - the fact that developing new habits takes times and sometimes there is one step forwards and two steps backwards. But as with all good things - a healthy lifestyle is worth the effort.

Be sure and congratulate yourself on those days when you make wise choices regarding eating and don't let the not-so-good days get you down. New habits are formed by practice.

Have you joined any support groups to help you achieve your healthy lifestyle? Gyms, exercise classes, exercise DVDs and weight loss groups can be good ways to gain support and they often provide good information as well. Find what works for you.

I look forward to hearing from you again.



There was an email in my inbox today from Mayo Clinic, it was about healthy eating habits. Here is the link to the article,

What I found most interesting about it was the analysis of the different diet programs that are available. Some have restrictions in the type of food you can eat, while others allow all foods, but some in limited quantities.

Let me know what you think of the article. Is there one that would work best for you?



"Move More"
These are the words that caught my eye this morning in "Trending Newsfeed Posts" at bottom of Connect Home Page.
I read that, "Research shows physical activity and exercise is “preventive medicine”." I knew that I just had to share it with all of you

How is that for Motivation?

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@rosemarya It mentions fitness trackers in the article. I find them very helpful to keep me motivated. You set a goal and then I really try to make it. Actually, I had to set a goal on the tracker I did have but that had gotten totally unreliable so I just got a new one today and really haven't figured it out yet.
Yesterday and today I had busy days and did not get to my health club for the water exercises or for the gym, and the lack of going really made me feel uncomfortable tonight. My husband says I'm addicted. Maybe. I don't enjoy the gym at all but I feel the need to move and get exercise every day, something that I never did for most of my life. If I am addicted, it's not a bad addiction I guess.


"Move More"
These are the words that caught my eye this morning in "Trending Newsfeed Posts" at bottom of Connect Home Page.
I read that, "Research shows physical activity and exercise is “preventive medicine”." I knew that I just had to share it with all of you

How is that for Motivation?

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@jodeej I am dog-sitting for my daughter's little dog until Sunday. She is in mourning without having my daughter around. I tried to get her to take a walk and she wouldn't! Hopefully she will adjust more tomorrow. I carried her part way thinking maybe when I set her down she would start walking but she just headed back to our house. As I mentioned, I did not get any exercise today so I really wanted to walk with her too.


Consistency is a problem for me. I also have good times when I can conquer all healthy lifestyle challenges but then I have urges that I can't/don't resist such as ice cream cones or poor menu choices. From my readings it looks like I am a "hedonistic" eater i.e. I eat for pleasure and not for nutrition. It seems this is a growing field of study so I keep researching

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@bulgebattler Most of the advice about this has said that you should indulge yourself, in limited amounts, sometimes. So an occasional ice cream cone is not the end of the world, just do it very occasionally. When we go away in the summer, ice cream cones are a big treat but I rarely get one myself.
Also, I have seen things that said one little indulge a day is okay, it keeps you from giving up. Mine is generally a bit of dark chocolate. Of course I rationalize that because it's good for you heart.

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