Statins for People with Gilbert's Syndrome

Posted by heartme @heartme, Mar 10, 2023

Hello all, brand new here although spent all day lurking yesterday reading posts.

My 68 year old (asymptomatic) husband got his CAC score this week and I am shocked and scared. It's almost 1,500! Of course statins are being recommended while he waits for his referral to cardiology for follow-up testing, but my question and concern is that he has Gilbert's syndrome so his liver values have always been elevated. When I looked online I have found little research on this. I did find one study that focused on a patient that was unable to tolerate statins because of his Gilbert's--it was causing him to have myalgia. I want him to see a cardiologist who is familiar with this syndrome since it does warrant special consideration.

Does anyone here have personal experience with this? Thank you!

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My PCP has long said I have Gilbert’s. My bilirubin is usually around 1.6-1.7 mg/dl. AST and ALT are always slightly elevated. CAC was 1124 in 2021. I’ve been taking statins for ~ 35 years (past 10 on rosuvastatin 10 mg/day). Never had any side effects.

From what I read, people on atorvastatin seem to experience more side effects than those on rosuvastatin. But that is an impression, not a study.


My PCP has long said I have Gilbert’s. My bilirubin is usually around 1.6-1.7 mg/dl. AST and ALT are always slightly elevated. CAC was 1124 in 2021. I’ve been taking statins for ~ 35 years (past 10 on rosuvastatin 10 mg/day). Never had any side effects.

From what I read, people on atorvastatin seem to experience more side effects than those on rosuvastatin. But that is an impression, not a study.

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