Spotting Following Cortisone Injection

Posted by toromama @toromama, Feb 19, 2021

Anyone else experienced spotting following a cortisone injection? This is my second experience. Both times it started about 10 days after the injection. Just wondering how long it usually lasts. The first time was a number of years ago and I thought it only lasted a few hours. I'm now on Day 2. I'm 61 years old and went through menopause when I was 52.

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How many here after the injections beside spotting also had ultrasound and endometrial lining thickened. My 1st ultrasound edometrial lining was 4.3, 2nd one was 6 3rd ultrasound 7 now. Doctor office staff did call said doc wants to still do hyperscopy with d and c still. I'm so afraid especially with sleep apnea. Thinking of saying no I know it's the injections. Staff said will have doc call. I can't handle the stress and fear.

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That was my experience, too. I had injection on Aug 7, 2023. Began spotting on Aug 24. Had pelvic sonogram and intervaginal sonogram on Aug 30th and my endometrial lining was at 7. Due to the thickening, I was sent for uterine biopsy. It came back normal. The gynecologist that did the biopsy was aware that steroid injections could cause spotting and did not request a follow-up after the biopsy came back as normal.


That was my experience, too. I had injection on Aug 7, 2023. Began spotting on Aug 24. Had pelvic sonogram and intervaginal sonogram on Aug 30th and my endometrial lining was at 7. Due to the thickening, I was sent for uterine biopsy. It came back normal. The gynecologist that did the biopsy was aware that steroid injections could cause spotting and did not request a follow-up after the biopsy came back as normal.

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Did she mention ur lining could go up also because of steriods. Iv had 2 biopsies also. She wants a d and c. Says biopsies are going up blind. I get she wants to make sure. She says lining wouldn't go up. I want another opinion may go get one.


I had a negative biopsy but my doctor still wants to do D&C to check

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Are you doing d & c. Went to 2nd doctor for 2nd opinion. She agreed with first doctor. Going wit new doctor. Very to the point explained. My first doctor got weird when I freaked out cause afraid. She hurried out room. 2 weeks this Saturday staff member said she'd call no call. So going with new doc. Scared to death to be put out with general anesthesia and have sleep apnea. But she said be ok.


Yes, 2 weeks after my first shot, I started bleeding and it lasted 1 week. The same exact thing happened after my second shot. There are studies and journal articles on this. I don't know why the doc didn't mention this.


That was my experience, too. I had injection on Aug 7, 2023. Began spotting on Aug 24. Had pelvic sonogram and intervaginal sonogram on Aug 30th and my endometrial lining was at 7. Due to the thickening, I was sent for uterine biopsy. It came back normal. The gynecologist that did the biopsy was aware that steroid injections could cause spotting and did not request a follow-up after the biopsy came back as normal.

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I'm going through that process now. First procedure failed as she said she couldn't get through my cervix so now I have to have it done in a hospital.


Had mine done a few weeks ago under GA. One very small
Polyp removed. Benign. It’s worth the peace of mind. Even though it was probably caused by the shot, but who knows! So glad I got it done.


I'm going through that process now. First procedure failed as she said she couldn't get through my cervix so now I have to have it done in a hospital.

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Which was my fear, so told my doctor GA only


Had mine done a few weeks ago under GA. One very small
Polyp removed. Benign. It’s worth the peace of mind. Even though it was probably caused by the shot, but who knows! So glad I got it done.

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Same here got 2nd opinion doctor wants to do hyperoscopy w d and c under general. Same as 1st doc but I like this one better. She said dont u want peace of mind. I'm so scared to go under General with sleep apnea. Waiting for scheduler to call. How do u get rid of this anxiety.


Same here got 2nd opinion doctor wants to do hyperoscopy w d and c under general. Same as 1st doc but I like this one better. She said dont u want peace of mind. I'm so scared to go under General with sleep apnea. Waiting for scheduler to call. How do u get rid of this anxiety.

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Had the anxiety until it was all done and got my results. They use propofal which is a lighter anesthesia and you come out of it easy. It’s the stuff they give for colonoscopies. You should be fine with it.


Had the anxiety until it was all done and got my results. They use propofal which is a lighter anesthesia and you come out of it easy. It’s the stuff they give for colonoscopies. You should be fine with it.

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Doc said general with tube.? But will have anesthesiologist decide. Freaking out about tube. Did u have to wait til scheduler called u.

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