So glad to have found Connect and Dementia Caregivers!

Posted by bookjockey @bookjockey, Oct 9, 2023

Hello, group, I’m Cathy. My sister and I are fortunate to still have our parents with us (86 and 87). Our mother has been diagnosed with dementia after years of the “cognitive decline” diagnosis. Our father has PSP, which has dementia-like components. Both of our parents are simultaneously on a rapid decline. There is so much to our story, but I wanted to introduce myself and say thank you to you who have shared. While I may not be able to offer advice or experience with all situations, please know by sharing your experiences I feel less alone.

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my wife is taking Memantine (10 mg) twice a day and Ashoganda root extract for those times when she becomes very anxious or upset. The Ashoganda was recommended to us by a pharmacist (he takes it himself). My wife has tried a bunch of others prescribed by her neurologist but because of the side effects, she is off them. hope this helps


my wife is taking Memantine (10 mg) twice a day to "slow" the progression. (not sure if it is working). She is also taking Ashoganda root ( Galia) for anxiety (and it does work). none of the other medications she was prescribed worked WITHOUT serious sideeffects. The only thing that does work is exercise! she will get on a treadmill at the gym and walk for 90 minutes! the cost of the gym is cheaper than the medications and it works without any side effects. HER NEUROLOGIST HAS STATED many times that exercise is the only proven things that works for mid-late stage dementia .


I am wondering if and what type medication any of you caregivers are giving for your loved one with Alzheimers that are in mid to late stage. We recently took mom of Donepezil as the doc said it was more for early onset and they had a different med for more mid stage and to see if it was the cause of some ongoing stomach issues - it was not. While she said neither was a cure but to slow down the progress, I figure why not. So can anyone share meds or anything they are giving their mid to their mid to late mid late stage Alzheimer sufferer.

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Hi @bunzman, my husband was on Donepezil for a couple of years after his diagnosis. It didn't make much of a difference to his memory after a while. He did have a lot of anxiety and some compulsive behaviors so the neurologist took him off Donepezil and prescribed Citalopram, an anitidepressant, 20 mg everyday. He's been taking it for a few years. He functions better, and is always in a good mood. He still gets obsessed from time to time, but he's manageable and not drugged up. He rests a lot, but will do some exercise and work on a 35 or 16 piece jigsaw puzzle once in a while (I have to coax him).


Dear Bunzman,we tried a few supplements.... turmeric,lions mane mushroom, and some other med ...... none worked ! A lot of drugs advertise being good for dementia etc. but , unfortunately do nothing but empty your wallet! I did a lot of researching on the matter ,and so far the best help that I found by that research , was eating certain seafood twice a week . Try to get wild caught fish if possible.. salmon ,tuna,flounder, cod,sardines to name a few ... do a search on that subject ! The seafood made the biggest improvement for my wife !! Even tuna salad sandwiches for lunch , which you can buy pre made in the envelope type containers . It helps !!

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