So confused - fibromyalgia and bones aching severely

Posted by ellyons87 @ellyons87, Oct 28, 2012

Well I just had a very long post typed out, and I was almost done and my phone shut off. So I'm going to make this short. Does anyone with Fibromyalgia feel like their bones are aching severely? Do you ever feel "normal"? I was diagnosed 4 months ago. I haven't felt one day of full relief for over 8 months now. I just want to know if this is typical. Chronic daily headaches and facial pain, sometimes feels like my head is bruised even though it isn't. Heart palpitations. Breathing issues. Swollen lymph nodes. All over severe body pain daily, worst in shoulder, neck and collarbone region. I often feel like I'm being strangled. I feel like I'm dying daily. Depersonalization/derealization. Want to crawl out of my skin. Can't relax. Muscle spasms. Extreme eye floater. Ringing in ears. I'm never comfortable. Tmj. Diarrhea or constipation. cramps that feel like menstrual cramps. I currently feel like someone jabbed a giant dagger where my neck and shoulder meet. I just want to know if anyone else is experiencing these things daily? I am becoming skeptical that it's just Fibromyalgia. I just want to put my mind to rest.

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Hi. I totally understand and feel everything you described in your message. I was diagnosed back in 2015 and I honestly ache every day of my life. There are days that are better than others but nothing seems to relieve the muscle aches I experience. I even sometimes describe it as my "blood" hurts. At least, thats how I feel. I am so sorry your too are dealing with Fibromyalgia. My doctor tells me all the time that I need to get out more and move around more. He says that people with Fibromyalgia find more relief when they are more active. For me, I have no energy to do that personally. I rarely leave my home unless it is going to a doctors appointment. It sucks but I say it beats the alternative. Thank God I (we) are ALIVE!!!! Stay strong and hang in there. I am a Believer and I firmly Believe that one day, someone will find a "cure" for this terrible disease. 🙏🏽

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Is your doctor that you're seeing a rheumatologist? If not go see one. They have all the information on what fibromyalgia can cause. And it's everything from a to z.
I am on gabapentin three times a day. 800 mg.
Does it take away all the pain heck no, but it helps a lot better than nothing.
I used to like ibuprofen, but I had a heart attack a year ago and I cannot take it at all anymore. So that complicates things because that was my go-to, the pain was from the cold changing temperatures .
Wish I had better news, they can get into maybe a rheumatologist he would have a lot of information on what all fibromyalgia causes. The day I was diagnosed my doctor was able to give me pamphlets that listed the things I can plan on. If you can't for some reason or don't want to ask the doctor you're seeing or even Google it.
Take care of yourself.


I will say prayers for you. My Sister has had fibromyalgia since 2007 😥she suffers everyday. I pray they find a cure some day.


Hi. I totally understand and feel everything you described in your message. I was diagnosed back in 2015 and I honestly ache every day of my life. There are days that are better than others but nothing seems to relieve the muscle aches I experience. I even sometimes describe it as my "blood" hurts. At least, thats how I feel. I am so sorry your too are dealing with Fibromyalgia. My doctor tells me all the time that I need to get out more and move around more. He says that people with Fibromyalgia find more relief when they are more active. For me, I have no energy to do that personally. I rarely leave my home unless it is going to a doctors appointment. It sucks but I say it beats the alternative. Thank God I (we) are ALIVE!!!! Stay strong and hang in there. I am a Believer and I firmly Believe that one day, someone will find a "cure" for this terrible disease. 🙏🏽

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I too after 40 years of fibro feel like everything hurts. I cannot go outside in cold or rain or my pain level goes way up for days. I have to watch the weather and plan grocery shopping on days it should be warmer an try to go for a walk. If I can't go out I walk around my home to get my muscles in my legs active so I won't get the neuralgia. I am also a believer and look forward to no more pain.


I am so sorry you are feeling so much. Yes I believe it's the fibromyalgia. You are the first person to tell me that you too have the ne, should pain. I've been asking my rheumatologist if it's something in the joints but my physiotherapist says it's just the fibro. He puts in IMS needles which help some for a few days. I hope for relief in summer when it's warmer.

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