Anyone have Small vessel spasms in their heart?

Posted by txbunny67 @txbunny67, Sep 6, 2022

Has anyone else been told they have small vessel spasms in their heart? I have had CABG X2, stent placement in 2021, angioplasty after the stent, then a light MI one month later. When taking any type of statins, I seem to have a reaction,
I asked my cardiologist what causes the spasms and he said they don't know, but when I did my research I did learn that if they go on long enough they can cause a heart attack.

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I have microvascular coronary spasms. I haven't, yet , had a heart attack and a coronary bypass is not indicated for me.
I have a local cardiologist, but I am also now seen at the chest pain clinic at Mayo Clinic in Minnesota.
They've done more advanced testing and offered suggestions for other treatment approaches. They are doing frontline research.
My regular cardiologist has been very receptive to their recommendations.
I recommend them highly.
Good luck


@txbunny67, if you would like to consider a second opinion at Mayo Clinic, you can get started by submitting a request for a consult either by phone or using the simple online form. See more information here:

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I have since found out that I'm not having microvascular spasms after being told this for almost 2 years. I had a Petscan done on June 6th and they ruled other spasms, but found out have a large size ischemia attached to the lateral wall of my heart. The doctors don't seem to want to do anything.
Has anyone else encountered this problem? I'm still having chest pain.

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