Adults On The Autism Spectrum

Posted by Mamacita, Alumna Mentor @mamacita, Apr 29, 2018

Maybe you were really shy as a child. Perhaps you took home a huge stack of books from the school library, read them, and returned them the next day. Or did your best friend find you crying in your closet, unable to answer the question "Why?" At any rate, your life could be traced to the Self-Help section of the local bookstore. Unfortunately, most of the books were not much help. ADHD seemed to fit, at times. Your shrink said you might be Bi-Polar, although she wasn't really certain. All you knew was that you rarely fit in, anywhere. One day at work, it hit you square in the face: I don't speak these people's language! Really, it was like you were all playing this game, and everyone knew the rules but you. You couldn't tell a joke, and you never "got" any joke your co-worker tried to tell you. People started getting annoyed with you, because you had a memory like a steel trap. They didn't appreciate it when you called them on the carpet. Who knew? This was my life, and worse. I finally aced several tests that pointed me to the answer to my questions. The Autism Spectrum. Guess what? Little kids with Autism grow up to be Adults with Autism. Diagnosed late in life? This is the place for you!

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@mamacita Sounds lovely where is the Spectrum cafe? Our family was all musical My son played his guitar with Carnegie Mellon university in Pittsburgh He works didn't make a career.But still plays my grandson 11just did a drum solo in a talent show really good 👍 I'm not prejudice but am a grandma

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Since we are making all this up as we go, I would hesitate to say exactly where it is. It will be a different place for everyone. I have in mind it being in a small Southern town in Alabama. I have people in my here and now life that are like these people. I have combined several establishments into one to make this virtual cafe. I have not changed some of the names or circumstances. I have ccombined others. So far so good.


Since we are making all this up as we go, I would hesitate to say exactly where it is. It will be a different place for everyone. I have in mind it being in a small Southern town in Alabama. I have people in my here and now life that are like these people. I have combined several establishments into one to make this virtual cafe. I have not changed some of the names or circumstances. I have ccombined others. So far so good.

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@mamacita Sounds lovely I have one I go to its in the Mts.walking on a breezy warm day by the creek hearing the birds meeting friends my husband who loved the Mts .


I love the mountains.......ahhhh.



@gingerw Volunteer Mentor, it is easy to see you know the place well. The ceilings are high, the floors are mostly large black and white tiles. The cafe is in an older part of town, where buildings are lovingly restored. The rest room area is wood paneling, but not the outdated 60's kind. More of the old turn of the century feel and vibe....because it actually is turn of the century. Early 1900's to be exact.
Everything is spotless, and true to the time when it was originally built.
@parus keeps our plants alive, because if Mamacita was in charge, they would all be dead by now. To say that she has a green thumb is an understatement. Not only does she keep the flowers and plants healthy, her wisdom and caring keep all of us going as well. Everyone feels low from time to time. Everyone feels lonely from time to time. But when you are surrounded with lovely people such as these and so many more, you feel hope. Hope is what keeps you going.

We are indeed, better together.

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@mamacita @lioness @parus A wide porch with some comfortable chairs, where we can greet people with a smile as they arrive. A fireplace with a small group of more comfortable chairs, a sofa or three. A "family style" table with benches, coffe/tea cups in a group there. A big ol' fan hanging from the ceiling to move the air in summer, and circulate warm air in the winter. Garden window full of @parus plants and suncatchers. Did you catch a peak of my black cat Tessie Belle sleeping amongst the greenery? Ah, such a healing space!
Thank you all for building this cyber "Full Spectrum Cafe".


@gingerw ,volunteer mentor. Just checking to see how everyone is doing. Two steps forward, one step backwards for me.

There is change in the wind for Autistics. All over the world people are struggling to fit in. They wear masks really well. From 9 to 5, This effort to be someone you are not takes a terrible toll on one's psyche. It causes trauma.

If anyone has difficulty removing these masks, as I certainly have, I caution you to take your time. Take it slow. Read articles about masking. Do self care. You still are in a place where you aren't very sure of yourself. After all these years, who are you, really?

You are who you were at your happiest moments of childhood. That little person inside of you had dreams. You can be that person again. And those dreams can still come true.

Until the next time we get together, love and light.



@lisalucier ....good morning to you! Taking a little break off social media this morning. So much going on. But I will definitely be checking in to the CyberCafe later on today. I am thinking about masking.

To be who a person really and truly is, is to not care what others want you to be or think you should be. I am trying to understand what is "typical" in this area, and what is unhealthy, whether typical or Neurodivergent . Love and light to you, darlings


@lisalucier ....good morning to you! Taking a little break off social media this morning. So much going on. But I will definitely be checking in to the CyberCafe later on today. I am thinking about masking.

To be who a person really and truly is, is to not care what others want you to be or think you should be. I am trying to understand what is "typical" in this area, and what is unhealthy, whether typical or Neurodivergent . Love and light to you, darlings

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@mamacita In this crazy old world that we live in I want to be myself. However it's very clear that simply being myself can cause havoc in relationships, personal or professional. Where do I draw the line? How much of me do I want to "give up" so to speak and give in, when I truly want to be myself. What is going to serve me best in the end? That is something that I have to ask myself everyday because sometimes being authentic to myself ends up leaving me stuck and not able to proceed forward to the results I would like to see.

Pretty soon I will be moving 750+ miles away. I've only been here a year, just barely enough to know most of the streets around here. Now I move to a town of about 1000 people, no stop light, no gas station. I know absolutely nobody there. My mind wrestles with rejoicing at not having to be anybody but who I am, balanced with how will I present myself? People will automatically question motives as a new person moves into town. This is a fact. How do I figure out how to do what I need done in this move, and feel comfortable with myself at night? What a dilemma!


@mamacita In this crazy old world that we live in I want to be myself. However it's very clear that simply being myself can cause havoc in relationships, personal or professional. Where do I draw the line? How much of me do I want to "give up" so to speak and give in, when I truly want to be myself. What is going to serve me best in the end? That is something that I have to ask myself everyday because sometimes being authentic to myself ends up leaving me stuck and not able to proceed forward to the results I would like to see.

Pretty soon I will be moving 750+ miles away. I've only been here a year, just barely enough to know most of the streets around here. Now I move to a town of about 1000 people, no stop light, no gas station. I know absolutely nobody there. My mind wrestles with rejoicing at not having to be anybody but who I am, balanced with how will I present myself? People will automatically question motives as a new person moves into town. This is a fact. How do I figure out how to do what I need done in this move, and feel comfortable with myself at night? What a dilemma!

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Hi @gingerw, Moves are hard on us all! Oh my, and such a small town. I can understand your misgivings. It is hard to break into a new community and learn your way around.
What plans do you have for making this transition more comfortable for you?


Hi @gingerw, Moves are hard on us all! Oh my, and such a small town. I can understand your misgivings. It is hard to break into a new community and learn your way around.
What plans do you have for making this transition more comfortable for you?

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@hopeful33250 Hi Teresa, we will be doing loads up there. The first one will go up at time of closing. Sellers are probably going to rent back for a month after closing, so the second load will be then. Loads each month until weathered out, then finish in the spring, as my husband will stay down here working to his retirement. I will have to make sure to get quality rest, be gentle on myself, eat healthy. Understand that there may be neighbors stop by to introduce themselves, and ventures in to the store or post office may be met with people curious to find out who I am. Mask a bit if needed, but remain authentic. Do some volunteer work, perhaps in literacy. And keep remembering that I better with my Mayo Connect cyber community behind me!


@hopeful33250 Hi Teresa, we will be doing loads up there. The first one will go up at time of closing. Sellers are probably going to rent back for a month after closing, so the second load will be then. Loads each month until weathered out, then finish in the spring, as my husband will stay down here working to his retirement. I will have to make sure to get quality rest, be gentle on myself, eat healthy. Understand that there may be neighbors stop by to introduce themselves, and ventures in to the store or post office may be met with people curious to find out who I am. Mask a bit if needed, but remain authentic. Do some volunteer work, perhaps in literacy. And keep remembering that I better with my Mayo Connect cyber community behind me!

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It sounds as if you have some very good plans, @gingerw! Yes, your Connect community will be with you every step of the way. I'm sure your new community will love you as we do.

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