
Posted by Ryman @ryman, Jun 30, 2017

I assume this is the right group. I have never discussed this with anyone but my grandson yells at me about it. When I get very stressed, I sometimes scratch my arms or face. I haven't done any real harm. It is a way to relieve stress when it gets to be too much. I cannot tolerate anxiety or depression medicines which I assume would be a doctor's answer. Does anyone else deal with this?

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@karen00- this sounds so painful. My husband has very bad arthritis too and I know that he always hurts somewhere.
Do you have pain medicine? Can you move around to loosen up some of your muscles so you aren't so stiff? There are exercises that you can do even lying down. If you don't have medicine than can you get it or PT?

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@merpreb I do have very strong pain medicine, but it’s not working very well anymore. I think my body has gotten used to it. I did see a physical therapist after I was released from rehab and I do have exercises. Last time I did them, I could barely move from the pain. The PT always told me that if I felt pain while doing the exercises to stop. Trouble is that I feel pain even before I start. There are some that I can still do, though.


@parus Yes, I receive disability. I do not receive food assistance. My brother’s income has nothing to do with me. I make too much $ to receive food stamps. HA! Anyway, thanks for writing........Karen

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@karen00 I’m so sorry that you’re struggling! I suffer from chronic pain and depression. I totally understand where you’re coming from. What type of insurance do you have? Check with Good Rx to see if your meds will be cheaper. Are there not any food pantries in your city? A lot of churches have them. Some Baptist Associations will help with bills like electric, rent. Please get to a soup kitchen and check for food pantries. What can I do to help??


@lisalucier Hi Lisa, Thank you so very much for your response! My brother could only find a part time job. We were living off the proceeds from the sale of his house, but now that’s gone. You won’t believe this - I just got a call from the hospital saying I owed over 2K from my stay in March. I just can’t believe this.

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If it’s a public hospital you can ask for the hardship program. Definitely worth looking in to.


@karen00 Hi Karen there has been alot of great post as you can see we are trying by giving you suggestions Have you tried going to social security about your problem I've had them help me out in the past ,they may have suggestions for you about other programs that might help Good luck.Linda Lioness


@merpreb I do have very strong pain medicine, but it’s not working very well anymore. I think my body has gotten used to it. I did see a physical therapist after I was released from rehab and I do have exercises. Last time I did them, I could barely move from the pain. The PT always told me that if I felt pain while doing the exercises to stop. Trouble is that I feel pain even before I start. There are some that I can still do, though.

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@karen00 - Good morning. I agree that PT exercises can be very painful. I'm sorry that I can't think of anything that would help your pain other than what I've said. Have you talked to your pain manager or doctor that your meds aren't working that well?


@karen00 I know depression is also a problem for you as it is for many of us. I know the feeling of being trapped and nothing helping or improving things. I learned long ago no one else can solve things for me either. There are resources out there-finding them is a task and does not always lead anywhere. Chronic pain is daunting without all of the other stress and worries. I know when things are difficult my pain soars which it has been doing lately. I do live alone which is a plus for me as it is all I can do to care for myself and get to appointments.
Are you still able to get your medication? I know I live below poverty level and oft those who are more affluent cannot grasp what it is like to live without a nice home, car, etc. Stuff happens.
You are not alone in your fears. I realize this does nothing to help your circumstances. I am currently awaiting another appointment to another specialist as the one I was seeing does not handle my circumstances. I am in limbo as there is no one left to ask questions. I was discharged from the other doctor and not yet established with the next one which is nearly a month away. This is how things are done now. I am nothing more than a used car and my parts are wearing out and cannot be replaced.


@merpreb Hi Merry. My brother lives with me and supports me financially as I’m only on disability. My daughter with fur (Kelly) has enough dog food for now. None of my friends have offered to take care of her - it makes me very upset! I REFUSE to put her in the pound and have her staying in a cage, watching for us to come get her! We’re still at the apt. I found some errors on my bank statement (thank God) and returned some things so we barely squeaked by this month. It won’t be like that in July. Thank you so much for “connecting” with me. My pain has become intolerable and corresponding with someone takes my mind temporarily off it. It’s like a pain switch has been turned up. I’ve never experienced anything like this. I think I have bitterness towards my friends. Anyway, thank you again. It means a lot! ............Karen

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Hello @karen00

I've been reading your posts and understand the uncertainty that you are facing right now. It is very difficult to deal with financial problems. You mentioned that you are upset with your friends for refusing to help with your dog.

Have your friends helped you in the past either financially or helped you with your dog? It might be time to think of parting with your pet.
There are other alternatives to putting an animal in a pound. Have you looked for a new home/adoptive family for your dog? Perhaps a local vet or shelter and/or grocery store would post a picture of your pet where you could seek a new home. In that way, you would not have the responsibility for caring for the pet and/or finding a new place to live that would accept a pet.

It can be hard to part with an animal, but when it comes to your own well-being or that of a pet, you are definitely more important.


@karen00 I never thought of what Theresa said I wanted to add that when I sold my mobile home that is just what I did posted on a bulletin board at a grocery store and within a week a lady called me and bought my mobile home so that is a good idea . I know its hard to give up something but there comes a time when that's all that is left . That way you can meet the persceptive ones.


@karen00 I’m so sorry that you’re struggling! I suffer from chronic pain and depression. I totally understand where you’re coming from. What type of insurance do you have? Check with Good Rx to see if your meds will be cheaper. Are there not any food pantries in your city? A lot of churches have them. Some Baptist Associations will help with bills like electric, rent. Please get to a soup kitchen and check for food pantries. What can I do to help??

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@kdo0827 Thank you so much for writing! Thank you for your idea about the food banks at the churches! You don’t know how much your last sentence means to me! Your correspondence makes me realize that there ARE people who care! Please just keep writing - if only to say that you’re here ! ..........Karen


@karen00 Hi Karen there has been alot of great post as you can see we are trying by giving you suggestions Have you tried going to social security about your problem I've had them help me out in the past ,they may have suggestions for you about other programs that might help Good luck.Linda Lioness

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@lioness Hi Linda, thanks for all the help! Yes, I have talked with them and they’ve got me on a special program for prescriptions. It really helps. I want to cry when I see all these folks writing to me with helping suggestions. My heart is truly touched! Thank you so much Linda..........Karen

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