Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) - Introduce yourself and meet others

Let's talk about living with rheumatoid arthritis.
As moderator of the Autoimmune Diseases group, I noticed that several people were talking about RA, but those conversations were scattered throughout the community. I thought I would start this discussion to bring us all together in one place.

Let’s grab a cup of tea, or beverage of choice, and let's chat. Why not start by introducing yourself?

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@leale You asked about the effects of taking methotrexate. This info is from Medlineplus which is under the National Institutes of Health
“you are taking methotrexate to treat rheumatoid arthritis, it may take 3 to 6 weeks for your symptoms to begin to improve, and 12 weeks or longer for you to feel the full benefit of methotrexate. Continue to take methotrexate even if you feel well. Do not stop taking methotrexate without talking to your doctor.”
Are you taking methotrexate by mouth or as an injection?

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Thank you for your response. I am taken methotrexate by mouth. I’m taken 20mg. Rheumatologist. I started with 15mg but upped it to 5mg because my markers was still high. Any advice on ever getting off the meds. I’m also weaning off the prednisone that I was taken for
Polymyalgia Rhuematica


Hand doc won't put drops of cortizone in lumps on top of hands that rheumatologist suggested he do. Help they are ugly. What does anyone suggest?

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Try a different Orthopaedic specialist?


Thank you for your response. I am taken methotrexate by mouth. I’m taken 20mg. Rheumatologist. I started with 15mg but upped it to 5mg because my markers was still high. Any advice on ever getting off the meds. I’m also weaning off the prednisone that I was taken for
Polymyalgia Rhuematica

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I will follow this to see if you get any helpful suggestions. I am in the process of taking myself off both methotrexate and prednisone after almost a year. I’m down to just 2.5 mgs of prednisone for 6 more days. Good luck to you.


Hand doc won't put drops of cortizone in lumps on top of hands that rheumatologist suggested he do. Help they are ugly. What does anyone suggest?

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Yes and he said not to worry about it. He is doing emg on both my arms tomorrow. I am worried that I have carpal tunnel swelling caused by the supposed ra. My ana is neg. I am taking 5mg prednezone and 400 Plaquenil. I have to get off Prednisone. Ra doc hoping I will go into remission. Ra doc wants to Add methotrexate to plaq. And pred. To reduce swelling. Swelling causing carpal tunnel. Yikes! I am going for 2nd opinion. I have tears in triangular fibrocartilage with fluid in distal radicular joint. On top of both hands. And tenosynovitis of extensor tendons. All without trauma causing the swelling and lumps. Have you heard of this caused by RA?


Yes and he said not to worry about it. He is doing emg on both my arms tomorrow. I am worried that I have carpal tunnel swelling caused by the supposed ra. My ana is neg. I am taking 5mg prednezone and 400 Plaquenil. I have to get off Prednisone. Ra doc hoping I will go into remission. Ra doc wants to Add methotrexate to plaq. And pred. To reduce swelling. Swelling causing carpal tunnel. Yikes! I am going for 2nd opinion. I have tears in triangular fibrocartilage with fluid in distal radicular joint. On top of both hands. And tenosynovitis of extensor tendons. All without trauma causing the swelling and lumps. Have you heard of this caused by RA?

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I too had carpal tunnel issues. Before my diagnosis of RA I had carpal tunnel surgery on my right hand I was supposed to schedule a surgery for the other hand when I was diagnosed with RA & the rheumatologist said that the inflammation can ver well cause the carpal tunnel issue he advised me to hold off the surgery. I did. Now I’m dealing with both hands that are affected regardless of the surgery in one hand. In my case I feel the rheumatologist was correct. I am taken methotrexate & prednisone. Trying to wean off the prednisone Good luck !


How can I get rid of lumps that are spongy on top of hands?

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@kstar077 The lumps you describe sound like ganglion cysts
I’m not a doctor , so you should definitely ask your doctor.
How long have you had the bumps?


@kstar077 The lumps you describe sound like ganglion cysts
I’m not a doctor , so you should definitely ask your doctor.
How long have you had the bumps?

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Since Jan 5. They are not cysts. Tears were caused around tendons and I oozed under skin. Now it just sits there bumpy looking ugly. My tendons ok which is a blessing. I just want lumps to go away.


Not good pic of spongy lumps on top of hands near wrist. I message hands and wrist throughout the day. I just want them gone. It is deforming looking and makes me sad along with pain.


Since Jan 5. They are not cysts. Tears were caused around tendons and I oozed under skin. Now it just sits there bumpy looking ugly. My tendons ok which is a blessing. I just want lumps to go away.

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@kstar077 I’m curious, how did you get tears around your tendons? Did the doctor say that they would go away in time?


@kstar077 I’m curious, how did you get tears around your tendons? Did the doctor say that they would go away in time?

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The tears just happened with the hand swelling. No trauma that I know of. Just living. Still ana negative. Dr. Treating swelling of hands. Says I have RA but confirmed by blood work.

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