Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) - Introduce yourself and meet others

Let's talk about living with rheumatoid arthritis.
As moderator of the Autoimmune Diseases group, I noticed that several people were talking about RA, but those conversations were scattered throughout the community. I thought I would start this discussion to bring us all together in one place.

Let’s grab a cup of tea, or beverage of choice, and let's chat. Why not start by introducing yourself?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Autoimmune Diseases Support Group.


@elmay @naomid you can connect with others talking about Sjogren's in this discussion group:

Sjogren’s Syndrome – Introduce yourself and meet others – https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/sjogrens/

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Thank you so much! This platform is truly wonderful. Thank you for being there. I hope you have a wonderful, safe, healthy day.


Hello I am new to connect support groups and I’m glad I found this particular one because I have rheumatoid arthritis. I’ve been on Plaquenil for almost 2 years but one year into taking it I have vitiligo on the back of both my hands and fingers and it’s now spreading up my arm. my hair is shedding like a cat (chuckle)

Within another six months I developed what looks like bruising but with no symptoms. I did some research but I couldn’t find any images resembling the bruising I have. of what The bruising looks like. I went to a dermatologist that biopsied a portion of the bruised skin and the results came back medication induced lupus under a microscope for lack of a better way to package this.

So two days ago I went to see my rheumatologist for my routine appointment with her and had blood work done beforehand so we could discuss my progress .

I shared my concern along with the biopsy report and the bloodwork that showed my kidneys having abnormal readings.

Her response was that I may be taking too much ibuprofen which would show that affect on my kidneys. She’s very adamant about not taking me off of the plaquenil since it works so well for me.

she made a great recommendation! That I call my internist and have blood work done covering every aspect of my blood lol to see if there is any specific area where I may need to see a specialist. Has anyone had this experience with rheumatoid arthritis and plaquenil?


I was diagnosed last year with RA and PMR. On prednisone, methotrexate, sulphasalazine and hydroxychloroquine. Finally now able to taper the prednisone after many months of flares.

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Hi Kimberly, are you in remission after starting the meds, or are you still in a flare?


A little achy as I wean off the Prednisone,but my blood work is good. So, yes, in remission.


cecilia just diagnosed meeting with rheumatologist to discuss medications sounds like they all have pretty serious side effects


I was diagnosed with RA back in 2009. It's severity has only gotten worse. The pain and swelling in my hands, arms and shoulders are incredibly sore 😫 and with the loss of muscle mass, it's how I lift myself up from a sitting position. My ? is, what other medications can be taken other than arthritis strength Tylenol, ibuprofen and prednisone.


I was diagnosed with RA back in 2009. It's severity has only gotten worse. The pain and swelling in my hands, arms and shoulders are incredibly sore 😫 and with the loss of muscle mass, it's how I lift myself up from a sitting position. My ? is, what other medications can be taken other than arthritis strength Tylenol, ibuprofen and prednisone.

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@jeniwinz Gee, sounds like you are having too much pain! I can’t recommend pain medications but I know that there are many available with a prescription. Have you seen your doctor recently to discuss your pain?


I was diagnosed with RA back in 2009. It's severity has only gotten worse. The pain and swelling in my hands, arms and shoulders are incredibly sore 😫 and with the loss of muscle mass, it's how I lift myself up from a sitting position. My ? is, what other medications can be taken other than arthritis strength Tylenol, ibuprofen and prednisone.

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I am on Orencia infusions - so far so good. Since 8 mo ago.
Methylprednisone pill for break through, happened once.


Hi I was diagnosed with RA in 2019. I’m currently on Humira.


Hi I was diagnosed with RA in 2019. I’m currently on Humira.

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Can you share anything about side effects and/or the effectiveness of Humira?
I am weaning myself off prednisone and have discontinued methotrexate two weeks ago because of unbearable side effects.

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