Recurrent aFIB and SVT 1 year after aneurysm surgery
I recently celebrated 1 year since my surgery for a 5.4cm ascending aortic aneurysm. My recovery is going well, but I've continually struggled with mild to moderate SVT and occasional aFIB. It seems to be getting worse as I now get these short periods of SVT a couple times each hour whether exercising or laying around. Ugh.
So last week, I went to see an electrophysiologist and he recommends an ablation for the SVT and a 'game day decision' on the aFIB as they may or may not be related. This all makes intellectual sense to me, but for some reason I am terrified about the prospect of another heart procedure. I've had an ablation before (back in 2000) and know it will be OK but I still cannot shake this apprehension.
Has anyone had this kind of procedure so soon (1 year) after aneurysm surgery? How was the recovery and how soon did you return to full, strenuous exercise?
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