Raynaud's Syndrome: Anyone want to talk about Raynaud’s?

Anyone want to talk about Raynaud's Syndrome? My daughter has a severe case of it. I would like to start a support group here on Connect to find others, share our stories, treatments and managing daily life.

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Do you know how many mg of beet root to be effective? Thank you so much.

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According to my beetroot jar…..SUPER BEETS. 5 Gm per 1 teaspoon. And not to exceed two 5 Gm servings in a 24 hour period I miss spoke on my reply above its NITRIC OXIDE. not nitrous


REPLY TO ALL: I have had Raynaud's for about 10 years. It worsened after that ugly "C" word.....COVID. My fingers turn blue more often & toes and my hands and feet stay cold a lot. Putting ice into glasses is painful and I keep the warm water running at the sink and put my hands under them immediately. It takes the pain away quickly. You are correct. If you have one autoimmune disease, you tend to have more. Raynaud's tends to go hand in hand with Lupus. The rheumatologist jury is still out on that one for me. Hugs & Prayers...


@woondogger ,do your fingers turn purple? Does it affect your toes also? Your right about the winters I'm in coeur d alene and our winters are long here and very cold. I struggle to keep everything warm too.

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Gosh I had to get a divorce and move to warmer climate to help with my Raynauds.

From CDA! We had been up at 7,000 ft elevation in Avon, CO and same thing except the sun shines much more so problems were brief,

One thing that aggravates my raynauds more than anything is nicotine of any kind.

I’m in Northern California now and my dr here suggested Arizona! No joke!

I’m sorry that I can no longer find my “textbook case” photos.

These days I photograph everything a dr might need to see because stuff doesn’t happen on ONE DAY at YOUR APPT TIME.

Hardly any sympathy out there EXCEPT US FELLOW SUFFERERS.


REPLY TO ALL: I have had Raynaud's for about 10 years. It worsened after that ugly "C" word.....COVID. My fingers turn blue more often & toes and my hands and feet stay cold a lot. Putting ice into glasses is painful and I keep the warm water running at the sink and put my hands under them immediately. It takes the pain away quickly. You are correct. If you have one autoimmune disease, you tend to have more. Raynaud's tends to go hand in hand with Lupus. The rheumatologist jury is still out on that one for me. Hugs & Prayers...

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While I bet it’s true about autoimmune stuff, nobody told me the raynauds is autoimmune or I might have been able to track other signs, like you mention.

We are all different but I’m a NO on all of those except for anemic renal insufficiency.

Took 50 plus years of being anemic to discover this. It’s because the kidneys don’t complain loudly enough to cause alarm in early stages (in my case).

I suffered my entire life with various health mysteries and still do. It’s not as bad as other people have it (anemia), but I’ve been mysteriously unable to work for 25 years and I still don’t have enough wrong to apply for disability

And live to get it.

By having no VISIBLE illness, people don’t give a dam and they assume 1) laziness and 2) hypochondria and sometimes 3) seeking attention

Show them the photo of your white fingers.

Good luck explaining celiac disease!

And for @covidstinks2023, I hope you don’t have rheumatoid issues or lupus issues.

I have some lupus but not enough to call it that.

The rheumatologist experience was scary and I qualified for about 80% of that disease and ended up a big NO.

Hope you get the same response and good luck on your journey navigating through this stuff (I tend to wonder about covid being an aggravating factor but I had anemia AND raynauds before COVID was born).

Maybe the progression of illness is from covid. A lot of people are suddenly ill and dying.

Mom got a Parkinson’s diagnosis AFTER covid.

SUCKS! We are together but we are broken…

Keep advocating for yourself. They didn’t have portal medical record keeping when I got started or I might have made some different lifestyle changes years ago (or at least known I should and specifically what those options WERE.


While I bet it’s true about autoimmune stuff, nobody told me the raynauds is autoimmune or I might have been able to track other signs, like you mention.

We are all different but I’m a NO on all of those except for anemic renal insufficiency.

Took 50 plus years of being anemic to discover this. It’s because the kidneys don’t complain loudly enough to cause alarm in early stages (in my case).

I suffered my entire life with various health mysteries and still do. It’s not as bad as other people have it (anemia), but I’ve been mysteriously unable to work for 25 years and I still don’t have enough wrong to apply for disability

And live to get it.

By having no VISIBLE illness, people don’t give a dam and they assume 1) laziness and 2) hypochondria and sometimes 3) seeking attention

Show them the photo of your white fingers.

Good luck explaining celiac disease!

And for @covidstinks2023, I hope you don’t have rheumatoid issues or lupus issues.

I have some lupus but not enough to call it that.

The rheumatologist experience was scary and I qualified for about 80% of that disease and ended up a big NO.

Hope you get the same response and good luck on your journey navigating through this stuff (I tend to wonder about covid being an aggravating factor but I had anemia AND raynauds before COVID was born).

Maybe the progression of illness is from covid. A lot of people are suddenly ill and dying.

Mom got a Parkinson’s diagnosis AFTER covid.

SUCKS! We are together but we are broken…

Keep advocating for yourself. They didn’t have portal medical record keeping when I got started or I might have made some different lifestyle changes years ago (or at least known I should and specifically what those options WERE.

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It appears that autoimmune diseases are a mixed bag with a rheumatologist and hard to diagnose. You are so right. You have to be your own advocate. Even when your levels are elevated or high, its hard to get a diagnosis. Praying for you and your mom. Hugs & Prayers....


Do you know how many mg of beet root to be effective? Thank you so much.

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The only research I’ve found says 140mL/day of juice. I didn’t want to do the juice, so I do about 2 teaspoons of beet powder 4 days a week. Seems to work for me pretty well. I’d start with 1 teaspoon to make sure it agrees with you. It’s not recommended that one not exceed 5 grams/day, which is about a half a tablespoon.

Be aware that it also helps to lower high blood pressure. So, if you naturally have low blood pressure or if you are on blood pressure medication, be sure to discuss it with your physician before taking it.


REPLY TO ALL: I have had Raynaud's for about 10 years. It worsened after that ugly "C" word.....COVID. My fingers turn blue more often & toes and my hands and feet stay cold a lot. Putting ice into glasses is painful and I keep the warm water running at the sink and put my hands under them immediately. It takes the pain away quickly. You are correct. If you have one autoimmune disease, you tend to have more. Raynaud's tends to go hand in hand with Lupus. The rheumatologist jury is still out on that one for me. Hugs & Prayers...

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Just great, but thanks for turning me on to Raynaud's with Lupus. My genetics say I am involved with that as well. Been wondering why my fingers and toes turn very blue . Rats. But thanks again. oldkarl


The only research I’ve found says 140mL/day of juice. I didn’t want to do the juice, so I do about 2 teaspoons of beet powder 4 days a week. Seems to work for me pretty well. I’d start with 1 teaspoon to make sure it agrees with you. It’s not recommended that one not exceed 5 grams/day, which is about a half a tablespoon.

Be aware that it also helps to lower high blood pressure. So, if you naturally have low blood pressure or if you are on blood pressure medication, be sure to discuss it with your physician before taking it.

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Thank you so much!


Tengo 72 años y comencé con este Sindrome ya varios años atrás, y después derivó en CREST , una enfermedad bastante agresiva y complicada. Desde entonces tengo médico tratante con medicinas y exámenes de seguimiento para sobrellevar sus consecuencias. El sindrome de Reynaud fue el comienzo de las demás dolencias. Recomiendo condultar a un médico especialista. Buena suerte.


I didn't know there is primary or secondary Raynaud's. I am on a sharp learning curve here. I am 69 and my mother also was told she had this disease. My symptoms were diagnosed years ago by our primary physician, Both of us experienced cold chills and very wrinkled hands. I'm very interested to hear more since I think have other related issues. Thank you for starting this discussion.

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I have this disease. My doctor says it's part of my Mixed Connective Tissue Disease.

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