Pseudomonas Sinus Infection

Posted by namar @namar, Feb 20 3:42pm

I have had recurring Pseudomonas Sinus Infections since summer 2023. I started getting these about 6 months after my sinus surgery in Dec 2022. I have been on and off antibiotics since summer 2023. I have taken Levaquin and Ciproflaxin. It seems that Levaquin works the best. I am also doing Tobramycin sinus rinses but as soon as I am off the meds, it comes back. My symptoms are green sinus drainage, a lot of it. I had a CT scan done a few days ago 2/17/24 and the results came back submucosal thickening of my sinuses. At this point, I need a different type of treatment because pills are not keeping the infection away. I am worried that this could spread to the brain? if it were to spread to the brain, would that show on my CT scan?

Can someone please share what helped you get rid of your Pseudomonas Sinus Infection ? it appears that Levaquin and Tobramycin rinses aren't working for me. I read online that some people have had to take IV course on antibiotics. I have a follow up with my ENT on 3/7/24 and will ask him about the IV meds as well. I also read online where some people have asked to be referred to an infectious disease specialist. Any success stories of treatment would be great. I have anxiety as well and I am just concerned this will spread to my brain??

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For run of the mill sinus infections I have used mupirocin ointment (Rx only) directly applied into the nostrils 3x day for 2 weeks. I do not know if it would treat pseudomonas. Be careful with its use as it should not be used more than 2-3 per year.

It's easy to recontaminate your sinuses with your rinse bottle. NeilMed bottles are not easy to sterilize. This might be a reason you are getting recurrent infections. From advice on this forum I switched to NeilMed's Squeezie. It's easier to use than the regular squeeze bottle and easier to clean. I pop it in my baby bottle sterilizer every 2 days after cleaning it up a drop of Dawn. Or you could buy a ceramic Neti pot which could be boiled.

While you are having this infection you might use Hibiclens to wash your hands. You can use it around/outside of nose not inside. Changing the pillowcase daily also been recommended to me.


Please tell if you can. When you have pseudomonas a. colonized when do you know that you have symptoms caused by them? After sinus infection I still cough much more than before and cough up sometimes some greenish mucus? Is this actual pseudomonas a. Infection symptom? My doctor is not concerned although I keep saying I am coughing more.


Please tell if you can. When you have pseudomonas a. colonized when do you know that you have symptoms caused by them? After sinus infection I still cough much more than before and cough up sometimes some greenish mucus? Is this actual pseudomonas a. Infection symptom? My doctor is not concerned although I keep saying I am coughing more.

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lilianna. The symptoms you're describing sound very much like what I've gone through with colonized pseudomonas A. (five years now). It waxes and wanes a lot but I have to be diligent in doing my nebbing twice a day to keep it "surpressed." If I get lazy, I pay the price. Sorry your doctor is not listening but there may be more to the story. For sinus problems, do you do sinus rinses?


I’ve had a pseudomonas infection for over 45 years.
2 sinus operations. Warning, these operations ruin your sinus linings.
I’ve have now developed an issue where penicillin based antibiotics don’t work and absolutely shows no sign of helping at all.
I’m going to the Mayo Clinic in October 2024.
I’ve tried sinus flushes where I put the Nettie- pot powder in my water pix.
Then put it on about 1/2 of its pressure. Because of my operations the Nettie-pot nozzle goes in about 5-6”. So it really can get to where the infection is located. I’ve flushed out up to about 1/4 cup of green,gray, yellow and brown, really gross stuff.
The power in the water-pix blows past the bio film that the infection makes to protect itself.
I’ve tried everything over the years To where I’ve almost given up.
Right now, if I bend over and tilt my head sideways, it just pours out of my nose.
I live in central Oregon and I’m not a well off person. So going to the Mayo Clinic in Arizona is huge expense. I’ll drive down because of my limited income .
I’m really hoping they can help me get rid of this life long infection.


I’ve had a pseudomonas infection for over 45 years.
2 sinus operations. Warning, these operations ruin your sinus linings.
I’ve have now developed an issue where penicillin based antibiotics don’t work and absolutely shows no sign of helping at all.
I’m going to the Mayo Clinic in October 2024.
I’ve tried sinus flushes where I put the Nettie- pot powder in my water pix.
Then put it on about 1/2 of its pressure. Because of my operations the Nettie-pot nozzle goes in about 5-6”. So it really can get to where the infection is located. I’ve flushed out up to about 1/4 cup of green,gray, yellow and brown, really gross stuff.
The power in the water-pix blows past the bio film that the infection makes to protect itself.
I’ve tried everything over the years To where I’ve almost given up.
Right now, if I bend over and tilt my head sideways, it just pours out of my nose.
I live in central Oregon and I’m not a well off person. So going to the Mayo Clinic in Arizona is huge expense. I’ll drive down because of my limited income .
I’m really hoping they can help me get rid of this life long infection.

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Do you nebulize saline every day? If you did it with a mask instead of the mouthpiece that might help?


No, i just do the Nettie pot and sinus rinse. I also take Sudafed to try dry it out during the day and night
Ive spent a ton of time dealing with this issue.
I have tried nebulizing in the past but it never did any good.


The other thing that happens is if I rinse or nebulize my nose will start horrible bleeding. So I can only do it a few days or so at a time.
It bleeds because of my 2 separate sinus operations.


The other thing that happens is if I rinse or nebulize my nose will start horrible bleeding. So I can only do it a few days or so at a time.
It bleeds because of my 2 separate sinus operations.

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Sorry about your sinus troubles. Have you found your way to a large university health system and sought out an ENT consult? Large university health/medical centers, which are also teaching hospitals, usually see many different illnesses and they might be able to help you.


@mp3542 I reread your post and see you are going to Mayo 10/24, an excellent academic/teaching hospital. Perhaps by frequent calling you can move up the appointment. They get cancellations from time to time. I might explain the urgency of your situation.


@mp3542 I reread your post and see you are going to Mayo 10/24, an excellent academic/teaching hospital. Perhaps by frequent calling you can move up the appointment. They get cancellations from time to time. I might explain the urgency of your situation.

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I wouldn’t be able to go down there in the hot summers they have.
I’m in central Oregon and it’s a lot cooler here.
I’m happy to wait till the weather isn’t so hot.

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