Pseudomonas Sinus Infection

Posted by namar @namar, Feb 20 3:42pm

I have had recurring Pseudomonas Sinus Infections since summer 2023. I started getting these about 6 months after my sinus surgery in Dec 2022. I have been on and off antibiotics since summer 2023. I have taken Levaquin and Ciproflaxin. It seems that Levaquin works the best. I am also doing Tobramycin sinus rinses but as soon as I am off the meds, it comes back. My symptoms are green sinus drainage, a lot of it. I had a CT scan done a few days ago 2/17/24 and the results came back submucosal thickening of my sinuses. At this point, I need a different type of treatment because pills are not keeping the infection away. I am worried that this could spread to the brain? if it were to spread to the brain, would that show on my CT scan?

Can someone please share what helped you get rid of your Pseudomonas Sinus Infection ? it appears that Levaquin and Tobramycin rinses aren't working for me. I read online that some people have had to take IV course on antibiotics. I have a follow up with my ENT on 3/7/24 and will ask him about the IV meds as well. I also read online where some people have asked to be referred to an infectious disease specialist. Any success stories of treatment would be great. I have anxiety as well and I am just concerned this will spread to my brain??

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I wouldn’t be able to go down there in the hot summers they have.
I’m in central Oregon and it’s a lot cooler here.
I’m happy to wait till the weather isn’t so hot.

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Just a thought-I got a new patient appointment at Mayo Rochester’s pulmonary department only a couple weeks out due to a cancellation. They’d suggested I call Monday afternoons or Tues a m. Would Rochester work?

I’m sorry about your sinus issues. I have them and they can be miserable.


You mentioned that it is an expensive trip. Sometimes Service Club Volunteer organizations in a community will support those who need some assistance with health care travel expenses. Just thought I would mention it, if you haven’t yet enquired about it.

I wish you all the best with finding out more about what is causing your health issues and what treatments are available.


Sorry about your sinus troubles. Have you found your way to a large university health system and sought out an ENT consult? Large university health/medical centers, which are also teaching hospitals, usually see many different illnesses and they might be able to help you.

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I went to OHSU in Portland Oregon.
They checked me over and started to do some treatments. But I could tell after a bunch of visits that they were starting to guess at treatments.
It was costing me a fortune!
So I had to quit going there.

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