Premature atrial contractions: Anyone have any helpful info on this?

Posted by lolly906 @lolly906, Aug 17, 2018

I was now just recently told I have Premature Atrial Contractions, or P.A.C, after being on a holter monitor for 48 hrs. I was told this after my higher then normal calcium score, and was told p.a.c. is benign., but im still worried. I was put on monitor after I felt my heart pounding hard in my left neck area. Im wondering if anyone has any helpful info on this? Im really worried acutally, even cancelled my colonoscopy due to the laxative saying it could cause irregular heartbeat. it seems I can feel my heart skip beats at times or speed up! very scary to me. Im wondering if anyone else has this? I am 58 yrs old and am on lovastatin for high cholesterol thanks

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Yes I am having the same issue. I think the nurse is starting to become annoyed with me but I’m not giving up on figuring this out.

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After my atrial valve replacement and subsequent a-fib starting, they put me on a statin to reduce my not very high cholestral... it killed me in a few day with pain. made them stop it. Point is if they make you take something that is hurting you, MAKE THEM STOP! If they dont FIND ANOTHER DOCTOR. That is my advice.


Does the amount of dairy we consume affect the deposits in the heart?


Out of the blue, 3 weeks ago, I have started waking up with PVCs 3 hours after falling asleep. I have a history of SVT but had a ablation to correct this 20 years ago. Once the PVCs wake me I notice that if I fully wake up and stay awake for an hour they go away. Then hopefully I can go back to sleep. Anyone have this problem and what do you do?

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Someone told me that as I aged, I needed to cut down the sugar and caffeine (a lot). I'd consider your diet. Also salt.


I'm interested in others' experiences with different physical movements or positions causing PACs, etc. When I lie on my back I get more rhythm anomalies than normal. If this happens and I turn on my side, it stops. If I get a run of SVT, changing position, like standing up or sitting up quickly, makes it stop. Doing yard work involving swinging my arms, like raking, causes PACs. Does anyone else experience this?

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I had the sleep test re sleep aphnea (sp). Mine was mild to moderate. Suggested I stay off my back when I sleep. It didn't seem like a big factor, but wearing a mask did seem like a big factor in my sleep.
Anyway, the point is sleep issues can cause or increase heart afib. as I understand it.


I'm interested in others' experiences with different physical movements or positions causing PACs, etc. When I lie on my back I get more rhythm anomalies than normal. If this happens and I turn on my side, it stops. If I get a run of SVT, changing position, like standing up or sitting up quickly, makes it stop. Doing yard work involving swinging my arms, like raking, causes PACs. Does anyone else experience this?

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"know thyself" who said that?


I'm interested in others' experiences with different physical movements or positions causing PACs, etc. When I lie on my back I get more rhythm anomalies than normal. If this happens and I turn on my side, it stops. If I get a run of SVT, changing position, like standing up or sitting up quickly, makes it stop. Doing yard work involving swinging my arms, like raking, causes PACs. Does anyone else experience this?

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I don't know, but movement is essential to bone and muscle strength. Yoga stretching is what I do and love it. No yard work to speak of. Just notice yourself is my motto.


No. Any doctor I've mentioned that to just ignored the question. I think they thought it's just coincidence, but I know it's not. Seriously, most doctor's I've had give me the impression that I don't know anything about my own body. I'm glad to hear some else has had the same thing.

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These poor doctors and nurses. I wonder what stress they must carry trying to manage patients and there own issues. I always ask them how they are doing?


"know thyself" who said that?

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Hi there


How many milligrams do you take 400?

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I take 400mg. On the medium to small size. Retirement age.


These poor doctors and nurses. I wonder what stress they must carry trying to manage patients and there own issues. I always ask them how they are doing?

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@healthyday Thank you Retired nurse here

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