Post Covid weird symptoms

Posted by gail333 @gail333, Oct 23, 2023

Since I had Covid (3x) I have been experiencing a kind of electric shock type of feeling that starts at my toes and zaps me up my body to my fingertips. Almost like a fork in a socket but not as intense. I experience this anywhere up to 6x a day. Is this normal? What is this? Is it just weird remnants of covid?
I’ve had 3 Covid shots btw. But I have a weak immune system.
Thanks in advance for any advice or input.

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ALL providers SHOULD be more covid literate but sadly they are not. With a few exceptions the patients usually know more than providers. Have gone thru this BEFORE as a CFS/ME survivor of over 46 yrs. HERE WE GO AGAIN.

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I understand and I'm sorry you're going through that. My doctor that has been my provider for many years has seen me go in and out of the hospital five times with long covid. He told me I have anxiety. Are you kidding me I have had major heart palpitations, I get light-headed and dizzy, shortness of breath, I've had so many crazy symptoms for over a year. It is really disappointing when your provider does not believe in long covid. Hang in there you know yourself better than anyone.


I have tried seven SSRIs and I do not tolerate any so far. They turn up my tinnitus to an intolerable degree. The body zaps for me are uncomfortable but not constant, and so tolerable.
I do have Klonopin for the worst days. Unfortunately it slows my bowel down even more, and since I have chronic constipation, that is one more symptom to try to manage. The virus seems to have attacked my bowel causing havoc throughout my body.
Hoping for healing for all of us.


LC = long covid

I haven't had taste or smell since Feb 2020.
Virus had no official name yet then. I have long list of symptoms. Been to MayoCovidClinic. They ran multiple tests and blood work of course. No cure of course. Basically they outlined strategies to give my Covid inflamed brain&senses
necessary rest periods to heal. Easier said than done. I was always the energizer bunny and aerobics& power run/walker. I have some improved energy. But stress or overdoing an afternoon of errands will do me in....maybe even the next day. It taxes me to figure out math issues, or puzzle out problems in household.
I have learned to be content most of the time, but I sure miss my old dynamic me.

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Mayo posted some breathing exercises for the shortness of breath. Now I am unable to find them online. Anybody know where to find them?


CFS is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but what is ME?

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Myalgic encephalomylitis>( medical name for CFS). I hate the name CFS. It is not a good name for all the symptoms. It minimizes the condition. ( Alot of misunderstanding and lack of taking the illness seriously by bnoth providers and other ppl has been caused by the use of CFS. When it is so much more. Also, alot of eye rolling goes along with it too. I have used the nam,e of ME for yrs. and get a much better response from providers as well as everyday ppl. Whats in a name?


As a fellow LC survivor I BELIEVE YOU. Have never understood that " Not believing in a illness"when ther is plenty of data and published articles on it." After all it is NOT a religion.


Mayo posted some breathing exercises for the shortness of breath. Now I am unable to find them online. Anybody know where to find them?

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Check out these discussions:
- Looking for breathing and lung strengthening exercise videos

- Lung and Breathing Exercises by Donna Wilson, RRT


I think that might be neuropathy. I have it from my toes to my knees. It’s from Covid. I’ve been long hauling for 18 months now. It’s only getting worse. Hope to have it addressed in pain management. 🙏🏼


I have tried seven SSRIs and I do not tolerate any so far. They turn up my tinnitus to an intolerable degree. The body zaps for me are uncomfortable but not constant, and so tolerable.
I do have Klonopin for the worst days. Unfortunately it slows my bowel down even more, and since I have chronic constipation, that is one more symptom to try to manage. The virus seems to have attacked my bowel causing havoc throughout my body.
Hoping for healing for all of us.

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I cannot take any SSRI. Talk to a neurologist to see if they know of a med that will help. Cymbalta has helped me a lot.


I understand and I'm sorry you're going through that. My doctor that has been my provider for many years has seen me go in and out of the hospital five times with long covid. He told me I have anxiety. Are you kidding me I have had major heart palpitations, I get light-headed and dizzy, shortness of breath, I've had so many crazy symptoms for over a year. It is really disappointing when your provider does not believe in long covid. Hang in there you know yourself better than anyone.

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I’m sorry but your doc is not well educated on this stinking disease. I have the same symptoms. I’m a long hauler for 18 months, and 6 weeks ago those symptoms are worse. I just breathe and go into a meditative state. Last week I had to call my friend to talk me down. I couldn’t get a grip on my breathing, but she was able to get me into a slower pattern and then I was able to breathe through it. I become terribly dizzy also.


I have had long Covid for over 3 years. It took forever to have it diagnosed. I had reconstructive foot surgery in November of 2021. I have had the pins and needles all over my body. My foot got worse to the point I was crawling through my house after the point the actual reconstruction had healed. I had nerve conduction studies that showed nothing. Yet, my right leg goes completely numb and I fall and my left foot and leg swell and turn red and blue. I was not diagnosed correctly until I had skin biopsies at the Long Covid Clinic I am now with. They show I have neuropathy. I also have chronic regional pain syndrome in my foot and leg, lower back and neck. This is the extreme version of neuropathy. I am now taking gabapentin(neurotin) to help with this. My pain management doctor says I will always have pain. I have light headedness and dizziness. I have been diagnosed with POTS. I wear an abdominal binder so I can sit and stand up without passing out. I have started therapy. Will see how that turns out. Please be sure to do some research about your symptoms on such sites as the Mayo Clinic, NIH or Johns Hopkins. You need to be a self advocate as much as possible. I had so many tests done over the years that showed nothing. I felt like I was crazy. Long covid is attacking my autonomic nervous system so every part of me is impacted. I also have gastroparesis which is miserable.

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Can you tell me about your stomach issues? I’ve been long hauling for 18 months. I’m have severe stomach pain lately. Would like to hear what your experience has been.
I also have a disregulated body temperature. I swear from being hot, then chill to the bone and I’m sitting in the same spot. Weird.

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