Post Covid sweating: Is this common for others too?

Posted by dr4bama @dr4bama, Jul 14, 2022

I am experiencing profuse sweating off during the day and nightly. Is this common post Covid?

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Almost one year since diagnosis, Jan 3, 2022, and my symptoms continue to daunt me and affect my ability to function...sweats/chills...yesterday I did a grocery run...was soaked in car, waited till I was dryish, did the time I was back at car I was dripping sweat (needed towel to dru off forehead - I look like a freak) and soaked through my clothes...this has become excessive and I cannot find any help or support...

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I have had Covid twice since 2020. The sweating is just as you said, and unless you have experienced it no one really understands how debilitating it can be. You are loosing body fluids and could easily become dehydrated unless you’re drinking enough water to replenish these fluids. I’m had one vaccine and had an allergic reaction so I’m pretty sure it’s not from the Covid shots but from Covid itself. Long Covid is probably the cause. I don’t wear too many clothes anymore because it creates laundry and excessive work. Robes to fit your climate are a good idea if you can do that. I’m retired RN and my kids are grown so it’s a bit easier for me. This is a bad side effect of Covid. I’m sorry you have to deal with this.


Hello, I am 16 years old male. 4 days ago, I had dry throat. Then the symptoms got worse. I had a fever of 39 degrees Celsius, which lasted for about a day and a half. I took ibuprofen antipyretic medicine 3 times, and then it improved significantly, and my body temperature returned to normal. But after normal body temperature I sweat easily, at any time, whether I am moving or standing still.


Hello, I am 16 years old male. 4 days ago, I had dry throat. Then the symptoms got worse. I had a fever of 39 degrees Celsius, which lasted for about a day and a half. I took ibuprofen antipyretic medicine 3 times, and then it improved significantly, and my body temperature returned to normal. But after normal body temperature I sweat easily, at any time, whether I am moving or standing still.

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@lester123 - Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect!
If I’m understand you correctly, you have tested positive for Covid.
Have you had other symptoms than dry throat and fever?
It is not unusual to be perspiring having any viral illness, even after the fever is gone. You probably still feel weak, I guess.
Do you cough? If you are not sure that you are okay it may be a good idea to be examined at your doctor’s office.
Remember to drink water and other fluids to stay hydrated.


I had unpleasant but not serious Covid. I wake up in a cold sweat nightly. Drenched through my sheets and clothes. Not hot at all, just freezing cold and soaking wet. I do not have this during the day and don’t sweat normally.


Yes! Had COVID first time November 2020 and sweat various amounts through 2 years of long COVID. It had almost gone, but got Covid again in December 2022 and sweating is back with a vengeance. Change clothes 2 times in the night.


I just had my second round of COVID 12/26/22 for about a week. The first time I had it (May 2022) I did not have the night sweats. This time, I was drenched at night to the point where I had to change clothes and wash sheets, I remember thinking how odd it is that even my legs were drenched. I had a couple of nights, post testing negative, that were normal and then the other evening again-had to change clothes. Not as bad as when I was positive but my shirt was drenched. I’m pretty sure it’s sent my thyroid into a tail spin, bloodwork will confirm. I almost had it back to normal after the last bout. I can also feel the inflammation in my hands and feet so I’m being careful, resting and taking all the anti-inflammatory vitamins, etc that i can. Sorry to all who are also going through post COVID physical symptoms.


First bout of Covid started 24 Dec 2022. I have just tested negative. That’s a relief, but the symptoms continue in a cyclic pattern. I never know what the day will bring. The night sweats soak my sheets and clothes. My cough is worse than 3 days ago. Energy today was very low and I slept about 14 hours! Today I have developed the mouth sores/ulcers which I’ve read about. And my tongue is coated. I have also had cravings for salty foods. So symptoms continue to evolve and change. Not like a normal progressive recovery from a cold or flu.


I am recovering from my first time with covid. I do have hypothyroid and mild ckd, however never had a problem with sweating. Unfortunately, I too, post covid, have been experiencing random bouts with profuse sweating (with no fever).


History of recurrent PE times 2 PCR positive on 11/30/2022. Cold sweats started with exertion after 2 weeks and continue still after 5 weeks post CoVID. Profound weakness plus other chronic heart and lung issues. Had previous sweats with PE 5 years ago. Could this be recurrent PE. Told sweats are common with Covid Previous PE occurred while on blood thinners


History of recurrent PE times 2 PCR positive on 11/30/2022. Cold sweats started with exertion after 2 weeks and continue still after 5 weeks post CoVID. Profound weakness plus other chronic heart and lung issues. Had previous sweats with PE 5 years ago. Could this be recurrent PE. Told sweats are common with Covid Previous PE occurred while on blood thinners

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@lester123 and @bluetiffany, sweating with post Covid recovery is common. I moved your messages to this existing discussion where you can connect with other members experiencing the same side effect and get tips for what helps. See here:

- Post Covid sweating: Is this common for others too?

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