Post Covid sweating: Is this common for others too?

Posted by dr4bama @dr4bama, Jul 14, 2022

I am experiencing profuse sweating off during the day and nightly. Is this common post Covid?

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Oh man, I’m so glad I saw this discussion & read the comments. I’ve had such a marked increase in sweating all day and night following literally ANY activity or if the temperature isn’t 70 or below, that I thought I was entering into early menopause or something. I live in a humid, subtropical climate so going outside at all guarantees almost immediate sweating and it’ll be dripping off my eyelashes within 5 minutes. It’s getting really uncomfortable throughout the day and especially when I’m at work or in public. I’ve also been having to keep ice packs in my shirt & pockets of my jeans in hopes of cooling down faster and carry towels around to wipe my face and neck off.
Did you or anyone else figure out a way to lessen the sweating or some way of at least managing it?


I am too sweating post Covid. It started about 3 weeks after my first symptoms and have just been getting worse. At night I need to change sheets and dry myself with towels. At first I thought it’s menopause but I just turned 38… And I’m on the pill which I’ve heard usually masks menopause symptoms (?). But now I’m thinking maybe it’s Covid. I’ve also had heart palpitations since I got infected.

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I am almost in the exact same boat as you as far as your post goes. I had Covid a year ago now and have been sweating like mad ever since. I sweat pretty average for a person living in a subtropical environment before Covid but now, I have to keep ice packs in my pockets and cold towels around my neck if I’m doing literally anything at all, even just sitting up at a desk. I’m 33, on the pill, and thought it might be early menopause because I couldn’t imagine menopause being worse than this but now I’m of the opinion that it’s long Covid related.
Did you ever find a way to manage it? It’s gotten so uncomfortable, especially in public or even just with my partner because I feel like I must seem very out of shape, very overweight or generally very unhealthy. I have to take multiple showers a day to deal with my hair getting sweaty but then I sweat as soon as I step out of the shower too. There’s literally no escape, save from standing half-inside my freezer.


I also have the sweating problem. I also have hot flashes-not menopausal. I had the hot flashes first, a possible symptom of PTSD after surgery, and before I had Covid. I take 60 mg of Duloxetine twice a day. It is a incredibly good for the hot flashes and helps with the sweating as well. I live in Florida and for the past year have avoided spending too much time outdoors, where it gets worse. It is an awful symptom.


Hi @dr4bama - welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect.

Sweating does seem to be a pretty common side effect of COVID-19, unfortunately. I know it can get very uncomfortable throughout the day!
Others have discussed ongoing fevers with sweating as a side effect on this discussion post, you may find it helpful to read through:
- Fevers weeks after COVID: Is this common with long COVID?

Have you continued to have a fever at all in your recovery? Have any other symptoms continued?

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I’ve had constant sweats at night from Covid. They are gradually decreasing.


I'm still sweating a month post covid.


Sweating at night: I get up and grab a cool pack from the freezer and put it on the back of my neck. My guess is it is some sort of vagal response, but works. If you use ice pack, wrap it with a towel so it does not freeze your skin.


Almost one year since diagnosis, Jan 3, 2022, and my symptoms continue to daunt me and affect my ability to function...sweats/chills...yesterday I did a grocery run...was soaked in car, waited till I was dryish, did the time I was back at car I was dripping sweat (needed towel to dru off forehead - I look like a freak) and soaked through my clothes...this has become excessive and I cannot find any help or support...


It is just a theory, yet I think the sweating is a side effect of the vaccination sweating out the virus!?!

I was at an office party last Thursday at a local restaurant. One of the owners had undiagnosed covid [Outside salesperson]. Now, the good news is... I am 3x vaccinated.

I went home sick on Friday, had a whole slew of symptoms, sore throat, cough, fever, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, etc...the covid tests came up negative yet I have all the symptoms and NOW my pits are constantly on stink mode. UGH!!!

Did anyone else get this correlation??

Kindest Regards


It is just a theory, yet I think the sweating is a side effect of the vaccination sweating out the virus!?!

I was at an office party last Thursday at a local restaurant. One of the owners had undiagnosed covid [Outside salesperson]. Now, the good news is... I am 3x vaccinated.

I went home sick on Friday, had a whole slew of symptoms, sore throat, cough, fever, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, etc...the covid tests came up negative yet I have all the symptoms and NOW my pits are constantly on stink mode. UGH!!!

Did anyone else get this correlation??

Kindest Regards

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@juni888 Sweating and altered body smell often come with viruses (but not, as far as I know, with vaccines.)
As for your illness after the office party, it sounds like you caught one of the nasty intestinal viruses that is circulating right now. Here is my daughter's list of the viral illnesses circulating in the high school where she is the RN: colds, intestinal flu, RSV, influenza, respiratory virus resulting in bronchitis, Covid. She is sending up to 100 sick kids home every day.

We have been avoiding gatherings because indoor air right now is a "soup" of viral bugs. The Covid & influenza vaccines only protect you from those two - not the dozens of others. That's why people who feel sick or have [any] symptoms should stay home - unfortunately many do not.
I hope you feel better soon.


It is just a theory, yet I think the sweating is a side effect of the vaccination sweating out the virus!?!

I was at an office party last Thursday at a local restaurant. One of the owners had undiagnosed covid [Outside salesperson]. Now, the good news is... I am 3x vaccinated.

I went home sick on Friday, had a whole slew of symptoms, sore throat, cough, fever, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, etc...the covid tests came up negative yet I have all the symptoms and NOW my pits are constantly on stink mode. UGH!!!

Did anyone else get this correlation??

Kindest Regards

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I think you'll appreciate the messages posted in this discussion:
- Post Covid sweating: Is this common for others too?

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