Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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- COVID-19 “Long Hauler” Symptoms Survey Report (2020)

I noted that the report is from 2020 and that Dr. Lambert is continuing her research and conducting a new survey. You can read more here:
- Lambert Health Lab: COVID-19

For anyone interested in learning more about Post-COVID Recovery Research at Mayo Clinic:

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Thanks for letting me know.....completely understand. Yes, please post for me.


no it doesn't go into my chest, i don't have allergies of any kind (been tested for that, even food) and i have no asthma. this phlegm always happens after i eat or drink anything...i do my navage everyday to help keep my sinuses as clear as i can to help keep the phlegm from building to thick...a daily routine.

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I doing know if you’ve read the whole thread but what you have is acid reflux. I know you’re thinking, ‘but I dont have heartburn’. And the reason why is because it is ‘silent’, known as LPR / laryngopharyngeal reflux. Heartburn results from acid escaping upward through the lower esophageal sphincter (at stomach entrance) and results in heartburn right in the middle of your chest. The stomach acid irritates the esophagus resulting n the burning sensation. In LPR it slides further upward through the upper esophageal sphincter where it affects the larynx, throat and even nasal passages. The excess mucus is produced to protect your throat and larynx from the acid. I’ve addressed the methods I have found effective at minimizing the misery earlier in at least 2 other comments. Check it out and keep researching! Meantime chew gum following meals. It truly works! Not a cure but a good remedy. I think it is just a matter of time to (hopefully) resolve the issue and what is apparent to me throughout my 7 month journey with it at this point is that it’s different for everyone.


I doing know if you’ve read the whole thread but what you have is acid reflux. I know you’re thinking, ‘but I dont have heartburn’. And the reason why is because it is ‘silent’, known as LPR / laryngopharyngeal reflux. Heartburn results from acid escaping upward through the lower esophageal sphincter (at stomach entrance) and results in heartburn right in the middle of your chest. The stomach acid irritates the esophagus resulting n the burning sensation. In LPR it slides further upward through the upper esophageal sphincter where it affects the larynx, throat and even nasal passages. The excess mucus is produced to protect your throat and larynx from the acid. I’ve addressed the methods I have found effective at minimizing the misery earlier in at least 2 other comments. Check it out and keep researching! Meantime chew gum following meals. It truly works! Not a cure but a good remedy. I think it is just a matter of time to (hopefully) resolve the issue and what is apparent to me throughout my 7 month journey with it at this point is that it’s different for everyone.

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When I eat or drink.. the phlegm acts up immediately.. nothing has even reached my stomach of my doctors gave me a prescription for acid reflux or did nothing.


I doing know if you’ve read the whole thread but what you have is acid reflux. I know you’re thinking, ‘but I dont have heartburn’. And the reason why is because it is ‘silent’, known as LPR / laryngopharyngeal reflux. Heartburn results from acid escaping upward through the lower esophageal sphincter (at stomach entrance) and results in heartburn right in the middle of your chest. The stomach acid irritates the esophagus resulting n the burning sensation. In LPR it slides further upward through the upper esophageal sphincter where it affects the larynx, throat and even nasal passages. The excess mucus is produced to protect your throat and larynx from the acid. I’ve addressed the methods I have found effective at minimizing the misery earlier in at least 2 other comments. Check it out and keep researching! Meantime chew gum following meals. It truly works! Not a cure but a good remedy. I think it is just a matter of time to (hopefully) resolve the issue and what is apparent to me throughout my 7 month journey with it at this point is that it’s different for everyone.

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Also..the phlegm is always... always in my never leaves, food or liquid makes it build thicker and it looks and feels like wood glue....


Also..the phlegm is always... always in my never leaves, food or liquid makes it build thicker and it looks and feels like wood glue....

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I totally get it. Mine started out like wood glue. I’m over the hump now and it’s more sticky, not as thick. And yes I had a PPI prescribed which reduces acid and it did nothing. And I was told to eliminate basically all the good stuff: coffee, sugars, fats, wheat,etc, and I did. I found that it didn’t matter what I put in my mouth and swallowed the same horrors started up immediately. So I just reduced how much I eat. I find that fasting helps. An apple or yogurt as a bridge until a main meal. A lot of water ( I drink alkaline water). And I take Betaine HCL with a meal. Sometimes diluted apple cider vinegar throughout the day (in a tonic or a tablespoon mixed into 1/4-1/2 c of water. And I chew a lot of gum, especially right after s meal got a couple of hours! Look it all up. I did and it’s working!


I totally get it. Mine started out like wood glue. I’m over the hump now and it’s more sticky, not as thick. And yes I had a PPI prescribed which reduces acid and it did nothing. And I was told to eliminate basically all the good stuff: coffee, sugars, fats, wheat,etc, and I did. I found that it didn’t matter what I put in my mouth and swallowed the same horrors started up immediately. So I just reduced how much I eat. I find that fasting helps. An apple or yogurt as a bridge until a main meal. A lot of water ( I drink alkaline water). And I take Betaine HCL with a meal. Sometimes diluted apple cider vinegar throughout the day (in a tonic or a tablespoon mixed into 1/4-1/2 c of water. And I chew a lot of gum, especially right after s meal got a couple of hours! Look it all up. I did and it’s working!

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i'll try it..thanks...this is the one thing out of all my symptoms that i wish would go away...hang in there!!


i have that now after covid (Second round), but i dont think its just a sensation it feels like its stuck there , ive tried steam therapy, cough congestion medicines etc. its really concerning because it makes me vomit in order to try remove the phelgm from my throat and airway as it feels like im going to choke on it. it makes me gag and wretch.

has anything worked for you guys.

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I had a fever/body aches for about a day followed by sore throat and coughing. Everything was gone in a couple of days but the coughing lingered for over a month. My doctor prescribed me Ipratropium Bromide nasal spray and Flonase. I also used NielMed Nasal Rinse twice a day until the coughing stopped. The post nasal drip is still hanging in there. It makes me clear my throat constantly and sometimes gives me a mild sore throat. The Ipratropium and Flonase provides a relief from the nasal drip for about 24 hours. I'm hoping the warmer weather and lots of exercise like riding my bike and hiking will cure it.


For almost 7 weeks now I have had phlegm in my throat that drains into my chest. I don't have a cough but I can breath hard and catch a little of the phlegm and then cough it up. You can hear it rattle in my chest when I breath sometimes too. My lungs are good and I can breath fine but voice is horse and I have had post nasal drip. I went to Urgent care and they gave me steroids and antibiotics but nothing has worked. Could this too be from long term covid. This has been driving me crazy.

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I have the exact same thing for two months. Two rounds of steroids and three antibiotics. Nothing seems to stop the drip other than benedryl, mucinex, and robutussin for cough which only seem to mask the problem temporarily. Waiting on my ENT appt.


I too was experiencing the same long covid symptoms with endless phlegm and nasal drip after recovering from my 2nd round of covid infection. My first round was March 2020 then again in Novemebr 2022. I never had allergies or any related seasonal issues my entire life so having this drip and thick mucus was all new to me. Found an interesting article about Cardamon and gave it try. After 3 weeks of steady cardamom tea I began to notice fewer and fewer instances of throat clearing and after the 4th week I haven't had any phlegm or nasal drips. Hopefully this method is helpful for others as it was for me. I can't remember any other time in my life that I drank that much tea to the point where I gave up my morning cup of coffee.

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I'm going to try this! Thanks for the suggestion.🤞


I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago with covid. I thought I was recovering but still have a runny nose. I was advised to get Flonase but it seems to raise my blood sugar (type 2 diabetic).

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I use Azelestine nasal spray, which you can use as needed, works wiithinh 10 -20 minutes, and shuts down the post nasal drip. Using this for several years as needed, especially in the morning as m y body wakes up and the flow starts.

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