Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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My dr told me that if the acid reflux meds aren’t working after a few months then it probably is not that. He wants me to try taking singulair, which I will start next week. Sometimes I feel like a ping pong ball between the allergist, ent and gastro. Not sure what triggered this but I hope it goes away as mysterious as it came. I hope the singulair works. I have taken allergy meds and they did nothing. I’m going to give this a shot


Same here. So embarrassing having to constantly clear my throat and cough. 2 ENTs, no relief. Now affecting my sleep. Not good! I’ve tried all Rx and non Rx treatments. I carry around water with a a tad of cayenne pepper to burn the tickle.


I, too, have had the phlegm since receiving my vaccinations for Covid. It becomes more problematic at night while lying down. Several Kleenex are used throughout the night to clear my throat.
This has never been a problem without having had a cold or flu, before the Covid vaccination.


Do you have an update on this, as so do I suffer with post nasal drip and phlegm after first COVID in 2020. Every time I get a cold the cough and phlegm just gets even worse and have not been free of phlegm for the past 3 years. Thank you


Do you have an update on this, as so do I suffer with post nasal drip and phlegm after first COVID in 2020. Every time I get a cold the cough and phlegm just gets even worse and have not been free of phlegm for the past 3 years. Thank you

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You are not alone.
If you scroll to the very top of this page and search for
Post nasal drip after Covid
you will find past posts, which you may find helpful.
Good Luck!


My dr told me that if the acid reflux meds aren’t working after a few months then it probably is not that. He wants me to try taking singulair, which I will start next week. Sometimes I feel like a ping pong ball between the allergist, ent and gastro. Not sure what triggered this but I hope it goes away as mysterious as it came. I hope the singulair works. I have taken allergy meds and they did nothing. I’m going to give this a shot

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I have been the ping pong ball of post covid care as well. I’ve tried everything to stop or contain the phlegm and post nasal drip. Singulair did not work for me but that’s not to say you may not get some relief…good luck


Been on singulair for a week and not working yet. Don’t think it’s going to so I’m planning on stopping. I’m tired or taking all these different meds. Good luck to you too


What do you think it is? Do you think it’s allergies or from acid reflux triggering the mucus to be produced. I guess if we knew the answer it would be easy to treat. If gastro meds don’t work and allergy meds don’t help I can’t imagine what else it could be


I’ve also had this problem since Covid in 2020. It still bothers me, but there are 2 medicines that make a big difference in stopping the cycle of the post nasal drip and endlessly trying to clear my throat. My primary long Covid problems are dysautonomia and fatigue.
I am getting treated in a bunch of different ways that are finally helping to calm my system down and I’m finally regaining energy. I won’t go into all that right now, I just want to share the two medications that have helped me the most with phlegm and post nasal drip. It was my ENT who figured this out who figured out it’s relationship to my autonomic system. I have allergies which trigger the cycle. I take benadryl (just the basic one) and Gabapentin. I take Gabapentin for my autonomic system, it helps my parasympathetic to engage and I’ve found that it’s my hyper sympathetic system that keeps the post nasal drip from stopping because it still sees whatever caused it as a threat. If I take one or two hundred milligrams of Gabapentin and one Benadryl, things usually return to normal within a half an hour. If you don’t have dysautonomia this might not help, but it’s made a huge difference for me.


I have extreme post nasal drip after COVID, kept me up at night as any movement would trigger drainage, a tickle in my throat and then coughing, blowing my nose all night long. After discussing with my chiropractor, they recommended I try the Standard Process brand Antronex, it is a liver health supplement as when the liver is having trouble(I didn't have any blood tests that revealed my liver was having trouble except my Alkaline Phosphatase was low). you will have sinus issues. I took 3 in the morning and 3 at night until my symptoms got a lot better (about a month for me). Now I just take 2 mid day.

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