Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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Is anyone still having mucus in throat after Covid? How long did it last? Did it just stop or is it still on going?

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Two years of congestion and ear pressure. Nothing has helped and it has not gone away. This is the worst ongoing symptom for myself, even worse than the fatigue.


This sounds crazy, but, post COVID my right shoulder froze. Been doing PT, last week they worked exclusively on neck and spine. What happened? Post Nasal Drip reduced and ears opened up, best day in 9 months. Check out Vagus nerve issues, checks all the boxes and is being researched for all long COVID concerns. Will be going PT or Chiro weekly to work on spine and keep all posted!


This sounds crazy, but, post COVID my right shoulder froze. Been doing PT, last week they worked exclusively on neck and spine. What happened? Post Nasal Drip reduced and ears opened up, best day in 9 months. Check out Vagus nerve issues, checks all the boxes and is being researched for all long COVID concerns. Will be going PT or Chiro weekly to work on spine and keep all posted!

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WOW! That's incredible and so good to hear for us "sniffers" with post nasal drip. I pray you continue to do well. I will check out Vagus nerve issues. Thank you. Blessings....


I have had a very similar experience for about 8 months now. Chronic feeling of having to clear my throat because it feels like I can't breathe well. I am able to hack up whitish-clear, foamy mucus, but it seems there is an endless stream of it, that I cannot get rid of. It is magnitudes worse after eating/drinking. Occasionally, small amounts of cottage cheese like stuff will come out, but mostly the sticky, clear to white-foamy stuff that feels like it coats my throat and blocks my airway. It is very annoying.

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My Dr. thinks that speech therapy may be able to provide some relief. I did a quick internet search, and there seems to be some information available about speech therapy post covid. I think it is worth a try, and will see how it goes.


Me, I have the exact same symptoms, I’m so tired of that phlegm and itch in my throat that makes me cough, my constant runny nose, I lose my voice , I’m exhausted, no meds work, Help


I had the post nasal drip during Covid in December of 2022, which left me without taste or smell. I still don’t have it back 10 going on 11 months later. Be grateful you have your senses. I’d happily trade places with you!


Yes, I have the exact same thing. Constantly fighting exhaustion from coughing/clearing my throat/and after eating it's embarrassing. Nothing gets rid of it either. Also have LOUD tinnitus. Before Covid I had nonstop energy, now I have to force myself to get going.


Yes, I can relate. I don’t think my experience was related to Covid, though, as it was eight months after I’d had Covid that I developed post nasal drip and a constant slug of phlegm in my throat that made the weekly swallowing of a bisphosphonate tablet a nightmare. My family doctor kept on saying it was just seasonal allergies and all I needed to do was irrigate my nostrils twice a day and then gargle with salt water. This increased rather than lessened the amount of mucus in my throat. Five months into the nightmare, she prescribed a corticosteroid nasal spray. It made zilch difference. At different times over the next few weeks, I cut out all sweet things like cookies and candy, started taking 3,000mg of garlic and three doses of 2,000mg of Vitamin C each day, and also did my best to remain sleeping with my head on four pillows every night. Four weeks later, the mucus in my throat had become much denser, and it was fairly easy to cough it up and spit it out. To stop my body from producing more mucus as I was doing this, I would start to chew a piece of peppermint flavored xylitol gum made by Pür. I like to think it was the Vitamin C that brought the nightmare to an end, but because I didn’t introduce the changes in a scientific way, I can’t be sure.


Are you still taking the garlic and vitamin c? Hard to believe that’s what worked, but I’ll try it too. Thanks


Are you still taking the garlic and vitamin c? Hard to believe that’s what worked, but I’ll try it too. Thanks

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Yes, and twice a day, I’m also still irrigating with NeilMed and then gargling with salt water. (I don’t have to use steam anymore though.) Right now, I still get phlegm in my throat, but it’s manageable. I would strongly recommend you also try the xylitol gum. I found that when I used to gargle and spit for hours, my body seemed to be frantically producing more mucus to replace that which I was frantically coughing up and spitting out. Now, after about 15 to 20 minutes of spitting, I’m able to start chewing a piece of gum and this stops the body from continuing to produce more mucus. It seems as if the small amount of mucus produced when we chew tricks the body into “thinking” that it doesn’t have to continue making the massive amounts of mucus it had been producing. Something like that.

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