Anyone here have peripheral artery disease (PAD)?

Posted by peggyn @peggyn, Jul 31, 2019

Does anyone here have or know anything about PAD?

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I was just told I have PAD a few weeks ago.
My legs and feet hurt so bad after being on them all day at work.
My Doctor done a complete bloodwork up on me and a CT scan and an ultrasound, because I have a spontaneous systemic shunt that formed in my body.
And found out I have Portal Hypertension and many other problems, along with a 12mm cyst on my liver so I have some serious blood flow problems going on
I do know some day I can’t hardly walk because of the pain in my legs and the swelling is bad as well


I had an angioplasty done on my left leg in may this year. Lately after I walk about a half mile my left calf starts to hurt to the point I have to stop for a few minutes. Is the blockage returning. If so do I need a stent. Leon

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I'd like to invite @jlf2, @judeeo, and @peggyn to this discussion on peripheral artery disease. While each member may have been diagnosed in a different way or from a different cause, the experience of the disease itself shares much of the same qualities.

@jlf2, you recently mentioned you are on your feet all day and they are extremely painful. Is this caused by the peripheral artery disease?


I'd like to invite @jlf2, @judeeo, and @peggyn to this discussion on peripheral artery disease. While each member may have been diagnosed in a different way or from a different cause, the experience of the disease itself shares much of the same qualities.

@jlf2, you recently mentioned you are on your feet all day and they are extremely painful. Is this caused by the peripheral artery disease?

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That’s what the doctor told also me
But I work, I’m a sales associate for goodwill and have no choice but to be on my feet.
I also smoke and am trying to quit but after 49 years it’s not easy , I have a lot of other medical problems and cirrhosis is one of them but I’m not a drinker , I was infected with hepatitis B and possibly hepatitis A I have other heart issues as well and need a lot of advice on how to help myself feel better.
That’s why I came to the
Mayo web site Mayo Clinic’s are the best when it come to health advice. I can’t afford to go to the
Mayo hospital’s for care but use the advice to help and educate myself about my illnesses


That’s what the doctor told also me
But I work, I’m a sales associate for goodwill and have no choice but to be on my feet.
I also smoke and am trying to quit but after 49 years it’s not easy , I have a lot of other medical problems and cirrhosis is one of them but I’m not a drinker , I was infected with hepatitis B and possibly hepatitis A I have other heart issues as well and need a lot of advice on how to help myself feel better.
That’s why I came to the
Mayo web site Mayo Clinic’s are the best when it come to health advice. I can’t afford to go to the
Mayo hospital’s for care but use the advice to help and educate myself about my illnesses

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Thank you for the invitation


That’s what the doctor told also me
But I work, I’m a sales associate for goodwill and have no choice but to be on my feet.
I also smoke and am trying to quit but after 49 years it’s not easy , I have a lot of other medical problems and cirrhosis is one of them but I’m not a drinker , I was infected with hepatitis B and possibly hepatitis A I have other heart issues as well and need a lot of advice on how to help myself feel better.
That’s why I came to the
Mayo web site Mayo Clinic’s are the best when it come to health advice. I can’t afford to go to the
Mayo hospital’s for care but use the advice to help and educate myself about my illnesses

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I will tell you what the Vascular surgeon told me,I suffer from PAD also,He said if you continue to smoke, You will likely see NO improvement
Good Luck


April 2023 had a blood clot removed from hunter's canal behind right knee. Stent inserted and sent home with 3 meds. Never had clot issues nor anyone in the family. Never took pharma meds before this episode and thought i was healthy. Eliquis caused ALOT of huge bruises. 7 months later in ER with baseball hematoma on my left hand. they say I banged it. I don't recall that. Vasc dr. took me off Eliquis. Now I take plavix, aspirin81 and a statin at night. Didn't feel old before this med episode but now I do.


I had an angioplasty done on my left leg in may this year. Lately after I walk about a half mile my left calf starts to hurt to the point I have to stop for a few minutes. Is the blockage returning. If so do I need a stent. Leon

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My husband's doc recommends a stent for PAD in one leg. We'd like to hear from anyone who has had this procedure -- what's it like?


I had an angioplasty done on my left leg in may this year. Lately after I walk about a half mile my left calf starts to hurt to the point I have to stop for a few minutes. Is the blockage returning. If so do I need a stent. Leon

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I have PAD that was diagnosed over 10 years ago and like you couldn't walk very far without severe calf pain, The vascular surgeon performed what is called a Fem/Pop bypass and I can tell you that it is an operation that is not for the weak of heart, major nerves get cut and the ongoing neuropathy is something that I would wish for nobody, The only thing I can recommend is to walk then walk some more, when the pain starts rest until it stops then start again, hopefully you will build up what is called collateral arteries that will help with your walking and keep you away from the scalpel, good luck. There is also a great PAD Facebook page that has tons of peer related info.


I have PAD that was diagnosed over 10 years ago and like you couldn't walk very far without severe calf pain, The vascular surgeon performed what is called a Fem/Pop bypass and I can tell you that it is an operation that is not for the weak of heart, major nerves get cut and the ongoing neuropathy is something that I would wish for nobody, The only thing I can recommend is to walk then walk some more, when the pain starts rest until it stops then start again, hopefully you will build up what is called collateral arteries that will help with your walking and keep you away from the scalpel, good luck. There is also a great PAD Facebook page that has tons of peer related info.

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Thank you!


Does anyone have peripheral arterial disease?

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