Anyone have pelvic floor disorder and pelvic floor physcal therapy?

Posted by jojo13 @jojo13, Sep 13, 2021

Hello. I am hoping for some help. I have had pain for years from Endometriosis. After 4 laparoscopies and an ovarin torsion surgery I finally flew out to GA to have a hysterectomy from a specialist. I also had my tubes out, uterus and one ovary removed- I am only 41 so we kept one to prevent menopause. It has been a few months since my procedure (March) and I am having pain again. I was told to do pelvic floor therapy to help. I did go once but I did not feel very comfortable with the doctor or the location so I didn't go back. Unfortunately there is little to no one that does this near me. I am just wondering if anyone has had this therapy and if it helps or not. I did buy the wand to try and use at home but I am honestly not sure what I am doing! I just know I am frustrated to be in pain again. I appreciate any guidance. Thank you!

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@jojo13 I can imagine this has been a long journey for you. Feeling comfortable with your doctor and location you are receiving therapy is very important.

I do not know where you are located, however, I thought I would share some information on another care option provided in MN at Mayo Clinic.

- Mayo Clinic Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Program in Minnesota:

Is this something that would be of interest to you?



I have always done the exercises on my own. I have never used a wand. It is not hard to find the correct muscles to do Kegel exercises. Here is a site that will give you an idea of exercises you can do on your own. You will find more on websites and youtube by searching for Pelvic Floor Exercises.

Despite my care in doing these exercises I still had to have vaginal wall repair this year.. . my bladder fell (and that is uncomfortable). I had a hysterectomy in 1997 and just because of that and my age.. 70 .. the vaginal wall collapsed. I had the repair Aug 02 and I am back to a normal. I have no urine leakage now.

I mostly had pain in my very low back and after surgery various bruising and feeling of muscle strain. I started off slow with the exercises. First stopping the flow of urine to get the feel of the muscles. Then the Kegel exercises. I did too many one day and wound up hurting more (learn from my mistake and do not do too many).. so took a couple of days off from them and started again and went on to the bridge and a couple of others not mentioned at the website,



First you need to determine if it 1) pelvic floor dysfunction or 2) endometriosis. As long as you have one functioning ovary, your body can still increase the size if you have remaining endo cysts monthly and then allow them to bleed like an internal period. I know, because I finally had my remain lady part removed before my 31 st birthday due to cycling (endo) pain.
I was not able to take replacement hormones without the endo and pain being stimulated again. I do use nickel sized damb of estrogen cream a couple times a week to keep my lady parts supple and avoid bladder issues. After 32 years of this (careful to exercise several times a week) - I have very mild bone loss, no heart issues, and a regular (if less frequent) sex life - so it is OK.
I can attest to the excellence of the pelvic floor program at the Mayo in JAX. I was horrified when I thought the endo had returned from the dabs of estrogen about 10 years later. I do have some pelvic floor dysfunction from all the surgeries (10) and adhesions, but I manage them myself after about 6 training sessions.
There is life after endo, and menopause... rather enjoying 32 years of stable moods ☺️ and no endo pain!


I am struggling with this, where it seems my puborectalis muscle is tigt according to my pt. It seems that when I go to have a BM, sometimes it’s like it closes on me . I am aware biofeedback can correct this with pt. Does it have to be internal biofeedback or does external work as well? My pt doesn’t have an internal biofeedback machine, but I would like to get started asap with getting better until I can find someone who does. Would I be able to do just the external biofeedback for now? What else do you recommend?


I am struggling with this, where it seems my puborectalis muscle is tigt according to my pt. It seems that when I go to have a BM, sometimes it’s like it closes on me . I am aware biofeedback can correct this with pt. Does it have to be internal biofeedback or does external work as well? My pt doesn’t have an internal biofeedback machine, but I would like to get started asap with getting better until I can find someone who does. Would I be able to do just the external biofeedback for now? What else do you recommend?

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Hello @alanamichaela1 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I thought this article may be of interest to you as you look to next steps.

- EDS/HSD and Pelvic Health:

Is there a particular reason for wanting to start with the external biofeedback?


Does anyone have experience with pelvic floor disorder and pelvic floor physical therapy?
I am currently dealing with both and symptoms are confusing.


Does anyone have experience with pelvic floor disorder and pelvic floor physical therapy?
I am currently dealing with both and symptoms are confusing.

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YES! I have pelvic floor dysfunction—pelvic pain/spasms and urinary hesitancy and intermittent constipation that very much improved with pelvic floor physical therapy.

I’m not sure if you’ve started yet, but my #1 caveat is that you need to find a therapist who is a good fit. Otherwise, like with most PT, but especially in this case PT can and will harm more than it will heal.

Second thing is to try to be informed because I found physicians can be kind of weird about explaining what pelvic PT actually may entail. I have a history of trauma and it was essential for me to know what to expect and to have a therapist who understood that.

Were there specific things you wanted to learn more about that others might be able to help with?


Does anyone have experience with pelvic floor disorder and pelvic floor physical therapy?
I am currently dealing with both and symptoms are confusing.

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I have been having PFPT after colpocleisis on May 4 and it has helped enormously. In addition to the exercises, the therapist does internal scar tissue massage, which caught me off guard but I trusted her and allowed it. What a terrific improvement in the way my bladder and urethra worked. Find a reputable pelvic floor therapist who's affiliated with your doctor and try to trust in the process. Good luck 🤞


Does anyone have experience with pelvic floor disorder and pelvic floor physical therapy?
I am currently dealing with both and symptoms are confusing.

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My journey with pelvic floor dysfunction started when I had what I thought was the worst uti of my life. I went to an urgent care and they sent me to an urology clinic. The clinic sent me to a uro-gynecologist. She was wonderful. She suggested that I might have a Tarlov cyst which I had never heard of. Turns out (mri) I do have a Tarlov cyst. She said that I needed estrogen cream an PFPT. So, I did that and my symptoms went away. I became non-compliant after awhile and symptoms returned.
Being a slow learner, I went through process all over again.
Twice. Now, I’m a believer and realize that I must use estrogen cream and do the PFPT exercises for the rest of my life.
My questions are regarding which of my symptoms are related to the pelvic floor dysfunction and which are something else. I’m worried that it is the Tarlov cyst which is on my tailbone. Although, compliance with estrogen and exercises always helps.
Symptoms vary, but include pain, itching, involuntary genital arousal, burning.
Sorry for long winded post.


I had a few sessions with a pelvic floor PT and it helped. I got the dialator (wand) and felt like I didn’t know how to correctly use it on my own. I googled “using dialator for pelvic floor exercises “ and several helpful articles came up.
I find the whole thing to be strange - in that it is hard to see how this could help. But, it does. When I do the exercises, I am better. When I slack off, symptoms return.

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