Paralyzed Diaphragm

Posted by giller198 @giller198, Jul 3, 2018

My name is John and I was diagnosed this past January with a paralyzed right diaphragm. Phrenic nerve damage has been ruled out because of the amount of time between my heart valve surgery and when this started. I still cannot figure how this happened, I have a couple of ideas but nothing conclusive. I have seen two pulmonary doctors and both say there is a surgical procedure that can be done but no guarantee that it will work. I would like to know if anyone out there has been diagnosed with a paralyzed diaphragm and if they had it fixed.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Lung Health Support Group.

Good morning @usmccam, wishing you a Happy Friday and hoping you have a good day. It is sunny here in Southern Minnesota and a welcome from all of the grayness that we've had lately. I hope the sun is shining where you are and you are able to enjoy the solarium.
John (Ed)


@usmc I too am hoping you are having a good, or decent enough day. If you are where there is sunshine, I say get them to get you out in the solarium where you can enjoy it.Just thinking good thoughts your way. God bless you and cyber hugs from this Texan.


Good morning @usmccam, wishing you a Happy Friday and hoping you have a good day. It is sunny here in Southern Minnesota and a welcome from all of the grayness that we've had lately. I hope the sun is shining where you are and you are able to enjoy the solarium.
John (Ed)

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@usmccam- Joining in wishing you a day of sunshine and joyful thoughts. We are nearing our month long get-ta-way to recharge our solar collectors down here in Tucson before heading back to the beautiful Willamette Valley of OR. May God richly bless you on this special day. Jim @thankful


@john @terri @merry @thankful @alamogal635 @teresa @jenniferhunter

Hello everyone. This is the first chance I had to post since my previous post. I never made it to the solarium. I have been on a ventilator with chest tubes in a medically induced coma, as what lung I have left finally gave way to the Atelectasis and closed up and collapsed requiring intubation with chest tubes. I'm still on a ventilator and stable at this time but I wanted to get this out to everyone just let you know that I'm still here barely. Hope you all are enjoying your week doing the things that you do. Sending special thoughts and virtual hugs to everyone. Bye for now.


@john @terri @merry @thankful @alamogal635 @teresa @jenniferhunter

Hello everyone. This is the first chance I had to post since my previous post. I never made it to the solarium. I have been on a ventilator with chest tubes in a medically induced coma, as what lung I have left finally gave way to the Atelectasis and closed up and collapsed requiring intubation with chest tubes. I'm still on a ventilator and stable at this time but I wanted to get this out to everyone just let you know that I'm still here barely. Hope you all are enjoying your week doing the things that you do. Sending special thoughts and virtual hugs to everyone. Bye for now.

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Lots of prayers coming your way.


@john @terri @merry @thankful @alamogal635 @teresa @jenniferhunter

Hello everyone. This is the first chance I had to post since my previous post. I never made it to the solarium. I have been on a ventilator with chest tubes in a medically induced coma, as what lung I have left finally gave way to the Atelectasis and closed up and collapsed requiring intubation with chest tubes. I'm still on a ventilator and stable at this time but I wanted to get this out to everyone just let you know that I'm still here barely. Hope you all are enjoying your week doing the things that you do. Sending special thoughts and virtual hugs to everyone. Bye for now.

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@usmccam Good to hear from you. You hang in there even it is barely!
Have been thinking about you a lot—just your designs and things you’ve written about. Not a whole lot going on here and had a quiet, but nice Easter. Anyway, darned I had hoped you would get out in the solarium. Am so sorry your lung gave out. I am sending you a bunch of virtual hugs,smiles, and good wishes along with heartfelt prayers. Until we hear from you again, be as well as you can and God bless you. Mary


@john @terri @merry @thankful @alamogal635 @teresa @jenniferhunter

Hello everyone. This is the first chance I had to post since my previous post. I never made it to the solarium. I have been on a ventilator with chest tubes in a medically induced coma, as what lung I have left finally gave way to the Atelectasis and closed up and collapsed requiring intubation with chest tubes. I'm still on a ventilator and stable at this time but I wanted to get this out to everyone just let you know that I'm still here barely. Hope you all are enjoying your week doing the things that you do. Sending special thoughts and virtual hugs to everyone. Bye for now.

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@usmccam I so appreciate the effort that it took for you to post. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Be blessed. I look forward to your next post.


@john @terri @merry @thankful @alamogal635 @teresa @jenniferhunter

Hello everyone. This is the first chance I had to post since my previous post. I never made it to the solarium. I have been on a ventilator with chest tubes in a medically induced coma, as what lung I have left finally gave way to the Atelectasis and closed up and collapsed requiring intubation with chest tubes. I'm still on a ventilator and stable at this time but I wanted to get this out to everyone just let you know that I'm still here barely. Hope you all are enjoying your week doing the things that you do. Sending special thoughts and virtual hugs to everyone. Bye for now.

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@usmccam Thanks for checking in. I was worried about you. If you feel up to it, there is a private message for you from me to share things you might enjoy. You'll find it by clicking the envelope icon at the top next to your profile photo. I'm going to see my horse today. He just had a therapeutic session with some myofascial release which is a form of physical therapy. It releases fascial restrictions and lets the body move as it should. He's been tripping a lot and had some overly tight muscles making him stiff. I never knew that the pressure of a saddle and the rider affects a horse this way, as does their habits of standing or laying the same way all the time. It feels great, and he closed his eyes while the vet was treating him. You can see my horse in some of the links I sent. I do myofascial release with my physical therapist and it has helped me a lot. Hugs to you. God bless.


@usmccam- Praying for you Sir! Keep up the good fight! We are with you on this one and our hopes & prayers are that you will have that time in the solarium. God speed my friend! Jim @thankful


@john @terri @merry @thankful @alamogal635 @teresa @jenniferhunter @thankful

Thank you, everyone, for all of your good wishes, thoughts, and prayers. It is easier for me to post at this hour as there is less traffic in here and sort of quiet. I have a few inspirational ideas but cannot do anything currently until I stabilize a bit more but just give me some time and I will get them posted for you. I have one lobe that has inflated but not the other one, so am still on massive treatments and eggshells. Hopefully, things will get better but it will take some time so to speak. Wishing everyone a good weekend and am sending all you hugs and prayers and good thoughts. Ciao.

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