Panic Attacks with new diagnosis and fear of the unknown: What helps?

Posted by healthybon @healthybon, Mar 9, 2023

I am waiting for pathology to see what germ I have. I have developed panic attacks, (very bad ones), because I’m scared. I see the infectious Dr on April 12. Some of you probably have read my prior posts and I thank you for your kind responses.
I’m trying to take one step at a time, but the fear is overtaking me. Fear of the unknown, fear of what kind I have etc. Can anyone offer some suggestions, comments etc. My blood pressure goes off the charts high when this happens. I went to the emergency room (again) yesterday and they said my heart is fine, it’s from panic. I do the deep breathing, walking, meditation..nothing is helping. The E R Dr gave me a script for Vistiril to relax me.
If they tell me I have to take those antibiotics there is no way. I get sick, very sick from medicine. Even just a Z PAK made me very sick in the past. I think this is my fear. That is if I even need meds. I would so appreciate your help right now. Bon

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I'm 78. When I was ten, I heard Psalm 23 and it was so beautiful, I memorized it all.
My brain isn't as good as it was, so I can't recite it all perfectly, but read over it and
see all the beautiful promises in it. About five years ago, I had an insight: It says
"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil
for you are with me..." I looked and looked and I couldn't find the part where it
says everything is going to be o.k., we are going to have fun, it's going to be a
piece of cake, etc. It does say that God will be with us.
Our bodies are amazing things and if we give it some help, it will usually fight off
anything. Clean up your diet. Get exercise every day. Take probiotics and prebiotics.
Do things to help your immune system. Get air filters for most of your rooms.
Get rid of clutter. Meditate for xx minutes every day.
Over 100 times in the Bible it says "Be Not Afraid" in one form or another.
Do you believe?

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The 23rd psalm also says,
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies… meaning our enemies are our fears, the table (food) is love and God. Return to God and love. There are no guarantees in this life. Everyone dies from something!


I know I have mentioned “fear” before…but…I’m really struggling with it still. Waiting to hear from NJH re when appointment will be…..I feel so fearful that I am isolating and I feel vulnerable….Talking to God often…….I see others seeming to cope better than I….they seem so strong….my husband said once I talk to the drs at NJH and actually have info….I will feel much better. ( I have not had discussions with drs about my case yet….I’m in the dark right now. ) Could you all share how you felt when you first found out about having MAC…..and how you manage to smile again? I’m being totally honest with you……..I never smile anymore. It’s very scary to me, the whole thing. Thanks Bon

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I too have MAC and I have 3 bacteria growing in my lungs. I too was overtaken with anxiety and fear. After being seen at NJH they relieved a lot of that anxiety. I still have some anxiety but not crippling like it was in the beginning. I was diagnosed 1 1/2 years ago and I’m on the Big three, Arikayce as well as experimental drugs. Mine is showing no signs of going away. What NJH told me was live your life but be cautious and smart about it. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow. So I pray every morning when I wake up to another day. And I am intentional about my time with my family. If you need to talk please reach out and I’m here. I would love to walk through this journey with you. You’re not alone!


Has anyone tried cbd gummies for lung health? Thanks


Has anyone tried cbd gummies for lung health? Thanks

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I found this 2021 article from Wed MD:
I also found some comments from our Mayo Clinic blog posted back in 2017

I hope this helps shed some light on the subject. My concern is quality control since many are taking advantage of the popularity of CBD. It is so important to buy from a reputable company.

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