Pain in the butt - Can't sit down

Posted by ecalderman @ecalderman, Nov 21, 2012

I have had very intense pain at my sitz bones for over 7 months and am unable to sit down. when I sit, it feels like I am sitting on two hot pokers or rocks and it is really unbearable. So, I have been standing for seven months. I've been to a couple of spine and pain management doctors, an orthopedist, a chiropractor, a neurologist, an acupuncturist, and a massage therapist. The original diagnosis was ischial bursitis but that ha not appeared on any images. I don't have any issues with any of my lumbar disks. I'm in constant pain even when standing or lying down though those activities do not hurt as much as sitting. Has anyone heard of anything like this before?

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I experience what you experience and currently in serious pain in my lower back, hip and buttock on the right. I just had a hip MRI on Thursday last week to see what could be causing this pain. I already know I severe lumbar spinal stenosis but after 3 spinal injections in L4L5 December, January and February, I am still experiencing pain. I wonder if I have something going on with my sacrum, soft tissues, etc. I read about sacroilitis and wonder if I have that. It is so painful and I can’t find any position to sit in that doesn’t hurt. I just walked my dog earlier this morning and now seem to be paying the price for it now. I almost feel like I am getting electrical pain lower back through my hip/buttocks and upper right thigh now. Ugh!

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Yes, we seem to share a lot of symptoms. I have yet to find a doc who will dive deeper into my pain. The pain in my back and buttocks is likely tied to my fall. I will be scheduling an MRI in the next few weeks. I need to have the radiologist look carefully into all possibilities, not just a cursory scan.
Prayers for you on your journey. Don’t give up.


I have this pain in the right butt for three years now. My family thinks it’s a joke. I am on Lyrica for 3 plus years & oxycodone for severe pain. When this first started I thought I sat on a needle & it went in deep. X-ray & CAT scan were negative. PCP did not know what was up. Sent to pain Dr given 3 epidurals. No help.I’m 76 and have had a lot of surgeries related to neurological problem from falls and auto accidents. Pain doc has offered spinal stimulation. Afraid of surgery. I coded during my laminectomy. I know I’ve rambled on but feel like going crazy at times. Did not know this was a problem for so many others. Thanks for allowing me to share & not feel so alone

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Spinal cord stimulators create scar tissue that can make things worse. Think long and hsrd.

Did you go directly from your PCP to a pain dr? Did you not see an ortho or neuro (BOTH!) for a diagnosis first?


I had no idea so many other people dealt with this pain. I'm 72 and have had back pain for well over 20 years. I followed the usual (PT, the shots, the drugs but did not like them and finally a laminectomy) None were the answer. The pain was less but still there. About 5 years ago the butt pain started, your right, couldn't sit anywhere my butt and back of thighs were just in constant terrible pain. I was diagnosed with sciatica and stenosis. Went to every type of doctor possible. One didn't even believe that there was butt pain. They all wanted to put me on the Ferris wheel again of PT (far too painful for someone my age) Cortisone, and finally the heavy-duty drugs! All these options are just a band aide on a bullet hole. For me, these shots would raise blood pressure, blood sugar, and greatly increased my heart rate. Opioids are not only addictive, but can damage your kidneys, liver, and heart. Since I didn't like these options and didn't want the intense pain forever, I did my research and found a gentle exercise program for my type of pain. Within about a week, I noticed a change. 3 months later, am I pain free? No, but I don't have that intense burning pain, I can sit in a chair, I can go to a movie. I lived with a pain level that was a 7-8 level all those years. Now I would say I live at a 2-3 and I'll take that! None of the doctors I saw were Mayo, and that too was probably part of the problem.


I had no idea so many other people dealt with this pain. I'm 72 and have had back pain for well over 20 years. I followed the usual (PT, the shots, the drugs but did not like them and finally a laminectomy) None were the answer. The pain was less but still there. About 5 years ago the butt pain started, your right, couldn't sit anywhere my butt and back of thighs were just in constant terrible pain. I was diagnosed with sciatica and stenosis. Went to every type of doctor possible. One didn't even believe that there was butt pain. They all wanted to put me on the Ferris wheel again of PT (far too painful for someone my age) Cortisone, and finally the heavy-duty drugs! All these options are just a band aide on a bullet hole. For me, these shots would raise blood pressure, blood sugar, and greatly increased my heart rate. Opioids are not only addictive, but can damage your kidneys, liver, and heart. Since I didn't like these options and didn't want the intense pain forever, I did my research and found a gentle exercise program for my type of pain. Within about a week, I noticed a change. 3 months later, am I pain free? No, but I don't have that intense burning pain, I can sit in a chair, I can go to a movie. I lived with a pain level that was a 7-8 level all those years. Now I would say I live at a 2-3 and I'll take that! None of the doctors I saw were Mayo, and that too was probably part of the problem.

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That's great. I would really like to know what kind of gentle exercises you did to get down to a 2-3 (from what previously?). If I could get to that level, I would think that I had died and gone to heaven. I can sit, but it takes every ounce of self control to do it. Riding in a car for more than an hour is almost impossible. I've had butt pain for eight years, but it just ramped up to new heights in the last 4 or 5 months. My pain doc who manges my pain pump is of no help (he's an anesthesiologist by training). I would gladly do any set of exercises if they could bring me a little relief.


That's great. I would really like to know what kind of gentle exercises you did to get down to a 2-3 (from what previously?). If I could get to that level, I would think that I had died and gone to heaven. I can sit, but it takes every ounce of self control to do it. Riding in a car for more than an hour is almost impossible. I've had butt pain for eight years, but it just ramped up to new heights in the last 4 or 5 months. My pain doc who manges my pain pump is of no help (he's an anesthesiologist by training). I would gladly do any set of exercises if they could bring me a little relief.

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I got my hip MRI results yesterday. I have cervical and lumbar spinal stenosis and degenerative disc disease and doctors attributed my hip/butt pain to my lumbar spine. Well, the MRI shows I have bilateral gluteal tendinopathy and bilateral high grade hamstring partial tears! This explains a lot as a source of my pain that worsened last year through present. I have no idea how or when I injured both my hamstrings. Tendinopathy and hamstring muscle tears makes sitting, standing, walking, kneeling, using stairs, squatting, lifting, etc. so very difficult and I may have been injuring my hamstrings over and over again because I did not know the source of the pain and needed to get things done (a single parent of a teenager and no family). I need to talk to the orthopedic doctor/surgeon to find out if surgery is recommended since this seems chronic, is not healing on its own and very painful. This is really reducing my quality of life and I am dealing with other health/pain issues on top of this. I thought you might want to know what I learned from my hip MRI.


I'm really so glad you finally found out the source of your pain. Now. to get it corrected. Hope there is something, anything, that can be done. I will have to make sure that the rdiologist takes a long, hard look at my MRI, focusing on the areas that they did for you. Please keep me updated on your progress. A sincere prayer for success.


I had no idea so many other people dealt with this pain. I'm 72 and have had back pain for well over 20 years. I followed the usual (PT, the shots, the drugs but did not like them and finally a laminectomy) None were the answer. The pain was less but still there. About 5 years ago the butt pain started, your right, couldn't sit anywhere my butt and back of thighs were just in constant terrible pain. I was diagnosed with sciatica and stenosis. Went to every type of doctor possible. One didn't even believe that there was butt pain. They all wanted to put me on the Ferris wheel again of PT (far too painful for someone my age) Cortisone, and finally the heavy-duty drugs! All these options are just a band aide on a bullet hole. For me, these shots would raise blood pressure, blood sugar, and greatly increased my heart rate. Opioids are not only addictive, but can damage your kidneys, liver, and heart. Since I didn't like these options and didn't want the intense pain forever, I did my research and found a gentle exercise program for my type of pain. Within about a week, I noticed a change. 3 months later, am I pain free? No, but I don't have that intense burning pain, I can sit in a chair, I can go to a movie. I lived with a pain level that was a 7-8 level all those years. Now I would say I live at a 2-3 and I'll take that! None of the doctors I saw were Mayo, and that too was probably part of the problem.

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Can you send me copies of exercise. I’m only 61 all the same drugs pills shots implant


As Istarted to read your post, I thought is there a polite way to ask how limber and strong your body is because if the muscle in the body whether of core, quads, and a long list of them that help keep our body both flexible and strong also keeps it in the optimal form -- help it stay largely free of aches and pain in most cases, Not All. I can attest to this truth from my own story when more than two decades ago (I'm 80 now) I felt slight pain in my right foot and left knee, I freaked out bc I'd not be able to work in my field that requires lots of walking in uneven construction sites, often with a load of drawings. So I read up all issues of Arthritis magazine in a library and made sure I am Stretching and Strengthening every muscle. Today I have some new slight pain (PN on right foot) and I am hoping a few burpees a day might be the way out of it including balancing on a balancing ball. No, I know to listen well to know my limits. I can walk up all 13 floors in my bldg huffing and puffing after sixth floor with pulse rate more than Twice my normal at about 60. I also want to say I never had to take any meds, avoided colonoscopy, rarely see my doc (last one over 7 years, (healthcare is Free in my country) all to underscore that simple steps to keep a healthy life style pays big dividends in Most cases, not All. I'd suggest Times Well section is one good source; just stay out of those who claim they alone have the magic way.

Good For You...and spread the word! Indeed Invent Your Exercises, it makes you feel good!


Absolutely, check your mail

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I would also like to get a copy of those exercises.
Thans a bunch

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