Pain in the butt - Can't sit down

Posted by ecalderman @ecalderman, Nov 21, 2012

I have had very intense pain at my sitz bones for over 7 months and am unable to sit down. when I sit, it feels like I am sitting on two hot pokers or rocks and it is really unbearable. So, I have been standing for seven months. I've been to a couple of spine and pain management doctors, an orthopedist, a chiropractor, a neurologist, an acupuncturist, and a massage therapist. The original diagnosis was ischial bursitis but that ha not appeared on any images. I don't have any issues with any of my lumbar disks. I'm in constant pain even when standing or lying down though those activities do not hurt as much as sitting. Has anyone heard of anything like this before?

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Could it be your sacrum? I had pain misiagnosed as sciatica and a lumbar MRI which did not show anything. After an MRI of the pelvis and sacrum, they found a chordoma. I just finished 7 weeks of proton radiation and can finally sit for awhile without pain. Although I still use a cushion and a lumbar pillow.


I have to carry a gel cushion to set on anywhere I go. Can’t sleep in bed it hurts to bad to put pressure on the back and can’t sleep on my side because of sciatic nerves irritating my hips! I have spinal stenosis, I was already fused in 2002 at L3-L4. Even the nurse was shocked when I told her the Neurosurgeon never got me out of he wheelchair the last 4 visits to even look at my back . You could literally rub the fused area and pain goes straight to the testicle. My inner thigh(saddle nerves)was numb now tender and burning I asked about the Cauda Equina nerve after reading on her it’s considered an emergency once again without touching me he said NO you do not have that! 13 months since the surgery I’m no longer able to walk 20’ without pain. Before the surgery I would about fall when raising back up every time I bent over! 52 and now disabled, was told at the last visit I’m sorry it didn’t help but everything is healed and he recommends no more surgeries, I can go play football (I think he forgot to say arcade football ) . I’ve seen 3 other surgeons all they do is say it’s good using the same Mri he looked at . I’m trying to get a new MRI since the pain has got worse since the last one.

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I just spoke to the pain Doc that’s doing the stimulator insurance won’t approve another MRI luckily I had the Psych televisit last Friday so it could be anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months to get the pain stimulator


@sbtheplumber1 Be sure to read the comment by @pruitt under the Bones and Joints section today. I am going to bring this up with my doctor for sure.


I just spoke to the pain Doc that’s doing the stimulator insurance won’t approve another MRI luckily I had the Psych televisit last Friday so it could be anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months to get the pain stimulator

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I just was dx with SI joint pain. For me using a back brace makes walking tolerable. Sitting in my recliner or lying in bed are painful. Pain Management injection tomorrow for left SI. Am unable to take pain meds due to allergic reactions. Am on Low Dose Naltrexone slowly working my way to 4.5 mg. Read it can take 9 - 12 months for full effect. Use lidoderm pain patches and lidocaine prilocaine cream. I go to Core Physical Therapy where hands on Osteopathic treatment helps a great deal.


I just was dx with SI joint pain. For me using a back brace makes walking tolerable. Sitting in my recliner or lying in bed are painful. Pain Management injection tomorrow for left SI. Am unable to take pain meds due to allergic reactions. Am on Low Dose Naltrexone slowly working my way to 4.5 mg. Read it can take 9 - 12 months for full effect. Use lidoderm pain patches and lidocaine prilocaine cream. I go to Core Physical Therapy where hands on Osteopathic treatment helps a great deal.

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@barbbielor I tried an epidural 3 months after my surgery with no luck. I’m on low doses of cymbalta, hydrocodone, and gabapentin, having narcolepsy I can’t stay awake taking anything stronger I’m already struggling to stay awake on the lowest doses. I can’t lay in bed because of the tailbone and hip pain. I use a gel cushion in my recliner I’m able to get by with it. I don’t go anywhere without the cushion to set on and don’t go in a store unless there’s a scooter ( that has four rounds wheels) I occasionally use pain patches! I’ve been going thru pelvic therapy my muscles are so tight I can’t relax (and they always have been even when I took muscle relaxers) . I also go to the therapy pool 2x a week and walk ( which I had to stop for a couple weeks the pressure of the water hurt, I have to put a pool noodle under my arms to walk because I was having the burning and stabbing pains in the water and about fell several times) . I know a lot of people deal with the nerve pains at one time mine was so bad setting in church I had to start setting in the foyer on concrete because when they play the bass it was triggering the nerves on the wood floor. My daily exercise I try walking the yard with a cane and grabbers picking up sticks so my son won’t mow over them. I was told not to use a back brace but do from time to time when it’s really bad


I just was dx with SI joint pain. For me using a back brace makes walking tolerable. Sitting in my recliner or lying in bed are painful. Pain Management injection tomorrow for left SI. Am unable to take pain meds due to allergic reactions. Am on Low Dose Naltrexone slowly working my way to 4.5 mg. Read it can take 9 - 12 months for full effect. Use lidoderm pain patches and lidocaine prilocaine cream. I go to Core Physical Therapy where hands on Osteopathic treatment helps a great deal.

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Recliners are horrid for my hip pain/sciatica (Piriformis syndrome). My bed is a traditional spring bed with a 3", 3lb density topper. I have found the PT therapy that I took for almost a year gave me some great tools to keep that piriformis muscle loose and hamstring work has made a difference. I used to get a shot for bursitis regularly, but find the stretches, ice/heat and topical lidocaine, CBD ointment work fine. Some like Voltaren cream. Put it on the main sore place, perhaps with a moist microwaveable heat pad.


I have to carry a gel cushion to set on anywhere I go. Can’t sleep in bed it hurts to bad to put pressure on the back and can’t sleep on my side because of sciatic nerves irritating my hips! I have spinal stenosis, I was already fused in 2002 at L3-L4. Even the nurse was shocked when I told her the Neurosurgeon never got me out of he wheelchair the last 4 visits to even look at my back . You could literally rub the fused area and pain goes straight to the testicle. My inner thigh(saddle nerves)was numb now tender and burning I asked about the Cauda Equina nerve after reading on her it’s considered an emergency once again without touching me he said NO you do not have that! 13 months since the surgery I’m no longer able to walk 20’ without pain. Before the surgery I would about fall when raising back up every time I bent over! 52 and now disabled, was told at the last visit I’m sorry it didn’t help but everything is healed and he recommends no more surgeries, I can go play football (I think he forgot to say arcade football ) . I’ve seen 3 other surgeons all they do is say it’s good using the same Mri he looked at . I’m trying to get a new MRI since the pain has got worse since the last one.

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Damn Plumber that's too much to be going through at age 52. Have you seen a pain specialist, or consulted with another orthopod on your spine?

I wish I could help more. My lumbar spine is shot and held together by a strong core and daily exercise. That's a catch 22 though if exercise is painful. Maybe a PT?

I truly hope you find some relief. Joe


Damn Plumber that's too much to be going through at age 52. Have you seen a pain specialist, or consulted with another orthopod on your spine?

I wish I could help more. My lumbar spine is shot and held together by a strong core and daily exercise. That's a catch 22 though if exercise is painful. Maybe a PT?

I truly hope you find some relief. Joe

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Joe I see a pain specialist but can’t take higher doses of the meds because with narcolepsy meds I struggle staying awake and being on low doses of gabapentin, cymbalta, and hydrocodone plus all the other meds I can be ready for a nap within 30 minutes of getting up and have to nap a couple hours afternoon or evening. I tried physical therapy but it got stopped because back would swell and be painful then tried water therapy but back would swell so it was stopped, I go on my own on a maintence program and just walk in the water, had to stop for a couple weeks the pressure of the water was painful. I’m also going to a pelvic therapist who also gives me exercises that just feel like the leg nerves are tareing then the testicle pain starts. I went to 3 additional neurosurgeons but all they say infusion is all healed and won’t look into additional problems. I’m waiting to be scheduled for a pain stimulator to mark over what should be fixed. So have something shocking me all day instead of fixing it.


Oh man I'm so sorry Plumber. I wish I could suggest something but you've been through it all.

I agree about the pain meds and gabapentin. I end up felling messed up and sleepy. I had both knees replaced in 2022 and just used the diluted nerve block they gave me for three days, then Celebrex for a week and Tylenol. But nothing at all like what you are going through.

This is what scares me about lumbar fusion, or any spinal fusion. It's a last resort. For joint replacements most stories are good. I had three laminotomies on S1, L5, and L4 and all good.

I do wish you the best friend. Stay strong. Joe


Me, too! Gentle exercises worth a look!

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