Pain in the butt - Can't sit down

Posted by ecalderman @ecalderman, Nov 21, 2012

I have had very intense pain at my sitz bones for over 7 months and am unable to sit down. when I sit, it feels like I am sitting on two hot pokers or rocks and it is really unbearable. So, I have been standing for seven months. I've been to a couple of spine and pain management doctors, an orthopedist, a chiropractor, a neurologist, an acupuncturist, and a massage therapist. The original diagnosis was ischial bursitis but that ha not appeared on any images. I don't have any issues with any of my lumbar disks. I'm in constant pain even when standing or lying down though those activities do not hurt as much as sitting. Has anyone heard of anything like this before?

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I too have seen every kind of specialist & had so many tests it is hard to try one more time. Then while in the hospital for a different reason, a Dr's assistant came by for the unrelated reason I was there & noticed I couldn't sit in the bed. I even tried sitting with a pillow tilting me at an angle. He found out that my tailbone had been jammed from a blunt trauma, had damaged the bones & tip, damaging the nerves. The suggestion was remove the tailbone. The problem is finding a surgeon that agrees & will do it. Haven't found one. So after 23+ yrs, I still have the pain. The Dr's assistant worked for the hospital & not a Dr I could make an appt with. So close. At least I know what it is though. I hope you can find a surgeon that has the knowledge to know what to look for & do something about it. I thought an orthopedic surgeon would be the right kind. The one I saw that actually agreed, moved to another state. His replacement, doesn't address tailbones. It's a bone isn't it? Frustrated. I hope the best for you quickly.


I read with great interest all who admitted to pelvis type discomfort and pain. The book mentioned 'A headache in the pelvis' is a good read and available via the pubic library. There is a good Ted Talk on Utube by a pelvic floor physiotherapist. As a retired R.N. I was very skeptical that a physiotherapist could help me. I have seen gynecology, neurology, and urology all to no avail. The first pelvic therapist I went to actually did me more harm than good as she was certain that my pelvic floor needed to be tightened up with exercises. Wrong! I have come to understand that my pelvic floor needs to relax, and my new highly recommended physio has helped me. I am cautiously optimistic. There are some helpful pelvic exercises on Utube as well. Although I am far from being 'all better' I see small glimmers of hope from day to day. Essentric type exercises have helped too and I want to offer encouragement to all suffering with this quality of life issue. Don't give up, keep trying.

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I saw a pelvic floor specialist too and each time I went to therapy I would be in worse pain than when I arrived. I will look into a physiotherapist and see if they can help. Thank you for your recommendation I really appreciate it. Not giving up just very frustrating chronic pain has definitely debilitated my ability to do anything. Thank again.


I have similar issue but it is more evident when sitting in a soft cushion chair. This plays havoc with my sciatic nerve. I have been sitting on hard chairs which seems to be counterintuitive but it allows me to sit for much liner periods of time. Your other option is get a cushion which is attached to a battery pack which inflates and deflates periodically. This has been a life saver. The one that I have is made by Best Seat but I believe they are out of business. Google "Alternating Pressure Air Cushions" and you'll find a selection of styles.


I hope it works for me I have no life and no friends left. I stand every one up because I can’t make it to my appointment. At the end of my rope.

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Yes. Friends will be there until they give up…but family and true friends will be there IF YOU REACH OUT. I can definitely relate. It’s been 6 years of pain, lymphoma, spine surgery’s. I need to feel independent and I hate asking for help but that is exactly what keeps people away


Yes. Friends will be there until they give up…but family and true friends will be there IF YOU REACH OUT. I can definitely relate. It’s been 6 years of pain, lymphoma, spine surgery’s. I need to feel independent and I hate asking for help but that is exactly what keeps people away

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Wendy has your spine surgery helped you? I have spinal stenosis nd I’m scared to have surgery on my spines I have a pinched nerve in my lumbar too


This happened to me a couple of years ago, and my tailbone was out of place. I saw a physical therapist that adjusted my tailbone, and the pain went away! The pain was excruciating to the point that it was hard to stand or sit. Luckily, I was referred to this physical therapist. I live in Albuquerque New Mexico. Where this physical therapist is. I hope this helps you and that you find answers to while you have your pain. Just a thought. I’m not sure if the same things happening to you that happened to me. I believe mine happened after a colonoscopy that I had. Because the pain was so severe after the colonoscopy. I think they bent my coccyx. Take care.


I know it sounds crazy. What I put about adjusting the tail bone. I had CT scan with and without contrast, they could not see it in the image. I know that you’ve done a lot. It took I think a couple of times for my tailbone to stay in the right spot. I hope that this helps you. it was actually adjusted internally. Not the most comfortable or fun things to have done. But when you’re in a lot of pain, you’re probably willing to do anything for that pain to go away. I hope your pain goes away.


Wendy has your spine surgery helped you? I have spinal stenosis nd I’m scared to have surgery on my spines I have a pinched nerve in my lumbar too

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I've been going through a lot of surgeries because of butt problems that started with both ass cheeks being abscessed with strep B Ecoli and Mirsa and it went from there. I've been through rehabs and a lot of diseases and infections. My thoughts are you should see a colon and rectal surgeon. They save people's lives who have butt problems. Colon & Rectal clinics are a huge help with butt problems.

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I'm having the colorectal outpatient surgery next week for no healing anal fissures. I'm nervous about possibility of incontinence.


I read with great interest all who admitted to pelvis type discomfort and pain. The book mentioned 'A headache in the pelvis' is a good read and available via the pubic library. There is a good Ted Talk on Utube by a pelvic floor physiotherapist. As a retired R.N. I was very skeptical that a physiotherapist could help me. I have seen gynecology, neurology, and urology all to no avail. The first pelvic therapist I went to actually did me more harm than good as she was certain that my pelvic floor needed to be tightened up with exercises. Wrong! I have come to understand that my pelvic floor needs to relax, and my new highly recommended physio has helped me. I am cautiously optimistic. There are some helpful pelvic exercises on Utube as well. Although I am far from being 'all better' I see small glimmers of hope from day to day. Essentric type exercises have helped too and I want to offer encouragement to all suffering with this quality of life issue. Don't give up, keep trying.

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Same issues to the point of no entry intercourse and anal fissures that won't heal due to spasms and tight pelvic floor muscles.

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