Oral lichen Planus: What home remedies or medications help you?

Posted by lovebug61 @lovebug61, Apr 4, 2019

Anyone in the group suffer from Oral Lichen Planus. I am at my wits end with all these erosive sores in my mouth. I've had two biopsies , one in the inside cheek and one under the side of my tongue. The spot under the tongue is extremely sore to touch and has been for over a year. It scares me because the soreness never goes away, sometimes it isn't as sore but nothing helps. Any home remedies for this dreadful condition?

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Was diagnosed about 20 years ago and for years I could avoid flare-ups by eliminating mint, cinnamon and peppery sauces and changing toothpaste to a children’s brand without mint. Only needed the prescription chlobestol (sp) rarely.
But this flare-up is very stubborn as the burning sensation rarely subsides. On my own I just thought of swishing aloe vera (in distilled drink form) and spitting it out but will find aloe in gel form and try the same.
Meanwhile, even the children’s toothpaste is uncomfortable and I am looking, looking, looking for a mint-free, citrus-free toothpaste. Does it even exist? What are the alternatives? Thanks!

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You may want to try rinsing your mouth out a few times a day with salt water. It’s been used for years for helping out with many situations. Can’t hurt to ask your doctor what they think.My very best wishes to you!!! I hope you find the right cure that works for you!!!


Was diagnosed about 20 years ago and for years I could avoid flare-ups by eliminating mint, cinnamon and peppery sauces and changing toothpaste to a children’s brand without mint. Only needed the prescription chlobestol (sp) rarely.
But this flare-up is very stubborn as the burning sensation rarely subsides. On my own I just thought of swishing aloe vera (in distilled drink form) and spitting it out but will find aloe in gel form and try the same.
Meanwhile, even the children’s toothpaste is uncomfortable and I am looking, looking, looking for a mint-free, citrus-free toothpaste. Does it even exist? What are the alternatives? Thanks!

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@gracie3 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! We're glad you found your way here. Seems like your self-treatment works. And this is your first bad flare-up? What made you think of using aloe vera?
May I ask how you found Mayo Connect?


@gracie3 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! We're glad you found your way here. Seems like your self-treatment works. And this is your first bad flare-up? What made you think of using aloe vera?
May I ask how you found Mayo Connect?

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Thanks for the welcome!

This flare-up is certainly not as bad as it could be but the burning sensation has been persistent for several weeks now and has not immediately responded to clobetasol. Previously, I never needed more than a bedtime application for 2-3 days and am very leery of over usage.
Not sure exactly what made me think of aloe vera but possibly that it is a soothing topical treatment for sunburn. I had a distilled version on hand so I tried swishing and spitting several times before bed and it seemed to help a little. So I started trying to find out if anyone else had tried aloe vera and did find an NIH link which may not be shared on this forum.

There are several other sites that mention using the GEL form the same way (swish and spit) so I will proceed.

Has anyone had luck finding toothpaste, possibly with aloe, that does not also contain triggers like mint, citrus or cinnamon?

Thanks again for this group and its support.


Thanks for the welcome!

This flare-up is certainly not as bad as it could be but the burning sensation has been persistent for several weeks now and has not immediately responded to clobetasol. Previously, I never needed more than a bedtime application for 2-3 days and am very leery of over usage.
Not sure exactly what made me think of aloe vera but possibly that it is a soothing topical treatment for sunburn. I had a distilled version on hand so I tried swishing and spitting several times before bed and it seemed to help a little. So I started trying to find out if anyone else had tried aloe vera and did find an NIH link which may not be shared on this forum.

There are several other sites that mention using the GEL form the same way (swish and spit) so I will proceed.

Has anyone had luck finding toothpaste, possibly with aloe, that does not also contain triggers like mint, citrus or cinnamon?

Thanks again for this group and its support.

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Replying to myself to answer that I found this group by looking online for an OLP support group.


Was diagnosed about 20 years ago and for years I could avoid flare-ups by eliminating mint, cinnamon and peppery sauces and changing toothpaste to a children’s brand without mint. Only needed the prescription chlobestol (sp) rarely.
But this flare-up is very stubborn as the burning sensation rarely subsides. On my own I just thought of swishing aloe vera (in distilled drink form) and spitting it out but will find aloe in gel form and try the same.
Meanwhile, even the children’s toothpaste is uncomfortable and I am looking, looking, looking for a mint-free, citrus-free toothpaste. Does it even exist? What are the alternatives? Thanks!

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You could try Dr. Bob Unflavored Toothpaste. I found that a few years ago on Amazon, and it has worked well for me.


You could try Dr. Bob Unflavored Toothpaste. I found that a few years ago on Amazon, and it has worked well for me.

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@gkdos Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! We’re so glad you found the site and contributed a helpful tip! Do you also have OLP?
And can I ask, how did you find Connect?


@gkdos Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! We’re so glad you found the site and contributed a helpful tip! Do you also have OLP?
And can I ask, how did you find Connect?

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Despite a whole drawer-full of toothpastes, I haven’t tried that one. Will give it a go, thanks!


@gkdos Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! We’re so glad you found the site and contributed a helpful tip! Do you also have OLP?
And can I ask, how did you find Connect?

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Thanks! Yes, I have had OLP on my tongue for almost three years now. I have been digging everywhere to find help managing this, and happened to come across this resource.


Was diagnosed about 20 years ago and for years I could avoid flare-ups by eliminating mint, cinnamon and peppery sauces and changing toothpaste to a children’s brand without mint. Only needed the prescription chlobestol (sp) rarely.
But this flare-up is very stubborn as the burning sensation rarely subsides. On my own I just thought of swishing aloe vera (in distilled drink form) and spitting it out but will find aloe in gel form and try the same.
Meanwhile, even the children’s toothpaste is uncomfortable and I am looking, looking, looking for a mint-free, citrus-free toothpaste. Does it even exist? What are the alternatives? Thanks!

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Boka has a Coco Ginger toothpaste that may fit your requirements.


Was diagnosed about 20 years ago and for years I could avoid flare-ups by eliminating mint, cinnamon and peppery sauces and changing toothpaste to a children’s brand without mint. Only needed the prescription chlobestol (sp) rarely.
But this flare-up is very stubborn as the burning sensation rarely subsides. On my own I just thought of swishing aloe vera (in distilled drink form) and spitting it out but will find aloe in gel form and try the same.
Meanwhile, even the children’s toothpaste is uncomfortable and I am looking, looking, looking for a mint-free, citrus-free toothpaste. Does it even exist? What are the alternatives? Thanks!

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I've been using a toothpaste called Cleure--absolutely no flavor--and also using a super-soft toothbrush designed for post-oral surgery, the TEPE Special Care Soft-Bristle Toothbrush, which is like brushing your teeth with a cloud! I get the toothbrush replaced every month. Good luck!

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