No sleep or sleep meds

Posted by cherawgirl @cherawgirl, Sep 15, 2023

I have been unable to sleep since stopping Ambien (5 months ago) and Ativan(2 months ago). I have not slept for over 2 hours a night. I understand I supposedly have rebound insomnia, however I have had a sleep problem since I was very young. I have researched this question on the web but only found answers that sleep aids ARE BAD!

My question is: What is worse? No sleep or sleep using sleep meds?

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People with sleep issues may need to consider trying ashwagandha and time-released melatonin 30 minutes before bedtime. I have had insomnia for years and this seems to help. There is some research on this which seems to be positive for many people.


I have fragmented sleep from narcolepsy and they keep giving mr psych meds for sedating side effects. My mind is going to hell. Its so messed up. I started looking up the side effects. Holy crap! How or why they would prescribed this garbage instead of actual sleep meds Idk. But I'm sure this is why my heads so messed up I can't function. I wish I knew wjo to sue over this. The reason they fo it to stay away from controlled meds no matter how screwed up your brain ends up. I'm sick of this! If I want to take something actually made for sleep and know the risks that should be my decision not the governments. Drs are intimidated by the cdc not to prescribe controlled meds. I'm about ready to look into a major lawsuit for them pushing dangerous psych drugs insyead of what works with few side effects. They can sue over opiates which has now left patients suffering, why cant we sue over them recommending pushing psych drugs?

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I feel the exact same way about these stupid psych medication from big Pharma. I don’t know who to sue over it either hundred percent on board with everything you said above the psych meds screw with your brain. I don’t care if you take it for sleep or whatever I called it a chemical lobotomy because it seems to make you awful stupid and dysfunctional, so I’m gonna quest to get off all these big Pharma things and go back to the natural way of living herbs and things that come from the earth sound silly. I know look up life extension foundation they’re a nonprofit foundation I’ve been following since the late 80s and it’s awesome, they sued the FDA numerous times in one numerous numerous times they’re like nonprofit almost they put all their profits back into research to make the meds better was not meds scratch that herbal supplements Anyway and they’re updating their own supplements every year really highly recommended, sorry for my problem I’m so manic and bouncing on the walls from going out suddenly because of the catch2 situation where I can’t get the medicine My insurance


Oh, by the way, my research indicated that the psych meds that I was on you know you think the only affect the d2 dopamine receptor side in the brain that stops the over excitability I guess but they don’t tell you that it leads to Parkinson and when you stop taking it it screws with all your neural chemistry in your brain and even your gut a lot of your neurotransmitters like serotonin your guts you have nausea, vomiting, coughing, sneezing from the histamine and serotonin your gut being out of whack I go on and on but yeah these medicines should not be given to anybody on the planet, ever under any circumstances never antipsychotics ever ever ever


People with sleep issues may need to consider trying ashwagandha and time-released melatonin 30 minutes before bedtime. I have had insomnia for years and this seems to help. There is some research on this which seems to be positive for many people.

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Drug Company Pleads Guilty to Health Fraud
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This rabbit hole goes deep I could post stuff all day and not even scratch service of what you can do naturally, and or the deep level of the FDA corruption, they have been convicted over and over and over again over the last 20yrs and big Pharma controlling the government with their big billion dollar lobbyist, and the doctors themselves are on the take of the pharmaceutical industry, even my own doctors

…. It’s time for the American people to say enough is enough!


You should do some research on drugs available to treat insomnia. Both controlled actual sleep meds and those not but can be prescribed for sleep. Get some idea of what you think is best for you. Print them out and take them to your Dr to discuss them. You have every right to help make informed decisions about what medication you take. I used to all the time until I got sick of buying printers that quit working. I'm going to start again because I'm sick of taking stuff that makes things work. It's easier to explain if you have the information on paper with you.


i don’t like Ambien like medication‘s. They cause all kinds of problems, but there are I’m not a doctor, but there are some medication’s. That probably would help because you do need sleep FOR your body to be able to recover.

with warm regards
And love from Christ Jesus, I pray for your help.
Love, Tom

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I was prescribed a small dosage of seroquel and sertraline that helped to get me back on schedule. After 4 months I got on 2.5 mg of Ambien. I also take magnesium. I just stopped Ambien after a year and using 2.5 mg of melatonin with 20 mg of amitriptyline for esophageal spasms at night.


Maybe just try taking an over the counter sleep medication like Unisom or Walmart brand Sleep Aid which has the exact same ingredient as Benadryl.....Unisom is stronger than Benadryl though....Worth a try

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Sleep Aid helps me sleep, sometimes I use it when desperate (in addition to 10 mg melatonin and "natural" remedies like passion fruit, valerian) but then often feel drugged the whole day. And I take only half a tablet. The couple of times I took a whole tablet I could hardly function, felt like a zombie.
I refuse to go back to heavy sleeping pills. I was on them for decades till my wife read about the side effects (long-term) of the tablets I was taking. So I stopped and try milder stuff. My sleep is not great - I often wake up several times a night - usually end up with 6-7 hours total. But interestingly, since I stopped the sleeping tablets I have started to dream again (first time in decades!), which my MD says is great. I feel that the sleeping tablets turned off part of my brain, which is now coming back to life.
Also, I've learned that how I spend my days and evenings impacts my sleep (duh). If I exercise during the day (not late), spend some time meditating (I use a marvelous app called Headspace), stop eating early (7 pm), avoid stressful events (not always easy), stay away from screens in the evening, go to bed early (10-10.30) -- I usually have a better, calmer night. But sometimes things are out of my control - like now, when we're in the middle of a war, and it's hard to not be affected by the news. Last night was particularly brutal. Tonight will be better.

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