Neurologist appointment

Posted by 0616 @0616, Jul 16, 2023

How do I prepare for a first appointment with a neurologist?

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I agree with jaxpiolot..... a good nite sleep and just relax. My husband has been seeing a neurologist for 2 years now for his dementia, and the first appt for was pretty painless...for both of us 🙂 I just took my list of questions and was satisfied with the answers, of what i could understand, and was delighted ( for a lack of a better word) that she wanted to see us again and to start running some tests.
Oh, and saying a little prayer the night before wouldn't hurt
Good luck and hope things go well
Hugs and Prayers
God Bless


Thanks so much for your kind words. This an experience that no one is ready for. It’s very sad to to see our love ones go down the path of dementia.


@0616 Hello. I’m not sure if your upcoming appointment is for a spouse or parent, but the suggestions are meant for any doctor appointment.Don’t be afraid of an upcoming appointment, just be prepared. Write down your questions so you wont forget them, and list the concerns about behavior that you have.
This link will take you to a discussion about preparing for a doctor/specialist appointment. I’m sure you will find good information.
When is the appointment?


Hi 0616,
Our first appointment is next week. I was told the evaluation could last from one hour to a few days! I don't know how to plan transportation around that. If I may ask, what was your experience like?


Hi 0616,
Our first appointment is next week. I was told the evaluation could last from one hour to a few days! I don't know how to plan transportation around that. If I may ask, what was your experience like?

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@gail60 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! I would suggest that you call the doctor’s office where the testing will be done. Surely they will know how long the testing takes! And explain that transportation is an issue so you really need to know! Best of luck to you !


Hi 0616,
Our first appointment is next week. I was told the evaluation could last from one hour to a few days! I don't know how to plan transportation around that. If I may ask, what was your experience like?

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@gail60, how did the evaluation appointment go? How long was it? How are you doing?


@gail60, how did the evaluation appointment go? How long was it? How are you doing?

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It went very well. Dr Graff-Radford was very kind, despite the fact there was nothing they could do for my husband. We were home with in 24 hours. The appointment lasted about 90 minutes. We have follow up appointments with social work and counseling/education. Hopefully more support will be found there. There is a great lack of expertise and understanding for Early Onset Alzheimer’s in my area. I t makes caregiving even more frustrating and isolating. Thank you for asking.


With your comment about lack of expertise, that's why this support group is so valuable. Lots of "experts" available to respond to your questions & concerns. When my cousin first started, I would try reasoning with her then I learned, just to accept, change the subject, agree and move on. No easy answers, but this group has lots of valuable wishes


With your comment about lack of expertise, that's why this support group is so valuable. Lots of "experts" available to respond to your questions & concerns. When my cousin first started, I would try reasoning with her then I learned, just to accept, change the subject, agree and move on. No easy answers, but this group has lots of valuable wishes

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Does your cousin have Early Onset Alzheimer's, that is, diagnosed under age 65? With the way it is named, it is often confused with Early Stage Alzheimer's or MCI.
My husband was diagnosed at age 59 and is now in the severe stages cognitively but physically completely healthy. He tested normally for balance, gait, strength and reflexes. Bloodwork was normal too.
I wish there was a thread specific to Early Onset Alzheimer's Caregivers.

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