Naps: Good? Bad? Does napping work for you?

Posted by JB @wgatap21, Jan 7, 2020

I have been on some meds for General anxiety/depression for quite a while now. I get up every morning with a usual routine...I actually feel most of the time now, but after chores(retired) and doing a couple of things, if I'm bored(but feel ok) I lay down for a nap-sometimes too long maybe(1.5-2 hrs). I never seem to feel refreshed(like the commercials) until I get going. Read about naps, good and bad! Sleep fine at night 6-7 hrs. Dream all the time(never nightmares!). Can't figure out why the blah feeling after a good nap??? Avoid naps???

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Sounds like your primary care provider needs to focus on his patient. I have a 72 year old prostate, and take prescription medication to stem the problems that cause nocturnal interruptions. Sleep apnea ever been tested? If not, it should be. Any anti anxiety meds on board? Worth the discussion. I’m not charging for this consult, but it appears your doctor may be overpaid. He works for you, and you need to get his attention or find a doctor who isn’t content to put you on the bottom of his priorities.

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@elwooodsdad I can see where my post can be misinterpreted, and I appreciate your input but it actually does not apply. My PCP, although I do have some issues with him, knows me well and knows that I am very active, go to my health club about 6 days a week and am very busy. I believe his comment was simply since he knows I do a lot, and also that my sleep is not great, and he was actually trying to be encouraging that I shouldn't worry about it. He has been through a lot with me and we have a very good rapport and communication. Despite that, I am considering changing due to a couple of other issues, but the rapport makes that difficult. I don't know that I will get that with a new doctor, whereas it's something that I have had with this doctor since my first visit. Other doctors in the area think he's excellent and I know a number of my doctors are his patients.
I definitely do not have sleep apnea. My disruptions are due to an incontinence issue. I have tried some prescription medications but when I read that the one I was using, Tropsium, can be related to causing Alzheimer's I chose to get off of it. That issue is managed by a urogynecologist. I have done pelvic floor PT, and also had botox, which definitely did help and I am overdue to have that again.
Occasionally I can't get to sleep when something is on my mind and making me anxious. I have an Rx for lorazepam for that, he prescribes up to 10 .5 mg pills a month which is more than I ever use. I never need to have it filled more than every other month.

REPLY's a complicated issue...but not life-threatening...


Naps should be short like 40 min to refresh . I wouldn’t worry about it . You are here for cancer support so I’m sure you need the rest . You could set alarm


Naps ok during the day if only for 1/2 hr...longer naps not good for you during the day...try to exercise after lunch even short walk will help.


I use a C-app machine. But I wouldn’t give up my 20 minute nap for anything! It’s very refreshing . My cat usually naps with me right after lunch.


A home remedy for deep REM sleep is: Chop up 3 slightly aged bananas about 2 inches apart. discard the hard ends. Using a large sauce pot, boil the contents, skin and all. for 20 minutes. Strain the mixture with the fluid going into a large pitcher. Use only 1 cup before sleep. It is an acquired taste, so use a few drops from a small bottle of lemon from extract for taste. Give it a few days to see how you feel the next day. My mixture lasts 5-7 days refrigerated.(cold or heat for comfort.)


A home remedy for deep REM sleep is: Chop up 3 slightly aged bananas about 2 inches apart. discard the hard ends. Using a large sauce pot, boil the contents, skin and all. for 20 minutes. Strain the mixture with the fluid going into a large pitcher. Use only 1 cup before sleep. It is an acquired taste, so use a few drops from a small bottle of lemon from extract for taste. Give it a few days to see how you feel the next day. My mixture lasts 5-7 days refrigerated.(cold or heat for comfort.)

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Now that is a remedy! The brain is an amazing part of our anatomy that operates our lives and all are different!! God bless. Thx


A 15- to 30-minute nap, daily if possible, re-energizes my brain. I get into rem sleep and only for a 1t- to 20-minute nap. I recommend it. Need quiet, uninterrupted conditions.


I fully agree and, in fact, usuall;y manage two of those naps each and every day.

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